PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 News Media Information: (202) 418-0500 Fax-On-Demand: (202) 418-2830 Internet: DA 97-1152 June 2, 1997 Comment Requested on 7 Percent Interest Rate Imposed on C Block Installment Payment Plan Notes Waivers Requested by Broadband PCS C Block Licensees Comment Due Date: June 23, 1997 Reply Comment Due Date: July 8, 1997 The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau has received several requests for waiver of the Commission's rules imposing a 7 percent interest rate on eligible broadband PCS C block licensees whose licenses were conditionally granted on September 17, 1996, and who elected to utilize the Commission's installment payment plan. Section 24.711(b)(3) of the Commission's Rules provides that, for small businesses, interest on installment payments "shall be imposed based on the rate for ten-year U.S. Treasury obligations applicable on the date the license is granted." 47 C.F.R.  24.711(b)(3). For licenses conditionally granted on September 17, 1996, the applicable interest rate is 7 percent. However, due to varying factors used to establish Treasury note obligations, licenses granted after the September 17 date are subject to a 6.5 percent interest rate. Those parties seeking a waiver of Section 24.711(b)(3) request a reduction in the interest rate on their installment payment plan notes from 7 percent to 6.5 percent. Comment is solicited on all aspects of the requests for waiver discussed above. We also seek comment on whether, if the Bureau determines that a waiver of Section 24.711(b)(3) is appropriate, such relief should be granted to all similarly situated parties, whether or not they have filed a request for waiver. Comments should specifically reference this Public Notice (DA 97-1152) and must be filed on or before June 23, 1997. Reply comments may be filed on or before July 8, 1997. Comments should be filed with the Secretary at 1919 M Street, N.W., Room 222, Washington, D.C. 20554, and a copy should be delivered to: Auctions Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Room 5322, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554. Copies of waiver requests, comments, oppositions and replies may be obtained from the Commission's duplicating contractor, International Transcription Services, Inc. (ITS), 2100 M Street, N.W., Suite 140, Washington, D.C. 20037, (202) 857-3800. Copies are also available for public inspection during regular business hours in Room 5608, 2025 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554. When requesting copies, please refer to DA 97-1152. Pursuant to the Commission's ex parte rules, waiver requests become restricted proceedings upon the filing of formal oppositions. See 47 C.F.R.  1.1202(e)(1) and 1.1208(c)(1)(i)(B). Ex parte presentations are prohibited in restricted proceedings until the Commission's final disposition is no longer subject to reconsideration or judicial review. For further information, contact Sande Taxali or Josh Roland, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at (202) 418-0660. Action by the Acting Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau