PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 News Media Information: (202) 418-0500 Fax-On-Demand: (202) 418-2830 Internet: DA 97-700 April 8, 1997 AUCTION OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (WCS) 23 Qualified Bidders Report No. AUC-97-14-D (Auction No. 14) This Public Notice identifies the 23 applicants who have been found qualified to bid in Auction No. 14 for 128 WCS licenses, which is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, April 15, 1997. This Public Notice contains bidding instructions and other important information regarding the auction. Attachment A lists each of the 23 qualified bidders. Attachment A also lists each qualified bidder's upfront payment and maximum eligibility in bidding units. Attachment B lists the licenses that were listed on each qualified bidder's FCC Form 175. On Attachment B, an asterisk indicates that an applicant has filed an application that includes a waiver request. The listing of these applicants as qualified bidders is not an indication of approval or denial of the waiver requests. Attachment C lists those applicants who submitted FCC Form 175 applications, but did not qualify to bid in this auction. In order to participate effectively in the auction, qualified bidders should re-familiarize themselves with the auction rules and other information contained in the Bidder Information Package for this auction. The following information provides additional guidance. Changes in Technical Parameters. On March 31, 1997, the Commission adopted a Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 97-112 (62 Fed. Reg. 16,493), which made minor amendments to the power and out-of-band emission limits imposed on WCS operations. Also, bidders for licenses in border areas should note that the United States has not reached a coordination agreement with either Mexico or Canada. Licensees will be required to abide by the terms of such an agreement once one is negotiated. For further information on this, contact Ron Repasi, International Bureau, 202-418-0768. Registration. Qualified bidders have been automatically registered for the auction. For security reasons, the Commission will confirm registration by two separate mailings of registration materials, both sent to the contact person at the address identified in the bidder's FCC Form 175. The two mailings will include the bidder's identification number, login name and login password. Additional information will be included in both mailings, including remote bidding system software and other general information. Upon receipt of both mailings, each bidder should be in possession of the following information:  FCC Account Number (self-assigned on the FCC Form 175, and listed on Attachment A)  Bidder identification number (supplied by FCC mailing)  Login name (supplied by FCC mailing)  Login password (supplied by FCC mailing)  Remote bidding system software (supplied by FCC mailing) Any applicant listed as a qualified bidder in Attachment A to this Public Notice who has not received both registration mailings by noon, April 11, 1997, should contact the FCC at 888-225-5322. Callers should press the key for auction inquiries, and ask to speak to Kathy Garland or Sharon Bowers. It is each applicant's responsibility to ensure that all registration information has been received on time. Lost login names, login passwords and bidder identification numbers can be replaced only at the FCC Auction Headquarters, located at 2 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Washington, D.C. If replacement is necessary, either an authorized representative or the certifying official (as designated on the applicant's FCC Form 175) must appear in person with two forms of identification, one of which must be a photo identification. Electronic Bidding Software. In order to bid, each qualified bidder must purchase the Commission's electronic bidding software. This software has been updated for the WCS auction to conform to the new bidding round structure. For ease of screen display, the software has incorporated a new option to allow a bidder to define and view particular groups of licenses. Bidders will be able to create up to 15 groups of licenses for this purpose. For software backup, bidders are advised to duplicate the software for use by authorized representatives at different locations. However, the FCC Remote Bidding System will not accept electronic bids from qualified bidders who are not registered purchasers of the bidding software. NOTE: Bidders should have a contingency plan in case they experience difficulty placing bids in this auction due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., electrical failure, inclement weather). Bidders are reminded that they cannot place bids telephonically. The FCC Remote Bidding System requires access to a 900 service telephone line. Bidders should verify in advance that the telephone systems they will be using to submit electronic bids permit access to 900 service telephone numbers, and should consult their telephone administrators if they need assistance. Bidding Schedule. Two rounds of bidding will be conducted on the first two days of the auction. Unless otherwise announced, four rounds of bidding per day will be conducted on Thursday, April 17 and Friday, April 18. The schedule for Tuesday, April 15 and Wednesday, April 16 will be: Bidding Period 9:00 a.m - 10:00 a.m. ET Round Results 10:00 a.m - 10:30 a.m. ET Bidding Period 2:00 p.m - 3:00 p.m. ET Round Results 3:00 p.m - 3:30 p.m. ET The schedule for Thursday, April 17 and Friday, April 18 will be: Bidding Period 9:00 a.m - 10:00 a.m. ET Round Results 10:00 a.m - 10:30 a.m. ET Bidding Period 11:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m. ET Round Results 12:00 p.m - 12:30 p.m. ET Bidding Period 2:00 p.m - 3:00 p.m. ET Round Results 3:00 p.m - 3:30 p.m. ET Bidding Period 4:00 p.m - 5:00 p.m. ET Round Results 5:00 p.m - 5:30 p.m. ET After Friday, April 18, 1997, the FCC will set the pace of the auction based upon its monitoring of the bidding and its assessment of the auction's progress. Generally, at the end of each week of the auction, the FCC will announce the bidding schedule for the following week. Minimum Bid Increment. There will not be a minimum opening bid for the WCS licenses. Once there is a standing high bid on a license, the Commission will use a new formula for determining minimum bid increments in the WCS auction. The new methodology, referred to as "exponential smoothing", bases the bid increment for each license on a weighted average of the activity on that license in the most recently completed round and all previous rounds. This methodology will allow the bid increment to be tailored more closely to the level of bidding activity. For bidders who wish to incorporate the exponential smoothing logic into their own analysis software, a fact sheet detailing the specific formula is posted on the Auctions page of the FCC's world wide web site at Auction Stages. The FCC will also give ample notice of stage transitions, which increase the minimum required activity levels. Bidders who are inattentive to these stage transitions may unintentionally use activity rule waivers or, if waivers are exhausted, bidding eligibility. Changes in Activity Rule. The minimum activity levels for the first stage of this auction will be higher than the level stated in the WCS Bidder Information Package. Stage One: In each round of the first stage of the auction, a bidder that wishes to maintain its current eligibility is required to be active on licenses encompassing at least 80 percent of its current bidding eligibility. Failure to maintain the requisite activity level will result in a reduction in the bidder's bidding eligibility in the next round of bidding (unless an activity rule waiver is used). During Stage One, reduced eligibility for the next round will be calculated by multiplying the current round activity by five-fourths (5/4). The activity levels for the other stages remains at the previously announced levels; 90 percent for Stage Two and 98 percent for Stage Three. Bidders should check their activity level when they are finished bidding in each round to ensure that they do not inadvertently use an activity waiver or reduce eligibility. Bidders can print a bid verification from the FCC Bidding System screen. Messages and Announcements. The FCC will post pertinent auction information as messages and announcements on the FCC Remote Bidding System, on its Internet site and on its Bulletin Board System (BBS). Bidders should check for messages and announcements each time they enter the Remote Bidding System, and should read this information carefully. Bidder Questions during the Auction. FCC auction officials and technical support staff will be available during the course of the auction to answer questions from bidders. Help can be obtained through the following telephone numbers: FCC Auctions Division 202-418-0660 FCC Technical Support Hotline 202-414-1250 Monitoring Round Results. Attachment D to this Public Notice provides instructions for reviewing and downloading round results, and other material related to the WCS auction released by the Commission during the course of the auction. Auction Tracking Tool. A software tool for tracking the progress of the auction will be made available via the Internet ( and the FCC Auctions Bulletin Board System. The tracking tool is a Microsoft Excel v5.0 WorkBook, which runs on Microsoft Windows v3.1 and Windows for WorkGroups v3.11. With this auction tracking tool, bidders can import round results and analyze the bidding in the auction. Technical support for the tracking tool can be obtained by calling the FCC Technical Support Hotline. Please review the information included with the tracking tool README file thoroughly before calling technical support. User Requirements. This software is not designed for novice computer users. To be used effectively, you must have extensive experience with: * Microsoft Windows * Microsoft Excel v5.0 * the FCC simultaneous multiple-round auction format Software and Hardware Requirements. At a minimum, you will need the following: * Microsoft Windows v3.1+ or Windows for WorkGroups 3.11 * Microsoft Excel v5.0 or later * 8MB of available hard disk space * 16MB of RAM and a Pentium based processor are highly recommended Minor Amendments to FCC Form 175s. Applicants are responsible for the continuing accuracy and completeness of information furnished in their FCC Form 175 and its exhibits. See 47 C.F.R  1.65. It is the staff's position that applicants should amend their applications within ten business days from the occurrence of a reportable change. Filers should make modifications to their FCC Form 175s electronically, and submit a letter briefly summarizing the changes to: Kathleen O'Brien Ham Chief, Auctions Division Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 with a courtesy copy to Josh Roland either sent to the same address or faxed to 202-418-2082. Mock Auction. The FCC will conduct a mock electronic auction on Thursday, April 10, 1997 to allow bidders to familiarize themselves with the electronic bidding software and the new bidding procedures. This mock auction will be open only to qualified bidders. Pre-registration will not be required. Bidders are asked not to place excessive bids (e.g., $99,999,999,999) so that the mock can better mirror an actual auction. This mock auction will include all 128 WCS licenses, and will follow the rules governing the WCS auction. The program will assume that each bidder applied for 128 licenses and submitted upfront payments of $75,774,515.70, corresponding to 3,788,725,785 bidding units. The auction will simulate the start of Stage One, so bidders will be required to be active on at least 80 percent of their bidding units, or risk having a waiver automatically applied unless bidding eligibility is reduced. The mock auction will consist of two rounds, with the following schedule: Bidding Period 9:00 a.m - 10:00 a.m. ET Round Results 10:00 a.m - 10:30 a.m. ET Bidding Period 11:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m. ET Round Results 12:00 p.m - 12:30 p.m. ET Eligible WCS bidders who wish to participate in the mock auction must establish a PPP connection to the FCC Auction Network through either a 202-area-code number or a 900 number, as selected through the mock auction software. (The FCC encourages participants to test their ability to connect using the 900 number, in order to identify any potential problems such as a 900-number telephone block. There will be no access charge for the first minute of the 900-number connection time.) When participants establish the PPP connection and start the Mock Bidding System, they will register for the mock auction by entering their FCC account numbers. The login names, login passwords, and Bidder Identification Numbers (BINs) will be pre-filled. Note: Pre-filled codes are for the mock auction only. For the actual WCS auction, valid login codes and BINs will be mailed to qualified bidders with their registration materials. Remote bidding software for the mock auction will be available via the FCC's Internet and Bulletin Board System beginning April 9, 1997. See Attachment E for downloading instructions. This software is specifically designed for this simulation, and is not adaptable to any other FCC spectrum auction. As part of the software, the Commission has established a suggestion box, and welcomes your comments regarding the software. For additional information regarding this Public Notice, please contact Louis Sigalos, Josh Roland or Thomas Horan, Auctions Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at 202-418-0660. ATTACHMENT D HOW TO MONITOR THE WCS AUCTION ON-LINE The auction announcements and round results for Auction 14 will be accessible through the FCC Wide Area Network, the Internet and the FCC Auction Bulletin Board System (BBS). You can check on round results and also read any material released by the Commission during the course of the auction. This attachment provides the information that you need to track the auction that begins on April 15, 1997 from your computer. Option 1: FCC Wide Area Network The FCC has established a Remote Access System capable of allowing 500 concurrent users to dial in directly to the FCC to view round results and auction announcements and to make suggestions to the FCC regarding the FCC auction process. The FCC will make the Remote Access System software available free-of-charge through the Internet and the Auction BBS. Access instructions will be included in the readme.txt associated with the software. An Internet browser will be required to use the FCC Remote Access System software. The Remote Access System software will be located in the following directory: /pub/Auctions/WCS/Auction_14/Programs on the FCC ftp server. The software will be in a self-extracting, compressed file format. The file name is remacc40.exe. The installation instructions for this software will be located in remacc40.txt located in the same directory. The file will also be available for download on the FCC Bulletin Board System (BBS) under W for WCS Auction Files, A for Auction 14 and P for Programs. For additional information contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250. The Commission has established a fee schedule for on-line access to the Commission's wide area network. A charge of $2.30 per minute will be applied to a user's telephone bill when the FCC Remote Access System software is used to connect to the FCC Wide Area Network. The Remote Access System software includes options for Auction Announcements, Suggestions, and Round Results Reports. Option 2: Internet Access Note: The FCC will establish archive directories for round results files on the Internet beginning in Auction 14. After every 50 rounds, files will be moved from the Results directory to an archive directory. The newest round results files will continue to be uploaded to the Results directory. For example, in round 102, round results files would be located as follows: rounds 1-50 pub/Auctions/WCS/Auction_14/Results/R1-50 rounds 51-100 pub/Auctions/WCS/Auction_14/Results/R51-100 rounds 101-102 pub/Auctions/WCS/Auction_14/Results Files for rounds 103-150 would continue to be uploaded to the Results directory. After round 150, the files for rounds 101-150 would be archived. The newest files, for rounds 151-200, would be uploaded to the Results directory. In order to access the FCC ftp server, you will need to have access to the Internet and an ftp client software. World Wide Web: Once you connect to the FCC web site, select Auctions and then click on the Data Files icon listed next to the appropriate auction. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the appropriate auction in the Download Round Results Files section. Click on the file you wish to download. OR Once you connect to the FCC ftp server, select the following directory to download the most current files: /pub/Auctions/WCS/Auction_14/Results Click on the file you wish to download. You can access the files through service providers such as America Online or Compuserve. FTP: The following instructions are for the command line version of ftp. 1. Connect to the FCC ftp server by typing: ftp 2. At the user name prompt, type anonymous [Enter] 3. At the password prompt, type your Internet e-mail address [Enter] 4. To allow the file to be downloaded type: binary [Enter] 5. Change your current directory to the Results directory by typing: cd /pub/Auctions/WCS/Auction_14/Results [Enter] 6. Use the get command to download files from the FCC ftp server. For example, to get all bid submissions for round 10 in DBF format, type: get 14_010S.DBF [Enter] 7. If you wish to exit, type bye [Enter] Option 3: Bulletin Board System (BBS) Note: All round results files will continue to be accessed through the Results menu on the BBS. No archive menus will be created. To access auction round results through the BBS, you need a personal computer, a standard Hayes compatible modem and a communications program, like pcANYWHERE, TELIX, PROCOMM, etc. Next, dial (202) 682-5851, use the setting of No parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit (N,8,1). o For new users follow steps 1-5, otherwise go to step 6 in the ANSI Protocol Instructions section or the Non-ANSI Protocol Instructions section (whichever is applicable): 1. Type New and press [Enter]. If the word ANSI is blinking, type Y for yes. If the word ANSI is not blinking, type N for No 2. Type in your first and last name and press [Enter]. This will be your login name 3. Type in Y and press [Enter] when asked to verify your login name 4. Type in what you want your password to be and press [Enter] 5. Retype the password for verification and press [Enter] o ANSI Protocol Instructions (once the account is generated): 6. Type W for WCS Auction Files and press [Enter] 7. Type A for Auction 14 and press [Enter] 8. Type R for Results and press [Enter] 9. Type C for Current Library and press [Enter] 10. Move the cursor to the file which you would like to download, type [Control-D] and press [Enter] (You may need to change the transfer protocol first -- please see note below) 11. The FCC Auction BBS will begin transferring the file. You may need to give your terminal emulation software a command to receive the file; please consult your terminal emulation software manual for instructions concerning how to do so. 12. Type X to return to the Programs menu, then type X again. Type X to Exit and press [Enter] and continue to do so until asked if you want to Exit the BBS. Press Y for Yes when asked to verify that you want to exit. o Non-ANSI Protocol Instructions (once the account is generated): 6. Type W for WCS Auction Files and press [Enter] 7. Type A for Auction 14 and press [Enter] 8. Type R for Results and press [Enter] 9. Type C for Current Library and press [Enter] 10. Type the letter next to the file which you would like to download and press [Enter] 11. Type D for Download now and press [Enter] (You may need to change the transfer protocol first -- please see the note below) 12. The FCC Auction BBS will begin transferring the file. You may need to give your terminal emulation software a command to receive the file; please consult your terminal emulation software manual for instructions concerning how to do so. 13. Type X, then type X to Exit and press [Enter] and continue to do so until asked if you want to Exit the BBS. Press Y for Yes when asked to verify that you want to exit. NOTE: To download files, you will need to match the transfer protocol on your BBS account to the transfer protocol set in your terminal emulation software. To set the BBS transfer protocol, return to the initial menu and type L for Library and [Enter], P for Preferences and [Enter], and P for File Transfer Protocol and [Enter]. Type the letter next to the protocol you desire and press [Enter]. You may now download files. Round Results Files For each round, dBase-compatible database files will be uploaded with the following naming conventions: 14_xxxS.DBF [contains all bids submitted in a particular round] 14_xxxW.DBF [contains all bids withdrawn in a particular round] 14_xxxE.DBF [contains the maximum eligibility and remaining # of waivers for each bidder] 14_xxxH.DBF [contains the high bids in a particular round and the minimum bid increments for the next round] where xxx represents the round number. For those that cannot use the dBase-compatible database files, we will also upload the ASCII text version of these files with the following naming conventions: 14_xxxS.TXT [contains all bids submitted in a particular round] 14_xxxW.TXT [contains all bids withdrawn in a particular round] 14_xxxE.TXT [contains the maximum eligibility and remaining # of waivers for each bidder] 14_xxxH.TXT [contains the high bids in a particular round and the minimum bid increments for the next round] where xxx represents the round number. The following file will be uploaded at the beginning of the auction to map the bidder number to the FCC Account Number and company name: 14_XREF.DBF [contains the bidder name, FCC account number and bidder number] or 14_XREF.TXT [Same file in text format] This file is used to identify which bidder is associated with each bid in the submission, withdrawal, high bids and bidder eligibility files. Round Results File Formats All Bids: Field Length market 4 freq_block 2 round_num 3 bid_amt 11 bidder_num 4 date 8 time 8 net_bid_amt 11 sort_col_1 4 sort_col_2 4 Withdrawals: Field Length market 4 freq_block 2 bid_round 3 bid_amt 11 bidder_num 4 date 8 time 8 net_bid_amt 11 sort_col_1 4 sort_col_2 4 High Bids: Field Length market 4 freq_block 2 bid_round 3 bid_amt 11 bidder_num 4 date 8 time 8 net_bid_amt 11 min_accept 11 num_of_bids 11 sort_col_1 4 sort_col_2 4 Maximum Eligibility: Field Length round_num 3 bidder_num 4 max_elig 11 rmng_waivr 3 waivr_ind 1 Bidder Cross Reference: Field Length bidder_num 4 fcc_account_num 10 co_name 50 bidding_credit_pctg 3 ATTACHMENT E INSTRUCTIONS FOR DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING THE FCC MOCK AUCTION BIDDING SYSTEM Those qualified bidders who wish to participate in the FCC Mock Auction will need at a minimum the following hardware and software: Hardware and Software Requirements: o CPU: Intel 80486 or above o RAM: 8MB RAM (more recommended if you intend to open multiple applications) o Hard Disk: 12MB available disk space o Modem: v.32bis 14.4kbps Hayes compatible modem o Monitor: VGA or above o Mouse or other pointing device o FCC Mock Auction Bidding System software (available through the Internet and the FCC Bulletin Board System) o Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups v3.11 o Internet browser software that is compatible with Netscape Navigator 2.0 or Microsoft Explorer 3.0 To create backup installation disks for the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System, you will need the following: o 1.44MB 3.5" Floppy Drive o Three blank MS-DOS formatted 1.44MB floppy disks Note: The FCC Mock Auction Bidding System has not been tested in a Macintosh, OS/2, or Windows95 environment. Therefore, the FCC will not support operating systems other than Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups v3.11. This includes any other emulated Windows environment. If your Windows is in a networked environment, you should check with your local network administrator for any potential conflicts with the PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) Dialer that is included with the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System. This usually includes any TCP/IP installed network protocol. The PPP Dialer that is included with the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System will establish a point-to-point connection from your PC to the FCC Network. This point-to-point connection is not routed through the Internet. Qualified bidders who wish to participate in the FCC Mock Auction must first download the software from either the Internet or the FCC Bulletin Board System. Participants must download the following compressed files to install the software: mock40a.exe, mock40b.exe, mock40c.exe. Internet Access: In order to download the compressed files from the Internet, you will need to have access to the Internet and an ftp client software as follows: o World Wide Web: Once you connect to the FCC ftp server, select the following directory and download the following files: Directory: /pub/Auctions/Mock/Programs File: mock40a.exe, mock40b.exe, mock40c.exe o FTP: The following instructions are for the command line version of ftp. 1. Connect to the FCC ftp server by typing ftp 2. At the user name prompt, type anonymous [Enter] 3. At the password prompt, type your Internet e-mail address [Enter] 4. To allow the file to be downloaded type: binary [Enter] 5. Change your current directory to the Programs directory by typing: cd /pub/Auctions/Mock/Programs [Enter] 6. Use the get command to download the files from the FCC ftp server by typing: get mock40a.exe [Enter] get mock40b.exe [Enter] get mock40c.exe [Enter] 7. If you wish to exit, type: bye [Enter] Dial-In Access to the FCC Auction Bulletin Board System (BBS): The FCC Auction Bulletin Board System provides dial-in access for the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System. In order to access the FCC Auction BBS, use a communications package that can handle at least xmodem protocol (e.g., pcAnyWhere, Telix, Procomm) to dial in to (202) 682-5851. Use the settings of 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit (8,N,1). o For new users follow steps 1-5, otherwise go to step 6 in the ANSI Protocol Instructions section or the Non-ANSI Protocol Instructions section (whichever is applicable): 1. Type New and press [Enter]. If the word ANSI is blinking, type Y for yes. If the word ANSI is not blinking, type N for No 2. Type in your first and last name and press [Enter]. This will be your login name 3. Type in Y and press [Enter] when asked to verify your login name 4. Type in what you want your password to be and press [Enter] 5. Retype the password for verification and press [Enter] o ANSI Protocol Instructions (once the account is generated): 6. Type C for Mock Auction Files and press [Enter] 7. Type P for Programs and press [Enter] 8. Type C for Current Library and press [Enter] 9. Move the cursor to the file named mock40a.exe and type [Control-D] for Download and press [Enter] (You may need to change the transfer protocol first --- please see note below.) 10. The FCC Auction BBS will begin transferring the file. You may need to give your terminal emulation software a command to receive the file; please consult your terminal emulation software manual for instructions concerning how to do so. 11. Type X to return to the Programs menu. Repeat steps 9 and 10 to download the following files: mock40b.exe, mock40c.exe 12. Type X to return to the Programs menu, then type X again. Type X to Exit and press [Enter] and continue to do so until asked if you want to Exit the BBS. Press Y for Yes when asked to verify that you want to exit. o Non-ANSI Protocol Instructions (once the account is generated): 6. Type C for Mock Auction Files and press [Enter] 7. Type P for Programs and press [Enter] 8. Type C for Current Library and press [Enter] 9. Type the letter next to the file named mock40a.exe and press [Enter] 10. Type D for Download now and press [Enter] (You may need to change the transfer protocol first -- please see the note below.) 11. The FCC Auction BBS will begin transferring the file. You may need to give your terminal emulation software a command to receive the file; please consult your terminal emulation software manual for instructions concerning how to do so. 12. Repeat steps 9 through 11 to download the following files: mock40b.exe, mock40c.exe 13. Type X, then type X to Exit and press [Enter] and continue to do so until asked if you want to Exit the BBS. Press Y for Yes when asked to verify that you want to exit. NOTE: To download files, you will need to match the transfer protocol on your BBS account to the transfer protocol set in your terminal emulation software. To set the BBS transfer protocol, return to the initial menu and type L for Library and [Enter], P for Preferences and [Enter], and P for File Transfer Protocol and [Enter]. Type the letter next to the protocol you desire and press [Enter]. You may now download files. Extracting the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System: The FCC Mock Auction Bidding System files are downloaded in a self-extracting, compressed file format. When you have downloaded all of the compressed files for the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System, you must extract the software from those files. To extract the software, start File Manager in the Main Program group, open the file folder where you downloaded the files, and double-click on mock40a.exe. A message will appear listing the default directory to which the software will extract. If this directory does not exist, it will be created automatically. Click Unzip to begin extracting the software from the compressed file. When the extraction is complete, a message will appear listing the number of files that were unzipped. Press OK and repeat the above process for the remaining compressed files (mock40b.exe, mock40c.exe). Be sure to extract to the same directory as the first compressed file. Installing the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System: After you extract the software from the compressed files, you must install the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System. To install the software, start File Manager, open the file folder to which you extracted the software and double-click on setup.exe. When the setup program begins, a screen will appear listing the default directory to which the software will install. Press the Install button, then press OK to install to the specified directory. If the directory does not exist, the setup program will create it automatically. When the installation is complete, a message may appear asking you to restart Windows so that the changes made by the installation may take effect. Press Restart to restart Windows, or press Stay Here to restart at a later time. Do not use the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System until you restart Windows. Creating Backup Installation Disks for the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System: To create backup installation disks for the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System, go to File Manager, open the file folder to which you extracted the software, double-click on backup.bat, and follow the instructions on the screen. Running the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System: When the installation process is complete, you will have a new Program Manager group called FCC Mock Bidding System v4.0 with the following icons: Configure PPP, PPP Dialer, Ping, FCC Mock Bidding System, Readme File, and Uninstall. You must verify/modify the parameters in the Configure PPP program prior to establishing a PPP connection. Please consult the readme.txt file included with the software for information regarding Configure PPP. Double-click on an icon to start the respective system. Uninstalling the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System: To uninstall the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System, double-click on the Uninstall icon in the FCC Mock Bidding System v4.0 program group. Press Start to uninstall the software. Please note that the Uninstall program will remove ALL versions of the software located in that installation directory. Alternatively, you may uninstall the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System by deleting the directory to which you installed the software, then switching to Program Manager and deleting the FCC Mock Bidding System v4.0 icons and group. Help: Detailed instructions for using all FCC Remote Electronic Auction System software can be found in the readme file associated with the software and in the context-sensitive help function associated with each software system. For technical assistance in installing or using the FCC Mock Auction Bidding System, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250. The FCC Technical Support Hotline will be generally available Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET.