Attachment E INSTRUCTIONS FOR REGISTERING AND FILING FCC FORM 601 ELECTRONICALLY Following are instructions for electronically registering a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) with the FCC and electronically filing FCC Form 601. To perform either of these procedures, you must first connect to the FCC Network. Note the following: Attachment F describes how Windows 95 users can connect to the FCC Network using the Dial-Up Networking features of Windows 95. Attachment G describes how Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11 users can connect to the FCC Network using a PPP Dialer application that is available for downloading. You also need Internet Web Browser software to electronically register and file FCC Form 601. Netscape Navigator 3.01 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 with the file upload add-on were used during testing. Conventions The instructions in this attachment use the following typographical conventions: bold Represents objects on the screen that you click with the mouse pointer, including buttons, Internet links, icons, tabs, menu items (e.g., Cancel button, Auctions link, Save option in the File menu). italic Represents field names or areas of a screen (e.g., Licensee Name field, Applicant Information area of a screen). bold italic Represents characters that you must type exactly as they appear in the instructions. For example, if you are instructed to type, you should type all of the characters shown in bold italic exactly as they are printed. Small Caps Represents keys on the keyboard (e.g., Enter, Ctrl, Esc). Registering a TIN with the FCC Electronically Before filing FCC Form 601, the applicant's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) must be registered with the FCC's Universal Licensing System (ULS). If you have already registered your TIN with the ULS, proceed to the "Filing FCC Form 601 Electronically" instructions. To register a TIN, do the following: 1. Connect to the FCC Network using Dial-Up Networking in Windows 95 or the FCC-supplied PPP Dialer in Windows 3.1x. 2. Start your web browser. In the Location field (Netscape 3.x), Netsite field (Netscape 4.x), or Address field (Internet Explorer) of the web browser screen, type Then press the Enter key. This will access the Universal Licensing System home page. 3. Click the Online Filing button. 4. On the ULS Online Filing screen, click Register Now to select it, then click the Continue button. 5. On the next screen, identify whether you are registering as a business entity (e.g., corporation, partnership, government entity, etc.) or an individual. Click the desired option to select it, then click the Continue button to access the registration form. 6. Complete the registration from. Click the ? (Help) button at anytime for additional information on completing the online registration form. 7. Specify the password and personal or corporate identifier that you will use in conjunction with your TIN. In the New Password field, enter a password of at least 5 characters. Basic guidelines for selecting your self-assigned password: Specify a password that you will be able to remember easily. For security purposes, avoid selecting an obvious password that someone else could easily guess, such as spouse's name, child's name, etc. Your password must be at least 5 characters but no more than 30 characters. You may use letters, numbers, or symbols in your password. Memorize your password. Note that your password is case sensitive. For example, if you specify "station" (lowercase) as your password, you must always enter "station" in lowercase during ULS login. "Station" or "STATION" will not be accepted. 8. Re-enter your password in the Verify Password field. This entry must be an exact replication of the password entered in the New Password field. 9. In the Personal Identifier or Corporate Identifier field, enter a word (of your choice) to serve as your personal identifier (if individual) or corporate identifier (if business entity). Note: For security purposes, you will be required to correctly enter your TIN and password prior to accessing the ULS for filing applications online or updating your registration information. If you forget your password, contact FCC Technical Support. The FCC support staff will ask for your personal or corporate identifier to verify your identity before resetting your password. 10. When you have completed the registration form, click the Submit button. If you have entered any incomplete or erroneous information, an Errors screen lists the errors. Click Return, make your corrections, then click Submit again. Note that an application cannot be submitted until all errors have been corrected. 11. When your registration has been successfully submitted to the FCC, a confirmation message screen appears. This screen shows the TIN, password, and personal or corporate identifier that you just registered. Important: Your registration has not been successfully submitted to the ULS unless this confirmation screen appears. 12. From the confirmation screen, you can click the Home button to return to the ULS home page or the Online Filing Menu button if you wish to proceed with electronically filing an application. Note: If the applicant is owned by a Real Party in Interest, the TIN of that entity must also have been registered with the FCC. Filing FCC Form 601 Electronically After the applicant's TIN is registered with the FCC, the FCC Form 601 can be filed electronically. Do the following: 1. Connect to the FCC Network using Dial-Up Networking in Windows 95 or the FCC-supplied PPP Dialer in Windows 3.1x. 2. Start your web browser. In the Location field (Netscape 3.x), Netsite field (Netscape 4.x), or Address field (Internet Explorer) of the web browser screen, type Then press the Enter key. This will access the Universal Licensing System home page. 3. Click the Online Filing button. 4. On the ULS Online Filing screen, click Log into ULS Online Filing System to select it, then click the Continue button. 5. On the login screen, type your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in the field provided. This field requires the TIN of the applicant. Do not type the TIN of the Real Party in Interest (if one exists). 6. In the Password field, type the password you selected during TIN registration. This field is case sensitive; be sure to type the password exactly as you specified it when you registered with the FCC. For example, if you registered with the password PASSWD, do not type passwd. 7. Click the Continue button. If you entered an incorrect TIN and/or password, an error message appears. You must then type the correct information and click Continue again. (If you have not yet registered your TIN with the FCC, you must do so before filing the FCC Form 601.) 8. After you have entered your TIN and password correctly, one of the following screens appears: If you have existing incomplete applications, completed applications filed on the same day, or market-based applications with a purpose of New that are still within the filing window, an intermediate screen appears listing these applications. To create a new application to submit, click the Select New Filing. If you do not have existing incomplete applications or completed applications filed that day, a screen appears requesting you to select an application purpose. 9. Click the down-arrow button at the end of the Purpose of Application field to obtain the drop-down menu, and click the New entry in this menu. 10. Click the Continue button. You must now specify the auction for which this application is being filed. 11. On the next screen, click the down-arrow button at the end of the Auction ID field to obtain the drop-down menu of available auctions. For the LMDS Auction, click the Auction 17 entry in this menu. 12. Click the Continue button to obtain the form. On the first line of the form, Radio Service Code will be prefilled with LD. Also, all information filed on the FCC Form 175 will be prefilled on the 601 screen. You may key over the prefilled 175 information. 13. Complete the rest of the form. Note especially that if you have a Real Party in Interest, type the TIN of that entity in the TIN of Real Party in Interest of Applicant field under the Applicant Information section. Note: The TIN of the Real Party in Interest for the applicant must be registered with the FCC. 14. When you have completed the form, click the Continue button. 15. If you have entered any incomplete or erroneous information, an Errors screen lists the errors. Click Return, make your corrections, then click Continue again. Note that an application cannot be submitted until all errors have been corrected. The next screen shows the name of the Real Party in Interest (if you entered a TIN for that entity) and a list of the markets for the applicant. 16. Click the box to the right of each market to which this filing applies. You may also click Select All button to select all markets. To remove a check mark, click the box again, or click the Deselect All button to unmark all boxes at once. 17. When you have finished selecting markets, click the Continue button. An Attachments screen appears. 18. If you have any files to attach as exhibits, do the following steps for each of your exhibits: a. In the Attachment Type field, select the type of attachment from the drop-down menu. b. In the File Name field, type the path for your attachment file or use the Browse button to select it. The FCC can accept files in a variety of formats, which are listed in the system's Help facility. To obtain a list of file formats, scroll to the end of the form and click the ? (Help) button. When the Online Filing Help screen appears, click the File Formats link. The Attachment File Formats screen describes the available file formats. c. In the File Description field, type a description for the attachment file, using one of the recommended descriptions described in Attachment D of this Public Notice. d. Click the Upload button. e. Repeat the above steps for each attachment file you wish to upload. When you have finished uploading attachments, click the Close button. 19. Click the Submit button. 20. When a message appears asking for confirmation that you want to continue the submission process, click the OK button. When your application has been successfully submitted to the FCC, a confirmation message screen appears. This screens shows a file number for the application. Write down the file number for future reference. Important: Your application has not been successfully submitted to the FCC unless you have received a file number assigned by the Universal Licensing System. 21. To print a copy of the submitted application: a. Click the Print Preview button to see the formatted version of the application. Note that the file number is at the top of the form. If there is no file number present, this application has not been successfully submitted to the FCC. b. Print the application by clicking your browser's Print button. c. To return to the confirmation screen, click your browser's Back button. 22. From the confirmation screen, you can click the Home button to return to the ULS home page or the Online Filing Menu button if you wish to submit another application. Changing an Application Once you have submitted an application to the FCC, but the FCC has not yet granted your requested licenses, you can still make changes to that application. Use the Universal Licensing System (ULS) to change a pending application before or after the FCC Form 601 filing deadline, as follows: To make changes to a pending application at any time before the 5:30 P.M. ET filing deadline on Thursday, April 9, 1998, perform the preceding Steps 1 through 8. When the screen listing pending applications appears, find the entry for the application you want and click that entry. The pending application appears, and you can change it and then submit the updated version. To make changes to a pending application after the 5:30 p.m. ET filing deadline on April 9, 1998, perform the preceding Steps 1 through 8. When the Purpose of Application screen appears, obtain the drop-down menu and select Amendment, then click the Continue button. On the next screen, obtain the drop-down menu on the File Number box, select the file number for the application you want to amend, and then click the Continue button. The pending application appears, and you can change it and then submit the amended version. Important: FCC rules contain limitations on filing of major amendments after the April 9, 1998 filing deadline that may affect the applicant's legal rights. Acceptance of an amendment by the ULS does not indicate that the amendment is allowed under the rules. Applicants are advised to consult FCC rules in this regard prior to filing an amendment. Once the FCC has granted a request for a license, you can change that license by requesting a modification. To begin, perform the preceding Steps 1 through 8. When the Purpose of Application screen appears, obtain the drop-down menu and select Modification, then click the Continue button. Technical Support For technical assistance in registering or filing the FCC Form 601 electronically, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250. The FCC Technical Support Hotline generally will be available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. All calls to the FCC Technical Support Hotline are recorded.