DA 98-12 Before the Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of ) ) Amendment of the Commission's ) WT Docket No. 97-82 Rules Regarding Installment Payment) Financing For Personal Communications) Services (PCS) Licensees ) ERRATUM Released: January 6, 1998 By the Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau: In paragraph six on page four of the Second Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making, WT Docket No. 97-82, FCC 97-342 (rel. October 16, 1997), the third sentence of the section entitled "Disaggregation" contained incorrect statements. The section is corrected to read as follows:  Disaggregation. Any C block licensee may elect to disaggregate one-half of its spectrum (15 MHz of its 30 MHz) and surrender such spectrum to the Commission for reauction. A licensee must disaggregate spectrum for all of the Basic Trading Area (BTA) licenses it holds within any Major Trading Area (MTA), but need not disaggregate the licenses it holds in other MTAs. In return, the licensee will have the proportionate amount, i.e., 50%, of its outstanding debt on the disaggregated licenses forgiven. Fifty percent of the down payment for those licenses will be applied towards the debt for the retained spectrum; the licensee will not get a refund or credit of the other 50% of its deposit. The licensee will be prohibited from rebidding for this spectrum, or otherwise acquiring it in the secondary market, for two years from the date of the start of the reauction. C block licensees electing this option will repay over eight equal payments (beginning with the payment due on March 31, 1998) all interest that has accrued and was unpaid due to the payment suspension, adjusted to reflect the reduction in debt obligation. Any prior installment payments made will be credited in full against those amounts. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Daniel B. Phythyon Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau