Attachment D How to Monitor the FCC Auctions On-line The auction announcements and round results for Auction 17 will be accessible through the FCC Wide Area Network, the Internet and the FCC Auction Bulletin Board System (BBS). You can check on round results and also read any material released by the Commission during the course of the auction. This fact sheet provides the information that you need to track the February 18, 1998 auction from your computer. Option 1: Accessing Auction Results via the FCC Wide Area Network The FCC implemented a remote access system that allows up to 500 concurrent users to dial in directly to the FCC to view round results, auction announcements, and messages, and to make suggestions to the FCC regarding the FCC auction process. The FCC will make the software available free-of-charge through the Internet and the Auction BBS. Installation and access instructions are included in the readme.txt associated with the software. The remote access system software will be located in two locations on the Internet. The primary location will be pub/LMDS/Auction_17/Programs. The secondary location will be The software is in a self-extracting compressed file named remacc42.exe. The installation instructions for this software are located in remacc42.txt located in the same directory. The file can also be downloaded from the BBS under A for Auction menu, B for Auctions 11-17 , 7 for Auction 17, and P for Programs. For additional information, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250. Recently, the Commission established a fee schedule for on-line access to the Commission's wide area network. A charge of $2.30 per minute will be applied to a user's telephone bill when this software is used for the FCC Auction Remote Access System (this includes Auction Announcements, Messages, Suggestion Box, and Round Results Viewer). Option 2: Accessing Auction Results via the Internet o Internet Browser via http: Location 1: 1. Connect to your Internet service provider and start your Internet browser. 2. Enter the following location: 3. Click on Auction 17 4. Click on Results 5. Click on the file you wish to download. Location 2: 1. Connect to your Internet service provider and start your Internet browser. 2. Enter the following location: 3. Click on Auctions 4. In the Auctions section to the right, click on LMDS under In Progress 5. Click on Data(Round Results) 6. Click on Auction Round Results. 7. Click on the file you wish to download. o Internet Browser via ftp: or 1. Connect to your Internet service provider and start your Internet browser. 2. Enter the following location: or 3. Click on the pub directory (only applies to Click on the Auctions directory (only applies to Click on the LMDS directory Click on the Auction_17 directory Click on the Results directory 4. Click on the file you wish to download. Archive Directories The FCC will establish archive directories for round results files on the Internet. After every 50 rounds, files will be moved from the Results directory to an archive directory. The newest round results files will continue to be uploaded to the Results directory. For example, in round 102, round results files would be located as follows: On Rounds 1-50 pub/LMDS/Auction_17/Results/R001-050 Rounds 51-100 pub/LMDS/Auction_17/Results/R051-100 Rounds 101-102 pub/LMDS/Auction_17/Results On Rounds 1-50 pub/Auctions/LMDS/Auction_17/Results/R001-050 Rounds 51-100 pub/Auctions/LMDS/Auction_17/Results/R051-100 Rounds 101-102 pub/Auctions/LMDS/Auction_17/Results Files for rounds 103-150 would continue to be uploaded to the Results directory. After round 150, the files for rounds 101-150 would be archived. The newest files, for rounds 151-200, would be uploaded to the Results directory. Option 3: Accessing Auction Results via the Bulletin Board System (BBS) The FCC Auction Bulletin Board System (BBS) provides dial-in access for Auction Results. To access the FCC Auction BBS, use a communications package that can handle at least Xmodem protocol (such as PcAnyWhere, Procomm, or Microsoft Terminal in Windows 3.x) to dial in to (202) 682-5851. Use the settings of 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit (8,N,1). Once your computer is connected to the Auction BBS, do the following: 1. To create an account: (a) Enter your first name. Note: Throughout these instructions, "enter" means to type the appropriate information and then press the Enter key. (b) Enter your last name. (c) When asked whether you want to create an account, enter Y. (d) When prompted, enter a password. The password can be from four to ten characters long, where the characters can be either letters or numbers. (e) To confirm the password, enter it again. (f) When prompted for contact information, enter your voice phone number. Include the area code; for example, you might enter 202-555-1234. (g) Enter your company name. 2. On the Welcome screen, enter C for Continue. (You may also enter c, the program accepts either case.) Since C is the default (automatic) selection, you can also just press Enter to continue. 