"This page is a digitally archived AccessInfo Announcement"

Written by Jamal Mazrui, Deputy Director, Accessibility and Innovation Initiative Federal Communications Commission

As part of our FCC Developer community, we would like to extend a special invitation to get involved in an issue that's close to this agency's mission. The FCC strongly supports innovations in accessible technology. Like other federal agencies implementing practices of open government, the FCC is making use of challenges and awards to spur innovation. This list represents a number of ways that developers can get involved and make a difference in the federal technology landscape:

The Chairman's Awards for Advances in Accessibility (AAA)
These awards will be given to pioneers inaccessibility and innovation, and all contenders from any background are invited to participate. Besides assistive or mainstream technologies, the awards may recognize related advances in best practices, standards development, or teaching materials. Read more about the prestigious AAA recognition, which closes for entries May 1, 2011:
http://blog.broadband. gov/?entryid=967886

"Lifted by the Cloud: Visions of Cloud-Enhanced Accessibility"This contest seeks short multimedia presentations (like videos) that illustrate how accessibility may be enhanced using the computing and communications power of the Internet. Two prizes are being offered. The Coleman Institute is offering $1,000 for the presentation that best addresses the interests of people with cognitive disabilities. Similarly, Raising the Floor is offering $1,000 for the presentation that best addresses the interests of people from developing countries. The entry deadline for this contest is also May 1. Learn more here: http://challenge.gov/FCC/82-lifted-by-the-cloud-visions-of-cloud-enhanc…- accessibility·

Accessible ICT Clearinghouse
Last July, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski launched the FCC's Accessibility and Innovation Initiative, designed to promote collaborative problem-solving so that people with disabilities reap the full benefits of communications technology. The FCC is particularly interested in contributions toward building a clearinghouse of information on accessible, information and communication technologies (ICT), as mandated by the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010. 
Please help publicize these innovation challenges. Consider submitting one or more entries yourself, or collaborate with a group. You might earn a lot of recognition, and some cash, too!

Thursday, October 4, 2018