2016 Audio Division Published Documents

December 20, 2016
   Joule Broadcasting, LLC, for renewal of license for WJXY (FM), Conway, DC, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 16-1403, released December 20, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  $10,000 NALF issued for failure to retain required issues and programs lists in the public inspection file.

December 20, 2016
   Joule Broadcasting, LLC, for renewal of license for WXJY (FM), Georgetown, DC, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 16-1403, released December 20, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  $10,000 NALF issued for failure to retain required issues and programs lists in the public inspection file.

December 15, 2016
   Little Rock Hispanic Education Family Fundation, and 35 other applications for new LPFM stations in various locations, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-176, released December 15, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Denied the application for review filed by REC Networks.

December 15, 2016
   Urbanmedia One, application for a low power FM (LPFM) construction permit at Chicago, IL, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-175, released December 15, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Denied the application for review filed by Sound of Hope Radio of the grant of the permit to Urbanmedia One.

December 15, 2016
   Immaculate Conception Apostolic Schools, re applications for construction permit and a covering license for noncommercial educational FM station DKJPT(FM), Colfax, CA, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-174, released December 15, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Denied ICAS' application for review of the March 9, 2016 dismissal of its petition for reconsideration by the Media Bureau.

December 14, 2016
   Pacifica Foundation, Inc., re renewal of license for WBAI (FM), New York, NY, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-168, released December 14, 2016.   [ PDF | Word ].  Commission denied the application for review of Daniel Miller.

November 18, 2016
   KSHS-LP, Redlands, CA, Letter, DA 16-1319, released November 28, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Petition for reconsideration of the grant of the license to KSHS-LP was dismissed.

November 4, 2016
   Pinebrook Corporation, re renewal of license for WINW (AM), Canton, OH, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 16-1248, released November 4, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  $13,000 NALF for not timely filing the renewal of license application and unauthorized operation.

November 4, 2016
   Tony and Robin Howell Family Trust, re renewal of license for KHON (AM), Spanish Fork, UT, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 16-1256, released November 4, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  $1,500 NALF for not timely filing the renewal of license application.

October 27, 2016
   Harvest Broadcasting; Harvest Broadcasting Association; Family Broadcasting and Media, Inc.; Granite State Educational Foundation, Inc.; The Love Radio Church, Inc.; Hilltown Christmas Stocking; Citizens for a Better Hilltowns; Order and Consent Decree, Order, DA 16-1220, released October 27, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Order and consent decree adopted between the Media Bureau and applicants controlled by Brian Dodge.

October 27, 2016
   Applications of Open Arms Community of El Paso and Christian Ministries of El Paso, Inc., for a permit for a new noncommercial educational FM station at Horizon City, TX [NCE MX Group 431], Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-151, released November 2, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Open Arms Community of El Paso was designated as the tentative selectee.

October 19, 2016
   Western Broadcasters Inc., re tolling of construction period for KUCU (AM), Farmington, NM, Letter, DA 16-1199, released October 19, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Denied the petition for reconsideration.

October 13, 2016
   RAMH Corporation and Sangre de Cristo Broadcasting, Inc. for renewal of license for KDEF (AM), Albuquerque, NM, Order, DA 16-1142, released October 13, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Consent decree adopted.

October 5, 2016
   Roger L. Hoppe, II, re renewal and assignment of license for KLIM (AM), Limon, CO, Order, DA 16-1128, released October 5, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Consent decree adopted.

September 30, 2016
   Renewal grants for Peninsula Communications, Inc. stations KGTL (AM), Homer, AK; KXBA (FM), Nikiski, AK; KPEN-FM, Soldotna, AK; KWVV-FM, Homer, AK; and associated translator stations, Letter, DA 16-1117, released October 6, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Granted in part the petitions to deny.

September 20, 2016
   Board of Trustees, Vermont State Colleges, re renewal of license for WJSC-FM, Johnson, VT, Order, DA 16-1015, released September 20, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Consent decree adopted on public inspection file issues.

August 15, 2016
   Rama Communications, Inc., re renewal of license for WQBQ (AM), Leesburg, FL, Forfeiture Order, DA 16-922, released August 15, 2016.*nbsp; [ PDF | Word ].  $15,000 forfeiture order for public inspection file violations.

August 12, 2016
   Minor change grant of KPVO (FM), Fountain Green, UT and involuntary channel substitution for KWSA (FM), Price, UT, Letter, DA 16-920, released August 12, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].

August 10, 2016
   Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, re renewal of license for KYNR (AM), Toppenish, WA, Forfeiture Order, DA 16-904, released August 10, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  $1,500 forfeiture order for not timely filing the license renewal application.

August 9, 2016
   Atlantic City Board of Education, applications for renewal of license and minor modification of WAJM (FM), Atlantic City, NJ, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-104, released August 9, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  O'Rielly: [ PDF | Word ].  Commission affirms renewal for NCE-FM station WAJM.  Press Communications' application for review was denied.

August 5, 2016
   Roger L. Hoppe, II, re applications for license renewal and assignment of KLIM (AM), Limon, CO, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 16-895, released August 5, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  $5,000 NALF for unauthorized discontinuance of operation; short-term renewal of license granted.

August 5, 2016
   Tom Hodgins and McKenzie River Broadcasting Company, Inc., re assignment of license for FM translator K277CT, Cottage Grove, OR, Order, DA 16-859, released August 5, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Consent decree adopted relating to unauthorized transfer of control.

July 28, 2016
   Cesar Chavez Foundation, re renewal of license for KUFW (FM), Woodlake, CA, Order, DA 16-10, released July 28, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Consent decree adopted, relating to commercial announcement on a noncommercial educational station.

July 19, 2016
   Hyde County Board of Education, WHYC (FM), Swan Quarter, NC, Order, DA 16-787, released July 19, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Consent decree adopted.

July 18, 2016
   Urban One Broadcasting Network, LLC, re construction permit and applications for WURB (FM), Cross City, FL, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), DA 16-808, released July 18, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Request for reconsideration of the Commission's MO&O was dismissed.

July 15, 2016
   Lake County Community Radio, re renewal of license for KPFZ-FM, Lakeport, CA, Forfeiture Order, DA 16801, released July 15, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  $1,500 forfeiture order for not timely filing the renewal of license application.

July 1, 2016
   NCE MX Group 430 (Marfa Public Radio), Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), DA 16-754, released July 1, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Dismissed the petition for reconsideration of Marfa Public Radio.

June 30, 2016
  Modesto Grafitti Radio project, re deleted station DKXOK-LP (FM), Modesto, CA, Letter, FCC 16-85, released June 30, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Petition for reconsideration dismissed in part and denied in part.

June 27, 2016
  Kingdom of God, Inc., re deleted station DWKOG-LP (FM), Indianapolis, IN, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-85, released June 27, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Application for review dismissed.

June 27, 2016
  New FM construction permit application at White Salmon, WA, Letter, DA 16-726, released June 27, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Denied the informal objection and granted the construction permitapplication.

June 23, 2016
  The Los Angeles Social Justice Radio Project, application for a new LPFM station at Los Angeles, CA, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-82, released June 23, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Granted the application for review, application reinstated and granted.

June 23, 2016
  Inca Communications, Inc., re deleted station DKXOL (AM), Brigham City, UT, Letter, DA 16-717, released June 23, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Dismissed in part and denied in part, the petition for reconsideration requesting reinstatement of license after automatic expiration pursuant to Section 312(g).

June 23, 2016
  Peconic Public Broadcasting, re renewal of license for WPPB (FM), Southampton, NY, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), DA 16-716, released June 23, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Denied petition for reconsideration of $10,000 forfeiture for failure to properly maintain the station's public inspection file.

June 21, 2016
   Quetzal Bilingual Communications, Inc., re application for renewal of license for KURS (AM), San Diego, CA, DA 16-704, released June 21, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  $12,000 monetary forfeiture and short-term renewal of license for failure to prepare issues and program's lists in the station's public file and to file biennial ownership reports.

June 20, 2016
   Application for consent to assignment of license off KUDL (FM), Sacramento, CA from Royce International Broadcasting Co. to Entercom Communications Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-76, released June 20, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  The application for review filed by Royce International was denied.

June 15, 2016
   Foxfur Communications, Inc., Wolf Radio, Inc., and Family Life Ministries, re assignment of WCIS-FM, Deruyter, NY, W252AC, Fairmount, NY, WCIO, Oswego, NY, and WNDR-FM, Baldwinsville, NY, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 16-663, released June 15, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  NALF for $20,000 to Foxfur Communications; assignment applications dismissed.

June 8, 2016
   Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, re renewal of license for KYNR (AM), Yakima, WA, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 16-634, released June 31, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  $1500 NALF for not timely filing the renewal of license application.

May 27, 2016
   Lake Country Community Radio, re renewal of license for KPFZ-FM, Lakeport, CA, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, released May 27, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  $1500 NALF issued for not timely filing the renewal of license application.

May 23, 2016
   Bay Cities Building Company, Inc., re application for renewal of license for KDCQ (FM), Coos Bay, OR, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 16-574, released May 23, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ]. $1500 NALF issued for not timely filing the renewal of license application.

May 9, 2016
   Calvary of Birmingham, The Church in Birmingham Corp., and Love Commandment Ministries, for new LPFM stations at Birmingham, AL, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-60, released May 9, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Application for review dismissed in part and denied in part.

May 4, 2016
   Alfred L. "Pat" Roberson III, re application for construction permit for a new FM station at Elaine, AR, Forfeiture Order, DA 16-487, released May 4, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  $3,000 forfeiture order for not timely filing the post-auction long form application.

April 29, 2016
   Wifredo Blanco-Pi applicatuion for a new experimental AM synchronous booster station at Guyama, PR, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-49, released April 29, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Ajit Pai: [ PDF | Word ].  Dismissed in part and denied in part the application for review.

April 28, 2016
   WKMJ Radio Live The People Station Inc., re application for a new LPFM station at Pinellas Park, FL, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-56, released April 28, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Dismissed the petition for reconsideration, regarding the Commission's denial of the applicant's application for review.

April 28, 2016
   Hyde County Board of Education, Licensee of WHYC (FM), Swan Quarter, NC, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 15-459, released April 27, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Granted the petition for reconsideration, reinstated the station license and call sign, issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $18,000, and granted a short-term renewal WHYC(FM).

April 27, 2016
   U.S. Pro Descubierta, re new LPFM station at Seffner, FL, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-52, released April 27, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Application for review denied, regarding major change in board of directors.

April 27, 2016
   Powell Meredith Communications Company, for a new AM broadcast station at Paradise, NV, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-51, released April 27, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Application for review denied regarding tolling of construction period.

April 27, 2016
   Edward A. Schober, re application for new FM Translator Station W250BA at Manahawkin, NJ, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-50, released April 27, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Application for review granted and application granted.  Site availability issue.

April 20, 2016
   Bryant University, for renewal of license for WJMF (FM), Smithfield, RI, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 16-429, released April 20, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  NALF for $12,000 and a short term renewal of license for WJMF (FM) for failure to retain issues and program lists in the station public inspection file.

April 19, 2016
   Quetzal Bilingual Communications, Inc., for renewal of license for KURS (AM), San Diego, CA, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 16-427, released April 19, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  NALF for $12,000 and a short term renewal of license for KURS for failure to retain issues and program lists and failure to file biennial ownership reports.

April 15, 2016
   Church Planters of America, Application for License to cover a construct permit for WGHW (FM), Lockwoods Folly Town, NC; and Craven Community College application for minor changes to WZNB (FM), New Bern, NC, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 16-411, released April 15, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Craven's petitions for reconsideration were denied; NALF for $3000 issued against WGHW.

April 14, 2016
   NCE MX Group 430: Marfa Public Radio, application for a new NCE FM station at Marfa, YX, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-46, released April 14, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ]. Ajit Pai: [ PDF | Word ].  [ PDF | Word ].  Marfa Public Radio's application for review dismissed.

April 14, 2016
   La Casa Dominicana de Hazleton, Inc., application for a new LPFM station at Hazleton, PA, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-45, released April 14, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ]. Clyburn: [ PDF | Word ].  Ajit Pai: [ PDF | Word ].  Application for review dismissed.

March 30, 2016
   Applications of Powell Meredith Communications Co. and Community Translator Network, LLC, for Consent to Assign Construction Permits, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-40, released March 31, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Denied the application for review.

March 30, 2016
   Application for Special Temporary Authority (STA), reinstatement and renewal of license for Christian Family Network station DWOLY (AM), Battle Creek, MI , Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-36, released March 30, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Application for revied denied, relating to applications DWOLY(AM), Battle Creek, MI.

March 30, 2016
   Applications for minor modification of facilities of Spring Arbor University's Stations WJKN (FM), Jackson, MI and KTGG (AM), Okemos, MI, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-24, released March 30, 2016. [ PDF | Word ]. Denied Christian Family Network, Inc.'s application for review against the grant of the WJKN and KTGG applications.

March 31, 2016
   Comparative Consideration of Two Groups of Mutually Exclusive Applications for Permits to Construct New Noncommercial Educational FM Stations [NCE MX Group No. 521], Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 16-35, released March 31, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].

March 30, 2016
   Masconoment Regional School District (WBMT (FM)) and New England Broadcasting Educational Group (NEW NCE FM), Letter, Consent Degree and Settlement, DA 16-313, released March 23, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].

March 29, 2016
   Castle Holdings, LLC, re license grant to KPTJ (FM), Grape Creek, TX, Letter, released March 23, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Denied the petition for reconsideration against the license grant.

March 23, 2016
   GB Enterprises Communications Corp., re assignment of WHNR (AM), Cypress Gardens, FL, Order, DA 16-272, released March 23, 2016. [ PDF | Word ]. Consent decree adopted.

March 10, 2016
   Buffalo Baptist Church, for cancellation of LPFM construction permit at Buffalo, WY for DLBTG-LP, FCC 16-29, released March 10, 2016. [ PDF | Word ].

March 7, 2016
   Peconic Public Broadcasting, re renewal of license for WPPB (FM), Southampton, NY, Forfeiture order, DA 16-253, released March 7, 2016. [ PDF | Word ]. $10,000 forfeiture order for public inspection file violations.

February 23, 2016
   J&J Radio Corporation, Assignor, and Better Broadcasting, Inc., Assignee, for KCHE (AM) and KCHE -FM, Cherokee, IA, Consent Decree, DA 10-165, released February 23, 2016. [ PDF | Word ]. Consent decree regarding unauthorized transfer of control of KCHE (AM) and KCHE-FM./

February 18, 2016
   Cocoa Minority Educational Media Foundation, re application for a new LPFM station at Cocoa, FL, Order on Reconsideration, DA 16-169, released February 18, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Sismissed the petition for reconsideration.

February 2, 2016
   Application of the KBOO Foundation for a new NCE (FM) Station in Chehalis, WA [NCE October 2007 Window MX Group 543], Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 16-10, released February 2, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Commission grants the Application for Review filed by Chehalis Valley Educational Foundation and rescinds the grant of the application of The KBOO Foundation.  Ajit Pai: [ PDF | Word ].  O'Rielly: [ PDF | Word ]. 

January 28, 2016
   LPFM MX Group 34, applications for new Low Power FM stations in Santa Ana, CA, Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 16-7, released January 28, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  Application for review filed by LC Media LP and Point Four, LLC was denied.

January 13, 2016
   E-String Wireless, Ltd., Assignor, and Martin Broadcasting, Inc, assignee for consent to assignment of license for FM Translator K298CB, Beaumont, TX, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 16-37, released January 13, 2016.  [ PDF | Word ].  NALF to E-String Wireless, Ltd. of its Apparent Liability for Forfeiture for false certification and unauthorized operation.

January 19, 2016
   Royce International Broadcasting Company, Assignor, and Entercom Communications Corp., Assignee, for assignment of KUDL(FM), Sacramento, CA, Order on Reconsideration, DA 16-62, released January 19, 2016.  [ Word ].  Denied the petition for reconsideration of the FCC's order dismissing in part and denying in part the application for review.