Order: In this Order, we grant the request of North River Telephone Cooperative (North River), an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) in Virginia, for a waiver of the annual filing deadline set forth in section 54.904(d) of the Commission’s rules. We find that North River has demonstrated good cause that warrants this waiver. 12/28/06. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, we grant MCI's petition for waiver of sections 54.802(a) and 54.809(c) of the Commission's rules. MCI missed its annual certification and three quarterly line reports for interstate access support (IAS) during a time when it was transitioning from bankruptcy. We find that MCI has demonstrated good cause to grant this waiver: MCI's difficulties with emerging from bankruptcy and the impact of a loss of approximately $1.5 million in IAS funding. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, we grant Mid-Tex's petition for waiver of section 54.314(d)(5) of the Commission's rules and deny Mid-Tex's petition for waiver of section 54.904 of the Commission's rules. We find that Mid-Tex's ETC designation date made it impossible for the state commission to file the high-cost use certification prior to the deadline in section 54.314(d)(5). We also find that Mid-Tex's confusion over the ICLS certification deadline in section 54.904 did not warrant a waiver. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, we grant San Isabel's request for a waiver of various line count and certification filing deadline so that it may receive universal service support beginning immediately after its ETC designation date of December 30, 2002. We conclude that the missed deadlines were not the fault of San Isabel. We deny, however, San Isabel's request for waiver of the two line count filing deadlines that occurred after the date the state commission certified San Isabel (Sept 24, 2003). We find no reason why San Isabel could not have submitted those required filings. As a result, San Isabel will not be eligible for universal service support for the first and second quarters of 2004. In summary, the Order permits San Isabel to be eligible for universal service support from Jan 1, 2003 to Dec 31, 2003 and from July 1, 2004 and thereafter. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants a petition by CenturyTel of Wisconsin, LLC and Telephone USA of Wisconsin, LLC (CenturyTel) for a waiver of the filing deadline in section 36.612(a)(3) of the Commission's rules for the receipt of safety valve support. The Bureau finds that CenturyTel has demonstrated that good cause warrants this waivers. In particular, the Bureau finds absent a waiver, CenturyTel would be denied SVS for an entire fiscal year which would undermine the Commission's USF policies to promote quality services available at just, reasonable and affordable rates. Word | Acrobat

Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau extend the timing of the waiver of sections 36.611 and 36.612 of the Commission’s rules granted to Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Adak Telephone Utility (Adak Telephone) in the Adak Order. The extension of this waiver will permit Adak Telephone, a new local exchange carrier (LEC) in Alaska, to receive high-cost loop support based on projected costs in 2006 and 2007, until its historical costs become available in 2008. We grant this extension on our own motion to permit Adak Telephone to continue receiving high-cost loop support without interruption, consistent with the Wireline Competition Bureau’s (Bureau) intention in originally granting the waiver in the Adak Order.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau invites interested parties to comment on a petition filed by Cingular Wireless, LLC seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the Commonwealth of Virginia pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Comment Date: December 4, 2006. Reply Coment Date: 11, 2006.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants an appeal filed by Thumb Cellular of a USAC decision denying it Interstate Common Line Support for the third quarter of 2003 because USAC determined that Thumb Cellular’s FCC Form 507, which includes line count data, was received on March 31, 2003 - one day after USAC’s calculated filing date. Among other things, the Bureau finds that USAC should have deemed the 507 forms filed on this day to be timely filed because the due date fell on a Sunday. In particular, under Section 1.4(j) of the Commission’s rules, because March 30 was a Sunday, the document could have been filed on the next business day which was Monday, March 31, 2003.