Universal Licensing System - Help

This article provides information on Withdrawing an Application in the Universal Licensing System (ULS). Applications with a status of pending, returned, or consented to can be withdrawn.

Steps to Filing a Request to Withdraw an Application in ULS

  1. Log in to ULS Online Filing with your FCC Registration Number (FRN) and password or FRN and Username Password.

    Note: If you are taken to the My Licenses page, click My Applications to begin the steps below.

  2. Click Pending, Returned, or Consented To (depending on the current status of the application you would like to withdraw).
  3. Check the box next to the file number you would like to withdraw and Click the Withdraw button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Click Continue to navigate through the application.
  5. Sign your application and click Submit Application.

    Note: By typing your first and last name in the name fields you have signed your application.

FAQs – Filing a Request to Withdraw an Application in ULS

Will I owe a filing fee?


How do I know if my application is received at the FCC?

Applications will appear either the next business day in ULS Application Search or two businesses days later for applications filed on a weekend or federal holiday.  Enter the file number in the ULS Application Search to find your application.

When will my application be withdrawn?

Generally, the application is withdrawn the next business day.

What should I do if I filed the application in error?

On the same day that you submitted your application, you can delete the application.

Within 30 days from the date that your application is withdrawn, you can file a Petition for Reconsideration.

Otherwise, you will need to file another application based on the original purpose of the filing.

Friday, October 14, 2022