3. When asked whether you want to view the bulletin menu. Enter Y for Yes. Then, to continue, press Enter to obtain the FCC Auction BBS Main Menu. 4. Enter A (for Auction Menu) to obtain the Auction Library Menu. The top options on this menu provide a range of numbers to represent the available auctions. 5. To select Auction 17, enter B to select the second range. 6. On the Auctions Library Menu, enter the number of the auction you want. Enter 7, in this case. The Auction Menu appears. 7. Enter R to select Results. The list of available files for Auction 17 appears. These files are sorted by date, with the most recent files at the beginning of the list. 8. To scroll downward to the next screen of file names, either press Enter or enter C for Continue. To scroll upward to the preceding screen of file names, enter P for Previous. Note that on each screen, file names are numbered separately, starting with 1. 9. To select one or more files for downloading or viewing, mark the files you want. The program marks a file by preceding its name with an asterisk (*). You can do the following: To mark an individual file, enter its line number. To mark a range of files, enter M (for Mark) and then enter the range of files in response to the prompt. For example, to mark files 6 through 12, enter 6-12 at the prompt. To unmark a file, enter its number again. You can also use Mark to unmark a range of files. 10. When you have finished marking files, download them as follows: (a) Enter D for Download. The program displays a list that summarizes the download operation. The Time column lists the download time for each file; the Total Time column lists a running total of the download times. (b) Enter D to proceed. (c) Select the file transfer protocol that has been specified in your terminal emulation software (e.g., Xmodem or Zmodem). When the download operation has finished, the list of files reappears. 11. Enter X to leave the BBS. Note: All round results files will continue to be accessed through the Results menu on the BBS. No archive menus will be created. Round Results Files For each round, dBase-compatible database files will be uploaded with the following naming conventions: 17_xxxS.DBF contains all bids submitted in a particular round 17_xxxW.DBF contains all bids withdrawn in a particular round 17_xxxE.DBF contains the maximum eligibility and remaining # of waivers for each bidder 17_xxxH.DBF contains the high bids in a particular round and the minimum accepted bids for the next round where xxx represents the round number. For those who cannot use the dBase-compatible database files, we will also upload the ASCII text version of these files with the following naming conventions: 17_xxxS.TXT contains all bids submitted in a particular round 17_xxxW.TXT contains all bids withdrawn in a particular round 17_xxxE.TXT contains the maximum eligibility and remaining # of waivers for each bidder 17_xxxH.TXT contains the high bids in a particular round and the minimum accepted bids for the next round where xxx represents the round number. The following file will be uploaded at the beginning of the auction to map the bidder number to the FCC Account Number and company name: 17_XREF.DBF contains the bidder name, FCC account number and bidder number or 17_XREF.TXT is the same file in text format This file is used to identify which bidder is associated with each bid in the submission, withdrawal, high bids, and bidder eligibility files. Round Results File Formats All Bids: Field Length market 4 freq_block 2 round_num 3 bid_amt 11 bidder_num 4 date 8 time 8 net_bid_amt 11 sort_col_1 4 sort_col_2 4 Withdrawals: Field Length market 4 freq_block 2 bid_round 3 bid_amt 11 bidder_num 4 date 8 time 8 net_bid_amt 11 sort_col_1 4 sort_col_2 4 High Bids: Field Length market 4 freq_block 2 bid_round 3 bid_amt 11 bidder_num 4 date 8 time 8 net_bid_amt 11 min_accept 11 num_of_bids 11 sort_col_1 4 sort_col_2 4 Maximum Eligibility: Field Length round_num 3 bidder_num 4 max_elig 11 rmng_waivr 3 waivr_ind 1 Bidder Cross Reference: Field Length bidder_num 4 fcc_account_num 10 co_name 50 bidding_credit_pctg 3