ATTACHMENT D HOW TO MONITOR THE FCC AUCTIONS ON-LINE The auction announcements and round results for Auction 38 will be accessible through the FCC Wide Area Network, the Internet, and the FCC's Automated Round Results System. You can check on round results and also read any material released by the Commission during the course of the auction. In the sections that follow, Options 1 and 2 list the information needed to track the auction from your computer; Option 3 lists an alternate method. Conventions The instructions in this section use the following typographical conventions: bold Represents objects on the screen that you click with the mouse pointer, including buttons, Internet links, icons, tabs, menu items (e.g., Cancel button, Auctions link, Save option in the File menu). italic Represents field names or areas of a screen (e.g., Location field, Selected Licenses area of a screen). bold italic Represents characters that you must type exactly as they appear in the instructions. For example, if you are instructed to type, you should type all of the characters shown in bold italic exactly as they are printed. A. Option 1: Tracking the Auction via the FCC Wide Area Network The FCC has implemented a Remote Access System that allows users to dial in directly to the FCC to view round results, auction announcements, and messages, and to make suggestions to the FCC regarding the FCC auction process. 1. Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements The following minimum hardware and software is required to use the FCC Remote Access System: a. Hardware Requirements ? CPU: Intel Pentium ? RAM: 32 MB (more recommended if you have multiple applications open) ? Modem: 28.8 Kbps Hayes compatible modem or faster (recommend 56.6 Kbps) ? Monitor: VGA or above ? Mouse or other pointing device b. Software Requirements ? Operating System: Microsoft Windows 95/98 ? Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Dialer: Use the Dial-Up Networking feature included with Windows 95/98 ? Web Browser: Netscape Communicator 4.76 is recommended. However, you can also use Netscape Communicator 4.5, 4.51, 4.61, 4.7, 4.72, or 4.73. To download Netscape Communicator 4.76 free of charge, access the Netscape download site at and click the Communicator Product link below the Download button. When the Choose Operating System list appears, click the Windows 95, 98, NT or 2000 link. On the Choose Version list, click 4.76; on the Choose Component list, click Complete and then click Download It Now. 2. Connecting to the FCC Network To use the FCC Remote Access System, you must first connect to the FCC Network using Dial-Up Networking. Dial-Up Networking connects to a 900 number telephone service at a charge of $2.30 per minute. The first minute of connection time to the 900 number service is at no charge. Dial-Up Networking establishes a point-to-point connection from your PC to the FCC Network. This point-to-point connection is not routed through the Internet. For instructions regarding how to connect to the FCC Network using Dial-Up Networking, see the Accessing the FCC Network Using Windows 95/98 attachment. For technical assistance with installing or using FCC software, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250 (V) or (202) 414-1255 (TTY). The FCC Technical Support Hotline is generally available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET, Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET, and Sunday from 12 noon to 6 p.m. ET. All calls to the FCC Technical Support Hotline are recorded. 3. Using the FCC Remote Access System After you have connected to the FCC Network, start your Netscape Web browser. In your browser's Location field, enter and then click Round Results Viewer, Suggestion Box, or Announcements Note: If you cannot access the preceding site, and you suspect there is a problem with your Domain Name Server (DNS), refer to Accessing FCC Sites In Case of DNS Problems at the end of this document. Or you can use the alternate location, When you have finished, exit your Web browser, then disconnect from the FCC Network. B. Option 2: Tracking the Auction via the Internet You may use your Web browser to download announcements and round results from - or from either of two secondary locations, or -- as described in the following sections. 1. Downloading from or 1. Connect to your Internet service provider and start your Web browser. 2. In the Location field of the Web browser screen, enter one of the following locations: or Note: If you cannot access either of the preceding sites, and you suspect there is a problem with your Domain Name Server (DNS), refer to Accessing FCC Sites In Case of DNS Problems at the end of this document. 