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau conditionally grant a joint request from Rural Telephone Service Company, Inc. (RuralTel), Nex-Tech, Inc. (Nex-Tech), United Telephone Company of Kansas and United Telephone of Eastern Kansas (collectively, United) for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission’s rules. This waiver will permit United to remove twelve exchanges comprising approximately 5,400 lines from United’s Kansas study areas. Consistent with the precedent established by the Commission in the Heart of Iowa Order, we allow Nex-Tech to transfer its competitive LEC lines to RuralTel’s newly configured incumbent LEC study area on the condition that RuralTel treats Nex-Tech’s former competitive LEC lines as if these lines were acquired from an unaffiliated carrier and subject to the provisions of section 54.305. We also grant RuralTel’s request for waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission’s rules so that RuralTel can include the acquired exchanges in the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) common line tariff.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant a joint request from Gorham Telephone Company, Inc., (Gorham) and RuralTel for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission’s rules. The study area waiver will permit RuralTel to remove two exchanges comprising approximately 272 access lines from its Kansas study area. The waiver also will permit Gorham to add these exchanges to its existing Kansas study area. We also grant Gorham a waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission’s rules in order to allow it to continue to use the NECA as its tariff pool administrator.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on the 2007 Modification of Average Schedule Universal Service High-Cost Loop support Formula and the 2007 Average Schedule Company Local Switching Support Formula. Comment Date: November 11, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: November 8, 2006.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants the petition for waiver of the June 30, 2006 deadline for receipt of interstate access universal service support. We find that Verizon has demonstrated that good cause warrants granting this waiver.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants the petitions of three carriers for waiver of the September 30, 2005 deadlines. We find that the Petitioners have demonstrated that good cause warrants these waivers.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants a joint request from United Telephone Company of Kansas and United Telephone Company of Eastern Kansas and Twin Valley Telephone, Inc. for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze.
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ERRATUM: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division on August 15, 2006 released an Order DA 06-1645, in the Matter of Sacred Wind Communications, Inc. and Qwest Corporation. This Erratum corrects the Order.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant a joint request from Sacred Wind Communications, Inc. and Qwest Corporation for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant the requests of Buggs Island Telephone Cooperative and Pembroke Telephone Cooperative for waivers of the annual certification deadline set forth in section 54.314 of the Commission's rules.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant the requests of Northwest Dakota Cellular of North Dakota Limited Partnership; North Central RSA 2 of North Dakota Limited Partnership; North Dakota RSA No. 3 Limited Partnership; Badlands Cellular of North Dakota Limited Partnership; North Dakota 5-Kidder Limited Partnership; and Bismarck MSA Limited Partnership for a waiver of the September 30, 2004 data submission reporting deadline set forth in section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant a request from Pine Belt Cellular, Inc. for a waiver of the October 1, 2004 annual certification filing deadline set forth in section 54.313 of the Commission's rules.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant a request from Centennial Cellular Tri-State Operating Partnership and Centennial Claiborne Cellular Corp. for waiver of the April 1, 2004 and October 1, 2004 certification deadlines in section 54.314(d) of the Commision's rules. Mississippi Public Service Commission was also granted a request for a waiver of the January 1, 2005 certification deadline.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant a request from Cellular South Licenses, Inc. for a waiver of the December 31, 2003, filing deadline for interstate access universal service support set forth in section 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant the petition of North Carolina RSA 3 Cellular Telephone Company d/b/a Carolina West Wireless to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in portions of its licensd service area in the state of North Carolina.
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Public Notice: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division of the Wireline Competition Bureau granted the petitions for waiver of certain filing deadlines for the receipt of universal service support for the following Petitioners: Highland Cellular, Inc., Megagate, American Cellular Corp., and NPCR, Inc.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by CTIA-The Wireless Association and a petition filed by Cingular Wireless LLC requesting declaratory rulings regarding certain aspects of the 2006 Contribution Methodology Reform Order and previous Commission and Bureau-level Orders. Comments Due: September 11, 2006 and Reply Comments Due: September 26, 2006.
