Attachment E Downloading and Installing the FCC Mock Bidding System Qualified bidders who want to participate in the FCC Mock Auction will need, at a minimum, the following hardware and software: Hardware and Software Requirements: o CPU: Intel 80486 or above o RAM: 8 MB (more recommended if you intend to open multiple applications) o Hard Disk: 12 MB available disk space (Windows 3.1) 33 MB available disk space (Windows 95) o Modem: v.32bis 14.4kbps Hayes compatible modem o Monitor: VGA or above o Mouse or other pointing device o FCC Mock Bidding System software (available through the Internet and the FCC Bulletin Board System) o Microsoft Windows 95 , Microsoft Windows 3.1, or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 o Internet browser software that is compatible with Netscape Navigator 2.0 and Microsoft Explorer 3.0. To create backup installation disks for the FCC Mock Bidding System, you need the following: o 1.44-MB 3.5" floppy drive o Three blank MS-DOS formatted 1.44-MB floppy disks Note: The FCC Mock Bidding System has not been tested in a Macintosh, OS/2, or Windows NT environment. Therefore, the FCC will not support operating systems other than Microsoft Windows 3.1, Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11, or Microsoft Windows 95. This includes any other emulated Windows environment. If your Windows is in a networked environment, you should check with your local network administrator for any potential conflicts with the PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) Dialer that is included with the FCC Mock Bidding System for Windows 3.1. This usually includes any TCP/IP installed network protocol. Qualified bidders who wish to participate in the FCC Mock Auction must first download the software from either the Internet or the FCC Bulletin Board System. Participants must download the following compressed files to install the software: o For Windows 95: mk95v42a.exe, mk95v42b.exe, mk95v42c.exe, mk95v42d.exe, mk95v42e.exe o For Windows 3.1 or Windows3.11: mk31v42a.exe, mk31v42b.exe, mk31v42c.exe Download Method 1: Internet Access You may download the compressed files from your Internet browser using either http or ftp, as described in the following sections. o Internet Browser via http: Location 1: 1. Connect to your Internet service provider and start your Internet browser. 2. Enter the following location: 3. Click on Auctions 4. In the Auctions section to the right, click on LMDS under Future 5. Click on Mock Auction Software 6. Download the following files for Windows 95: mk95v42a.exe, mk95v42b.exe, mk95v42c.exe, mk95v42d.exe, mk95v42e.exe Download the following files for Windows 3.1: mk31v42a.exe, mk31v42b.exe, mk31v42c.exe Location 2: 1. Connect to your Internet service provider and start your Internet browser. 2. Enter the following location: 3. Click on Mock 4. Click on Programs 5. Download the following files for Windows 95: mk95v42a.exe, mk95v42b.exe, mk95v42c.exe, mk95v42d.exe, mk95v42e.exe Download the following files for Windows 3.1: mk31v42a.exe, mk31v42b.exe, mk31v42c.exe o Internet Browser via ftp: or 1. Connect to your Internet service provider and start your Internet browser. 2. Enter the following location: or 3. Click on the pub directory (only applies to Click on the Auctions directory (only applies to Click on the Mock directory Click on the Programs directory 4. Download the following files for Windows 95: mk95v42a.exe, mk95v42b.exe, mk95v42c.exe, mk95v42d.exe, mk95v42e.exe Download the following files for Windows 3.1: mk31v42a.exe, mk31v42b.exe, mk31v42c.exe Download Method 2: Dial-In Access to the FCC Auction Bulletin Board System (BBS): The FCC Auction Bulletin Board System (BBS) provides dial-in access for the FCC Mock Bidding System. To access the FCC Auction BBS, use a communications package that can handle at least Xmodem protocol (such as PcAnyWhere, Procomm, or Microsoft Terminal in Windows 3.x) to dial in to (202) 682-5851. Use the settings of 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit (8,N,1). Once your computer is connected to the Auction BBS, do the following: 1. To create an account: (a) Enter your first name. Note: Throughout these instructions, "enter" means to type the appropriate information and then press the Enter key. (b) Enter your last name. (c) When asked whether you want to create an account, enter Y. (d) When prompted, enter a password. The password can be from four to ten characters long, where the characters can be either letters or numbers. (e) To confirm the password, enter it again. (f) When prompted for contact information, enter your voice phone number, including area code. For example, you might enter 202-555-1234. (g) Enter your company name. 2. On the Welcome screen, enter C for Continue. (You may also enter c, the program accepts either case.) Since C is the default (automatic) selection, you can also just press Enter to continue. 3. When asked whether you want to view the bulletin menu. Enter Y for Yes. Then, to continue, press Enter to obtain the FCC Auction BBS Main Menu. 4. Enter A (for Auction Menu) to obtain the Auction Library Menu. The top options on this menu provide a range of numbers to represent the available auctions. 5. To select the Mock Auction, enter C. 6. Enter P to select Program files. The list of available files for the Mock Auction appears. These files are sorted by date, with the most recent files at the beginning of the list. 7. To scroll downward to the next screen of file names, either press Enter or enter C for Continue. To scroll upward to the preceding screen of file names, enter P for Previous. Note that on each screen, file names are numbered separately, starting with 1. 8. To select one or more files for downloading or viewing, mark the files you want. The program marks a file by preceding its name with an asterisk (*). You can do the following: To mark an individual file, enter its line number. To mark a range of files, enter M (for Mark) and then enter the range of files in response to the prompt. For example, to mark files 6 through 12, enter 6-12 at the prompt. To unmark a file, enter its number again. You can also use Mark to unmark a range of files. Use any of these techniques to mark the following files: For Windows 95: mk95v42a.exe, mk95v42b.exe, mk95v42c.exe, mk95v42d.exe, mk95v42e.exe For Windows 3.1: mk31v42a.exe, mk31v42b.exe, mk31v42c.exe 9. When you have finished marking files, download them as follows: (a) Enter D for Download. The program displays a list that summarizes the download operation. The Time column lists the download time for each file; the Total Time column lists a running total of the download times. (b) Enter D to proceed. (c) Select the file transfer protocol that has been specified in your terminal emulation software (e.g., Xmodem or Zmodem). When the download operation has finished, the list of files reappears. 10. Enter X to leave the BBS. Extracting the FCC Mock Bidding System The FCC Mock Bidding System files are downloaded in a self-extracting, compressed file format. When you have downloaded all of the compressed files for the FCC Mock Bidding System, you must extract the software from those files. To extract the software, start File Manager in the Main Program group, open the file folder where you downloaded the files, and double-click on mk95v42a.exe (for Windows 95) or mk31v42a.exe (for Windows 3.1). A message will appear listing the default directory to which the software will extract. If this directory does not exist, it will be created automatically. Click Unzip to begin extracting the software from the compressed file. When the extraction is complete, a message appears listing the number of files that were unzipped. Click OK and repeat the above process for the remaining compressed files (For Windows 95: mk95v42b.exe, mk95v42c.exe, mk95v42d.exe, and mk95v42e.exe. For Windows 3.1: mk31v42b.exe and mk31v42c.exe). Be sure to extract to the same directory as the first compressed file. Installing the FCC Mock Bidding System After you extract the software from the compressed files, you must install the FCC Mock Bidding System. To install the software, start File Manager, open the file folder to which you extracted the software and double-click on setup.exe. When the setup program begins, a screen appears listing the default directory to which the software will install. Click the Install button, then click OK to install to the specified directory. If the directory does not exist, the setup program will create it automatically. A screen also appears prompting you to enter the location of your Internet browser. Click the Browse button to locate the browser executable or type the full path to the browser. Click OK to continue the installation. When the installation is complete, a message may appear asking you to restart Windows so that the changes made by the installation may take effect. Click Restart to restart Windows, or click Stay Here to restart at a later time. Do not use the FCC Mock Bidding System until you restart Windows. Creating Backup Installation Disks for the FCC Mock Bidding System To create backup installation disks for the FCC Mock Bidding System, go to File Manager, open the file folder to which you extracted the software, double-click on backup.bat, and follow the instructions on the screen. Running the FCC Mock Bidding System When the FCC Mock Bidding System has been installed, you will have a new Program Manager group called FCC Mock Bidding System v4.2 with the following icons: FCC Mock Bidding System, Readme file, and Uninstall. If you have Windows 3.1 or 3.11, the group will also contain icons for Configure PPP and PPP Dialer. Important: Disable any screen saver software before using the FCC Mock Bidding System. For technical assistance with installing or using the FCC Mock Bidding System, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250. The Hotline is generally available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. Uninstalling the FCC Mock Bidding System To uninstall the FCC Mock Bidding System, double-click on the Uninstall icon in the FCC Mock Bidding System program group. Click Start to uninstall the software. Note that the Uninstall program will remove all versions of the software located in that installation directory. Help Detailed instructions for using all FCC Remote Electronic Auction System software can be found in the readme file associated with the software and in the context-sensitive help function associated with each software system. For technical assistance in installing or using the FCC Mock Bidding System, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250. The FCC Technical Support Hotline is generally available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET.