PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission News Media Information: (202) 418-0500 445 Twelfth Street, S.W. Fax on Demand: (202) 418-2830 Washington, DC 20554 Internet: October 6, 1999 ERRATUM TO PUBLIC NOTICE - DA 99-2074 On October 4, 1999, the Mass Media Bureau issued a Public Notice, DA 99-2074 dismissing the long form applications of those applicants that failed to participate in the Closed Broadcast Auction (Auction No. 25). The October 4th Public Notice inadvertently listed the following applications as dismissed. That action is hereby rescinded with respect to the following applications: TELEVISION Location Applicant File Number Amityville, New York Paxson Communications LPTV, Inc. BMPTTL-JG0601AR Apex, North Carolina Lighthouse Communications, Inc. BPTTL-980601KE Aurora, Colorado J. B. Van De Sande BPTTL-JG0601VQ Bridgeport, Connecticut Paging Associates, Inc. BMPTTL-JG0601CT Coer D'Alene, Idaho King Broadcasting Co. BPTT-JG0601IF Colorado Springs, Col. Rocky Mountain Broadcasting Net., Inc. BPTT-JG0601US Fall River, Colorado Green TV Corp. BPTTV-980601QC Findlay, Ohio Kaleidoscope Development, LLC BMPTTL-960517Q5 Grants Pass, Oregon Better Life TV BMPTTL-980601VN Grants Pass, Oregon CA OR Broadcasting, Inc. BPTTL-980601WG Hackettstown, New Jersey New Jersey Public Broadcasting Authority BPTT-JG0601MS Lincoln, Nebraska Trinity Broadcasting Network BPTT-JG0601RH Lincoln, Nebraska 3 Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc. BPTTL-980601VV Miami, Florida Jim J. Chladek BMPTTL-JG0601RQ Milton/Freewater, Oregon Citizens TV, Inc. BPTT-980601TA Mineola, New York WLIG-TV, Inc. BPTTL-980601XM Morristown, New Jersey Zenon Reynarowych BMPTTL-960517LX New Brunswick, NJ Deepak Viswanath BPTTL-960517NK Oroville/Paradise, Cal. Chico License, LLC BPTT-980601WK Payne's Creek, California Sainte Partners II LP BPTT-980601LQ Pueblo, Colorado Entravision Holdings, LLC BPTTL-JG0601VU Pullman, Washington Spokane TV, Inc. BPTTL-980601TZ Richland, Washington Mountain Licenses, LP BPTTL-980601XP Rochester, New York 3 Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc. BPTTL-JG0601XF Rochester, New York Trinity Broadcasting Network BPTT-JG0601YX Sacramento, California Telemundo of Northern California BPTTL-JG0601UX Sacramento, California National Minority Television, Inc. BMPTT-JG0601WZ Sandpoint, Idaho Mountain Licenses, LP BPTT-980601XA Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan GRK Productions Joint Venture BPTT-980601JW Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan 3 Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc. BPTT-980601VH Sharon, Pennsylvania Cornerstone TV, Inc. BPTTL-980601SU Soap Lake, Washington People's Television Association, Inc. BPTT-980601RG Spokane, Washington He's Alive Broadcasting Association BPTTL-980601RV Springfield/Selma, NC Waters & Brock Communications BPTTL-980601TW Toledo, Ohio National Minority TV, Inc. BMPTTL-960516KV Toledo, Ohio Assal Broadcasting Company BPTTL-960517ZB West Palm Beach, Florida Paxson Communications LPTV, Inc. BPTTL-JG0601AS Youngstown, Ohio Bruno-Goodworth Network, Inc. BPTTL-980601TL 3 2