3. Click Auction 38. ? For auction announcements, click Announcements. ? To download a bid import template file, click Announcements, then select template.txt. ? For auction round results, click Results and then click the subdirectory for the type of files you want to use: mdb - Microsoft Access database files in zipped form (for use in the Auction Tracking Tool) txt - text files dbf - dBASE database files 4. Click the file you want to download. 2. Downloading from 1. Connect to your Internet service provider and start your Web browser. 2. In the Location field of the Web browser screen, enter the following location: 3. Do the following: a. In the Auctions section on the right, click 700 MHz Guard Band (#38) under In Progress. b. Click a link in the Pre Auction and Auction section: ? For auction announcements, click Announcements. ? To download a bid import template file, click Announcements, then select template.txt. ? For auction round results, click Results and then click the subdirectory for the type of files you want to use: mdb - Microsoft Access database files zipped txt - text files dbf - dBASE database files 4. Then click the file you want to download. 3. Announcement Files The announcement files will use the naming convention aa_xxx.nnn, where aa is the auction number, xxx is the round number and nnn is the announcement number. For example, 38_002.007 would represent an announcement for Auction 38 that was posted during round two and was the seventh announcement for the auction. 4. Round Results Files For each round, dBASE-compatible database files will be uploaded with the following naming conventions (where xxx represents the round number): ? 38_xxxs.dbf contains all bids submitted in a particular round ? 38_xxxw.dbf contains all bids withdrawn in a particular round ? 38_xxxe.dbf contains the maximum eligibility and remaining number of waivers for each bidder ? 38_xxxh.dbf contains the high bids in a particular round and the minimum accepted bids for the next round For those who cannot use the dBASE-compatible database files, we will also upload the ASCII text (.txt) version of these files with the same filenames as above (e.g., 38_ xxxs.txt, 38_xxxe.txt). In addition, if you want to use Microsoft Access or you are using the FCC-provided Auction Tracking Tool (ATT), we upload the mdb access version of the round results files as a zipped file with a name of the form 38_ In the event an error occurs with the mdb file creation process only, the zipped file will not be generated. However, if such a failure occurs, we will upload text files that contain the mdb round results data. For details, refer to Round Results Text Files Produced In Case of ATT Processing Failure at the end of this section. File Formats: For a description of the internal formats of the round results files, refer to Round Results File Formats at the end of this document. a. Locations of Uploaded Files The newest round results are uploaded to the Results directory based on type of file format: dbf, mdb (zip files), and txt. On the primary location, ? ? ? If you cannot access these files at the preceding primary location, you can access the same files at either of the following secondary locations: or b. Archive Directories After every 50 rounds, files will be moved from the Results directory to archive directories. The following listings show an example of the directory structure for an auction in round 102. Note that the results for rounds 101 and 102 would be in the Results directories. On the primary location, Rounds 1-50 Rounds 51-100 Rounds 101-102 Rounds 1-50 Rounds 51-100 Rounds 101-102 Rounds 1-50 Rounds 51-100 Rounds 101-102 If you cannot access the files at the preceding primary location, you can access the same files at either of the following secondary locations: or c. Round Results Text Files Produced In Case of ATT Processing Failure In the event an error occurs with the mdb file creation process, and the mdb files are not created, we will initiate a backup process to provide a temporary solution for bidders who normally would rely on the Auction Tracking Tool data to analyze round results. Specifically, we will upload tab-delimited ASCII (.txt) files that contain the same round results data as the mdb files, but in a flat file format. There will be one .txt file for each Auction Tracking Tool table, and they will have names of the following general forms (where xxx is the round number): ? All Bids: 38_xxxa.txt ? Bidders: 38_xxxb.txt ? Bidders Raising Own High Bid: 38_xxxc.txt ? Bidders Who Reduced: 38_xxxr.txt ? Increment Statistics: 38_xxxi.txt ? Markets: 38_xxxm.txt ? Round Statistics: 38_xxxu.txt ? Waiver Statistics: 38_xxxv.txt ? Withdrawal Statistics: 38_xxxd.txt For example, 38_001a.txt is the All Bids table file for Round 1. These text files will be uploaded to the same location as the mdb zipped file, as described under the preceding section titled Locations of Uploaded Files. Bidders will then have all of the table data that is normally supplied with the mdb files. However, bidders will not be able to import the .txt file into the Auction Tracking Tool. Instead, they will have to use Notepad, Wordpad, Excel, or some other application that can work with text files. Once the processing error has been corrected, the mdb files will be created and posted to the Internet, replacing the temporary text files. Bidders will receive a message that the files have been updated. The updated zip file can then be loaded into the Auction Tracking Tool. C. Option 3: Tracking the Auction via the FCC's Automated Round Results System High Bid round results are also available from a touch-tone phone, using the FCC's Automated Round Results System. To access this system, dial 800-432-2110 from outside the Washington DC area and 202-414-1260 from within the Washington DC area. Once the system has been activated, you will follow the voice prompts. You will need to know the name of the license you want by market and frequency block, such as MEA012 A. D. Accessing FCC Sites In Case of DNS Problems When you enter a URL into your browser, the system must convert this alphanumeric text (e.g., into its associated numeric IP address (, in this case). To make this conversion, the system checks URL-to-IP-address "lookup" tables in two different places. First, it looks at the table contained in a file called hosts in the c:\windows directory on your computer's hard drive. If the URL is not in that table, the system looks in the database on your Domain Name Server (DNS). However, if your DNS is unavailable for some reason, the system will not be able to find the IP address you requested. The following procedure is intended to help ensure that you can access auction results files on the FCC's Web and FTP sites if your designated DNS has problems. Note the following: ? The IP addresses shown in the following procedure are correct as of the date this document was created. They may have changed subsequently. In case of problems, please check with Tech Support at (202) 414-1250. ? Make entries in the hosts file only to work around DNS problems. We do not recommend leaving these entries in permanently; please remove them when your DNS problem has been resolved. To add FCC-related URL entries to your computer's hosts file, do the following: 1. Using Windows Explorer, ensure that the hosts file exists in your c:\windows directory. If c:\windows has no hosts file, use the Windows Rename function to change the name of the hosts.sam file to hosts (with no extension). To do this, use your right-hand mouse button to click the hosts.sam file, then click the Rename option in the menu that appears. 2. Using a text editor of your choice, such as Wordpad or Notepad, open the hosts file in your c:\windows directory. This file will already contain the following entry: localhost 3. Using the same format (with at least one space between each number and its corresponding URL), add the following entries to the bottom of the file: 4. Save the file and exit your text editor. Be sure that the file name has not changed to hosts.txt or hosts.doc or similar. It must remain just hosts (with no extension). E. Round Results File Formats This section describes the formats for the round results files that will be uploaded to the FCC Internet site after each round of the auction. There are three sets of results files. The first set of files is in Microsoft Access 97 mdb format and contains the data tables for the FCC Auction Tracking Tool. The other files are in dbf and txt format and contain the raw output of the auction data. 1. Auction Tracking Tool File Format There will be a single Auction Tracking Tool .zip file for each round of the auction. The following layout describes the tables and fields within the mdb round file. The mdb files are for use with the FCC Auction Tracking Tool. a. All Bids table Auction ID Long Integer Round Long Integer License Name Text(15) Market Text(6) Block Text(2) Submarket Long Integer Bidder Text(50) Increments of Bid Long Integer Gross Bid Amount Currency Net Bid Amount Currency Date Text(10) Time Text(14) b. Bidders table Auction ID Long Integer Round Long Integer Bidder Text(50) FCC Acct Text(10) Bidding Credit Single Initial Eligibility Long Integer Current Eligibility Long Integer Change in Eligibility Long Integer Waiver Type Text(4) New Bids Long Integer Gross Bids Currency Net Bids Currency Total High Bids Long Integer Gross High Bids Currency Net High Bids Currency Current Activity Long Integer Additional Activity Required Long Integer Unused Elig Long Integer Waivers Remaining Long Integer Withdrawals Remaining Long Integer c. Bidders Raising Own High Bid table Auction ID Long Integer Round Long Integer License Name Text(15) Major Grouping Text(6) Minor Grouping Text(6) Block Text(2) Submarket Long Integer Bidder Text(50) Increments of Bid Long Integer Gross Bid Amount Currency Net Bid Amount Currency Date Text(10) Time Text(14) d. Bidders Who Reduced table Auction ID Long Integer Round Long Integer Bidder Who Reduced Text(50) Reduction Amt Long Integer Current Eligibility Long Integer e. Increment Statistics table Auction ID Long Integer Round Long Integer 1 Long Integer 2 Long Integer 3 Long Integer 4 Long Integer 5 Long Integer 6 Long Integer 7 Long Integer 8 Long Integer 9 Long Integer f. Markets table Auction ID Long Integer Round Long Integer License Name Text(15) Major Grouping Text(6) Minor Grouping Text(6) Block Text(2) Submarket Long Integer License Size (MHz) Double Market Name Text(50) BUs Long Integer Population Long Integer Number of Bids Long Integer High Bidder Text(50) Round of High Bid Long Integer Increments of Bid Long Integer Gross Currency Bidding Credit Single Net Currency Date Text(10) Time Text(14) Min Acceptable Bid Currency Bid Increment Currency Prev High Bidder Text(50) Round of Prev High Bid Long Integer Prev Gross Currency Prev Bidding Credit Single Prev Net Currency Selected Long Integer All Selected Long Integer g. Round Statistics table Auction ID Long Integer Round Long Integer Round Date Text(11) Stage Long Integer New Bids Long Integer Total High Bids Long Integer Pctg of BUs for All Bids Single Pctg of BUs for High Bids Single Gross Bids Currency Net Bids Currency Dollar Change in Net Bids Currency Pctg Change in Net Bids Single Eligible Bidders Long Integer Bidders At Risk Long Integer Number Reduced Long Integer BUs Reduced Double Eligibility Ratio Single Pctg of Covered BUs Single Waivers Long Integer Withdrawals Long Integer FCC Held Licenses Long Integer Pctg of Covered Pops Single Pctg of the Covered Pops with Bidding Credit Single h. Waiver Statistics table Auction ID Long Integer Round Long Integer Bidder Text(50) Waiver Type Text(1) Remaining Waivers Long Integer i. Withdrawal Statistics table Auction ID Long Integer Withdrawal Number Long Integer Bidder Text(50) License Name Text(15) Market Text(6) Block Text(2) Submarket Long Integer BUs Long Integer Population Long Integer Round Long Integer Gross Currency Net Currency Date Text(10) Time Text(14) Min Bid Currency New High Bidder Text(50) New High Bid Round Long Integer Gross High Bid Currency Net High Bid Currency 2. Round Results File Format The round results files were used by the previous Excel based tracking tool produced by the FCC and are still being distributed for those bidders who use them for their own tracking purposes. The following layouts are for the dbf files. The txt files will have character field types. a. ALL_BIDS file market char(6) freq_block char(2) round_num numeric bid_amt numeric bidder_num numeric fcc_acct char(10) date char(10) time char(14) net_bid_amt numeric sort_col_1 numeric sort_col_2 numeric sub_market numeric b. HIGH_BIDS file market char(6) freq_block char(2) bid_round numeric bid_amt numeric bidder_num numeric fcc_acct char(10) date char(10) time char(14) net_bid_amt numeric min_accept numeric num_of_bids numeric sort_col_1 numeric sort_col_2 numeric sub_market numeric c. MAXIMUM_ELIGIBILITY file round_num numeric bidder_num numeric fcc_acct char(10) max_elig numeric rmng_waivr numeric waivr_ind char(1) rmng_withdrawals numeric required_act numeric current_activity numeric d. WITHDRAWALS file market char(6) freq_block char(2) bid_round numeric bid_amt numeric bidder_num numeric fcc_acct char(10) date char(10) time char(14) net_bid_amt numeric sort_col_1 numeric sort_col_2 numeric sub_market numeric e. BIDDER_CROSS_REFERENCE file bidder_num numeric fcc_acct char(10) co_name char(50) bidding_credit_pctg numeric short_name char(10) bidder_num numeric F. Help For technical assistance with installing or using FCC software, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250 (V) or (202) 414-1255 (TTY). The FCC Technical Support Hotline is generally available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET, Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET, and Sunday from 12 noon to 6 p.m. ET. All calls to the FCC Technical Support Hotline are recorded. D-1 PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20554