PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 News media information 202/418-0500 DA 96-872 Released: May 30, 1996 18 DEFAULTED PCS LICENSES TO BE REAUCTIONED Reauction to Begin July 3rd Today, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau announces the reauction of the 18 broadband Personal Communications Services (PCS) Entrepreneurs' Block licenses on which the required down payments were not received from the winning bidders by May 15, 1996 (which was the deadline for such payments.) (See Public Notice, Entrepreneurs' Block Auction Closes, DA 96- 716, released May 8, 1996.) These licenses have been deemed to be in default by the Bureau. The Commission's rules provide that if a winning bidder fails to remit the required down payment the Commission may either reauction the license or offer it to other highest bidders. (See 47 C.F.R.  1.2109(b).) In this situation, it has been decided that a reauction will rapidly and efficiently assign the licenses. On May 15, 1996, BDPCS, Inc. and National Telecom PCS, Inc. (NatTel) failed to make the required down payment on the licenses for which they were the high bidders in the recently completed Entrepreneurs' Block Auction. BDPCS failed to make the required down payment on 17 licenses and NatTel failed to make the down payment on 1 license. Attachment A lists the 18 licenses on which BDPCS and NatTel defaulted and the required upfront payments applicants will need to make to participate in the reauction. In an Order adopted May 17, 1996, the Bureau denied a waiver request by BDPCS seeking additional time to tender its 5 percent down payment and declared BDPCS in default. (See Order, Emergency Petition for Waiver of Deadline for Submission of Down Payment for the Broadband PCS C Block Auction filed by BDPCS, Inc., DA 96-811, released May 20, 1996.) Today, the Bureau denied BDPCS's petition for reconsideration of the May 17 Order and NatTel's request for a waiver of the bid withdrawal payment. (See Order on Reconsideration, Emergency Petition for Waiver of Deadline for Submission of Down Payment for the Broadband PCS C Block Auction filed by BDPCS, Inc., DA 96-874, released May 30, 1996; Order, National Telecom PCS, Inc. Request for Waiver of Bid Withdrawal Payment, DA 96-873, released May 30, 1996.) Additionally, pursuant to its authority under 47 C.F.R.  1.2109, the Bureau dismisses BDPCS's and NatTel's FCC Form 600 applications, which were filed on May 22, 1996. See Attachment B for the file numbers for these dismissed applications. The licenses will be reauctioned in a simultaneous multiple round auction tentatively scheduled to begin on July 3, 1996. FCC Form 175 applications for participation in this auction and upfront payments are due June 14, 1996. The Bureau will announce further details regarding filing dates and requirements, bidding procedures and other important information for the C block reauction in a Public Notice to be released June 3, 1996. For further information please contact: Louis Sigalos, Auctions Division: 418-0660 Jason Guesman, Auctions Division: 418-0660 Kara Palamaras (Media Contact): 418-0600 -- FCC -- Attachment B BDPCS, Inc. - 17 applications 00122-CW-L-96 00471-CW-L-96 00479-CW-L-96 00485-CW-L-96 00489-CW-L-96 00493-CW-L-96 00495-CW-L-96 00499-CW-L-96 00503-CW-L-96 00507-CW-L-96 00511-CW-L-96 00515-CW-L-96 00518-CW-L-96 00521-CW-L-96 00524-CW-L-96 00528-CW-L-96 00532-CW-L-96 National Telecom PCS, Inc. - 1 application 00126-CW-L-96