Licensing Information
The FCC is responsible for managing and licensing the electromagnetic spectrum for commercial users and for non-commercial users including: state, county and local governments. This includes public safety, commercial and non-commercial fixed and mobile wireless services, broadcast television and radio, satellite and other services. In licensing the spectrum, the Commission promotes efficient and reliable access to the spectrum for a variety of innovative uses as well as promotes public safety and emergency response.
Database Listing
The FCC is responsible for managing and licensing the electromagnetic spectrum for commercial users and for non-commercial users including: state, county and local governments. This includes public safety, commercial and non-commercial fixed and mobile wireless services, broadcast television and radio, satellite and other services. In licensing the spectrum, the Commission promotes efficient and reliable access to the spectrum for a variety of innovative uses as well as promotes public safety and emergency response.
A - C
- Antenna Structure Registration (ASR)
- Broadcast Radio and Television Electronic Filing System (CDBS)
- Cable Operations and Licensing System (COALS)
- Call Sign Reservation and Authorization System (CSRS)
- Children's Television Online Filing System
- Consumer Complaint Forms
D - E
- Disaster Information Reporting System (DIRS)
- Domain Name Data Entry
- Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS)
- Electronic ARMIS Filing System (EAFS)
- Electronic document management system (EDOCS)
- Electronic Tariff Filing System (ETFS)
- EAS Test Reporting System (ETRS)
- Equipment Authorization System (OET-EAS)
- Experimental Licensing System (ELS)
F - N
- Fee Filer
- FRN Registration (FCC Registration Number)
- General Menu Reports (GENMEN)
- Intermediate Provider Registry
- International Communications Filing System (ICFS)
- Licensing and Management System (LMS)
- Network Outage Reporting System (NORS)
O - U
- OET Experimental Licensing System Electronic Filing
- OET Knowledge Database (KDB)
- OET TCB/Accreditor Electronic Filing
- Pirate Radio Database
- Public Inspection Files (PIF)
- Radio Frequency Service Interference Complaint Portal (PSIX-ESIX)
- Red Light Display (RLD) System
- Special Access Data Collection
- Tower Construction Notification System (TCNS)
- Universal Licensing System
The FCC collects regulatory fees and processing fees. Congress authorizes our authority to impose and collect such fees. Application processing fees are deposited in the U.S. Treasury and are not available to the FCC.
See a full list of FCC forms and filing information. If you need assistance completing a form or filing information, contact the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 1-888-CALL-FCC.