Before theFederal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. In the Matter of ) ) Rulemaking To Amend Parts 1, 2, 21, and 25) CC Docket No. 92-297 Of the Commission's Rules to Redesignate) The 27.5-29.5 GHz Frequency Band, To) Reallocate the 29.5-30.0 GHz Frequency) Band, To Establish Rules and Policies for) Local Multipoint Distribution Service) And for Fixed Satellite Services) ) Petitions for Reconsideration of the) Denial of Applications for Waiver of the) Commission's Common Carrier Point-to-) Point Microwave Radio Service Rules) ) Suite 12 Group Petition for ) PP-22 Pioneer Preference ) erratum Released: May 1, 1997 1. This Erratum corrects portions of the final rules in the Second Report and Order, Order on Reconsideration, and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the above-captioned proceeding, FCC 97-82, which was released by the Commission on March 13,1997. The rules will be published correctly in the Federal Register and in the FCC Record. 2. Section 2.106 of the rules, the Table of Frequency Allocations, is amended in the entry for 27.5-29.5 by replacing the word ``SATELLITE'' with the word ``FIXED-SATELLITE'' in column (2), and is further amended in the entry for 31.0-31.3 by adding notes 884, 885, and 886 to column (2), by adding notes 886 and US211 to column (4), and by adding notes 884, 886 and US211 to column (5). 3. Section 101.5 of the rules is amended in the last sentence of paragraph (d) by replacing the word ``hereunder'' with the phrase ``under this paragraph''. 4. Section 101.19 of the rules is amended in paragraph (a)(5) to read as follows: ``(5) Show compliance with the special requirements applicable to each radio service and make all special showings that may be applicable (e.g., those required by  101.103(d), 101.701 and 101.1001 through 101.1015)''. 5. Section 101.61 of the rules is amended in paragraph (b)(3) by replacing the word ``subparts'' with the word ``sections''. 6. Section 101.103 of the rules is amended in paragraph (g)(2) by replacing the phrase ``subsection 101.103(d)(v)'' with the phrase ``paragraph (d)(2)(v)''. 7. Section 101.1001 of the rules is amended by deleting the phrase ``and this subpart'' at the end thereof. 8. Section 101.1003 of the rules is amended in paragraph (c) by redesignating paragraphs (c)(1)(A) through (c)(1)(C) as paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (c)(1)(iii), by deleting the phrase ``paragraph (c)(1)(A)'' in newly redesignated paragraph (c)(1)(ii) and replacing it with the phrase ``paragraph (c)(1)(i)'', by redesignating paragraphs (c)(2)(A) through (c)(2)(D) as paragraphs (c)(2)(i) through (c)(2)(iv), and by redesignating subparagraphs (i) and (ii) in newly redesignated paragraph (c)(2)(ii) as paragraphs (c)(2)(ii)(A) and (c)(2)(ii)(B). 9. Section 101.1003 of the rules is further amended in paragraph (f) by redesignating paragraphs (f)(1)(A) through (f)(1)(C) as paragraphs (f)(1)(i) through (f)(1)(iii), by redesignating subparagraphs (i) and (ii) in newly redesignated paragraph (f)(1)(ii) as paragraphs (f)(1)(ii)(A) and (f)(1)(ii)(B), by redesignating paragraphs (f)(5)(A) and (f)(5)(B) as paragraphs (f)(5)(i) and (f)(5)(ii), by redesignating subparagraphs (i) and (ii) in newly redesignated paragraph (f)(5)(ii) as paragraphs (f)(5)(ii)(A) and (f)(5)(ii)(B), and by deleting the phrase ``101.1002(e)'' in the note at the end of the section and replacing it with the phrase ``101.1003(e)''. 10. Section 101.1009 of the rules is revised in paragraph (a) by redesignating paragraphs (a)(1)(A) through (a)(1)(C) as paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(iii). 11. Section 101.1017 of the rules is revised by redesignating the text of paragraph (a)(1) as paragraph (a). 12. Section 101.1107 of the rules is revised in paragraph (d) by redesignating paragraphs (d)(2)(1) through (d)(2)(4) as paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (d)(2)(iv). FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Daniel B. Phythyon, Acting Chief Wireless Telecommunications Bureau