DA 01-1501 June 29, 2001 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU REMINDS BROADBAND PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (PCS) LICENSEES OF FIVE-YEAR CONSTRUCTION BENCHMARK Notifications must be submitted electronically via the Universal Licensing System (ULS) On May 6, 1996, the Commission completed Auction #5 for the Broadband PCS and issued licenses shortly thereafter. On October 2, 2001, many of the Broadband PCS licensees will be required to notify the Bureau as to whether or not they have met their five-year construction benchmarks. This Public Notice serves to remind licensees of their responsibility to notify the Bureau regarding construction, and to reiterate that these construction notifications, as well as requests for extension of time to meet the benchmark, must be filed electronically via the Bureau's ULS. Construction requirements for Broadband PCS licensees can be found in 47 C.F.R.  24.203. Licensees should check the 5-year construction deadline listed on their licenses to ensure that it comports with the Bureau's records available on the internet at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. Licensees must file maps and other supporting documents showing that they have complied with the appropriate construction requirement. Failure to meet the benchmark will result in forfeiture of the license and the licensee will be ineligible to regain it. Licensees must file their notifications of construction electronically via the Bureau's ULS no later than 15 days after the five-year deadline shown on their licenses. In the event a licensee wishes to request an extension of time to meet the five-year benchmark, the request must be filed via ULS and it must be filed prior to the actual construction deadline. The Bureau will dismiss without prejudice all manually filed notifications of construction and requests for extension of time. To notify the Bureau of meeting their construction benchmarks, licensees should access the ULS, provide their Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), Sub Group Identification Number (SGIN) if applicable, and password, and select "Required Notification" as the Application Purpose. Likewise, to request an extension of time to meet the benchmark, licensees should select "Extension of Time" as the Application Purpose. In addition to filling out the form online, licensees will have an opportunity to upload electronic files containing information necessary for the Bureau to evaluate the notification of construction. With this in mind, licensees should have electronic versions of the necessary documents on hand when filing. For example, applicants may upload files in ASCII text format, files in popular word processor formats such as Microsoft Word and Wordperfect, and maps or other graphical images in Adobe PDF format. ULS does not currently support files uploaded in spreadsheet formats or other graphic formats (such as .bmp, .tiff, or .jpg). Attachment A to this Public Notice describes how to submit a Required Notification electronically and upload necessary attachments. Detailed instructions on accessing the ULS are available via the internet at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. For further information contact Denise Walter of the Bureau's Commercial Wireless Division at (202) 418-0620 or dwalter@fcc.gov. ATTACHMENT A SUBMITTING A REQUIRED NOTIFICATION VIA ULS The instructions below supplement the instructions for FCC Form 601, and provide context for licensees filing notifications of construction. To file a "Required Notification" electronically via ULS, follow the instructions described below. Please note that licensees may file individually for each call sign or file a single application for all call signs associated with a particular TIN. If filing a single application for multiple call signs, each call sign will receive a unique file number when the Submit button is selected. 1) Access the internet and point your web browser toward the following URL http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls; or establish a Dial-up connection to the FCC Network and point your web browser toward the following URL http://wtbwww05.fcc.gov. 2) Select the ULS Filing button. 3) Enter your TIN, SGIN (if applicable), and Password and select Continue. 4) Choose Select New Filing. 5) Select purpose of application "Required Notification" and select Continue. 6) Select purpose of submission = 1 and select Continue (Note: select "2" if you are notifying that you have also met the ten-year benchmark). 7) Enter the applicable Call Sign(s) and scroll to the bottom of the page. 8) Enter the name and title of the authorized representative signing the form, and select Continue. 9) At this point, you may upload attachments (electronic files) in support of your notification. Select attachment type Other. Click the Browse button and locate the file you wish to upload. Type in a short description of the file you wish to upload. If filing a single application for multiple call signs, and an attachment is unique to a specific call sign, include the call sign in the file description. Select Upload to upload the file. 10) Repeat step (9) for each file to be uploaded. Select List at any time to see a summary list of files you have uploaded as attachments to this application. 11) After you have uploaded all attachments, select Continue and select OK on the warning screen. 12) You may Print Preview the application, or proceed and select the Submit button to file the Required Notification with the Commission. After you file the Required Notification, a confirmation screen will appear. If you are filing one call sign per application, the confirmation screen will display your file number. If you are filing multiple call signs per application, the confirmation screen will display each individual call sign and its assigned file number. Click on the Print Preview button or the call sign to access Print Preview. The five-year construction deadline for a majority of these licensees is September 17, 2001. Notifications must be filed with the Commission within 15 days of the construction deadline (i.e., October 2, 2001) pursuant to 47 C.F.R.  1.946. 47 C.F.R.  24.203(c). See 47 C.F.R.  24.203. See also 47 C.F.R. 1.946(c). See 47 C.F.R.  1.913 and 1.946. See 47 C.F.R. 1.946(e). See Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Reminds Licensees of Mandatory Electronic Filing Via the Universal Licensing System Beginning July 1, 1999, Public Notice DA 99-1080 (June 3, 1999), and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Recommends Licensees Take Steps to Prepare for Electronic Filing Via the Universal Licensing System, Public Notice DA 99-1228 (June 23, 1999). PUBLIC NOTICE