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Order: The Commission grant requests for review filed by Darien Telephone Company, Inc., Logal elephone Cooperative, Inc., and Roanoke & Botetourt Telephone Company pursuant to sections 54.719 and 54.722 of the Commission's rules.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the petition of Gorham Telephone Company, Inc., and Rural Telephone Service Company, Inc., to waive the study area boundary freeze, as codified, in Part 36, and Gorham Telephone Company's request for waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's rules. Comments Due: August 8, 2006 and Reply Comments Due: August 15, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Verizon Communications, Inc. seeking waiver of the quarterly line count filing deadline associated with the receipt of universal service interstate access support pursuant to section 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules. Comments Due: July 26, 2006 and Reply Comments Due: August 2, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the petition of Accipiter Communications, Inc., and Qwest Cororation to waive the study area boundary freeze, as codified in part 36, and section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's rules. Comments Due: July 24, 2006 and Reply Comments Due: July 31, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on petitions filed by Pine Belt Cellular, Inc., Sagebrush Cellular, Inc., and Cedar Valley Communications, Inc. seeking waivers of various filing deadlines associated with the receipt of universal service support pursuant to the Commission's rules. Comment Date: July 14, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: July 21, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Commission extend the high-cost universal service support rules adopted in the Rural Task Force Order on an interim basis until the Commission concludes its rural review proceeding and adopts changes, if any, to those rules as a result of that proceeding.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau conditionally grant a joint request from Lost Nation-Elwood elephone Company and Iowa Telecom for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau conditionally grant a joint request from Partner Communications Cooperative and Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc., d/b/a Iowa Telecom for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the petition, filed on March 15, 2006, by Cellular Network Partnership d/b/a Pioneer Cellular for waiver of the Septmber 30, 2005 filing deadline set forth in section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules. Comments are due April 28, 2006 and reply comments are due May 5, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition, filed by North Dakota Network Company pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the North Dakota Public Service Commission to redefine the service areas of rural telephone companies in North Dakota at the wire center level. Comment Date: May 5, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: May 19, 2006
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Public Notice: Parties are invited to comment on the petition filed by Pine Belt Cellular, Inc. seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the state of Alabama pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934. Comment Date: April 6, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: April 21, 2006
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Public Notice: Parties are invited to comment on the petition filed by Hopi Telecommunications, Inc. seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the Hopi and Navajo Reservations in the state of Arizona pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934. Comment Date: April 6, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: April 21, 2006
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Mark Twain Communications Company pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Missouri Public Service Commission to redefine the service area of Spectra Communications Group, a rural incumbent local exchange carrier. Comment Date: April 7, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: April 21, 2006
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Order: The Commission conditionally grant a joint request from Heart of Iowa Communications Cooperative and Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc., d/b/a Iowa elecom for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Buerau seeks comment on a petition filed by the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with its decision to redefine the service areas of rural incumbent local exchange carriers for the purposes of designating Brookings Municipal Utilities d/b/a Swiftel Communications as an eligible telecommunications carrier. Comment Date: March 31, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: April 14, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Buerau seeks comment on petitions filed by Pembroke Telephone Cooperative, North River Telephone Cooperative, Nebraska Technology & Telecommunications, Inc., and Great Lakes of Iowa, Inc. seeking waivers of various filing deadlines associated with the receipt of unviersal service support pursuant to the Commission's rules. Comment Date: March 20, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: March 27, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petitions filed by American Cellular Corporation pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Minnesota Public Service Commission to redefine the service areas of rural incumbent local exchange carrier service areas. Comment Date: March 17, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: March 31, 2006.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant requests by Dixon Telephone Company, Lexcom Telephone Company, and Citizens Telephone Company of Higginsville, Missouri - incumbent local exchange carriers that have been designated as eligible telecommunications carriers - for a waiver of the data submission reporting deadline set forth in section 54.301(b) of the Commission's rules for local switching support.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant the petition of Corr Wireless Communications, LLC, as amended, to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in portions of its licensed service area in the state of Alabama, pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by N.E. Colorado Cellular, Inc. d/b/a Viaero Wireless pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Nebraska Public Service Commission to redefine the service areas of rural incumbent local exchange carrier service aras. Comment Date: February 6, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: February 21, 2006.
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Order: The Commission approved the Universal Service Administrative Company's modified local switching support formula and, with respect to Part 36 high-cost support, adopted the National Exchange Carrier Association's cost per loop (CPL) formula.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau provides notice that it is initiating a proceeding to consider petitions filed by RSA 7 Limited Partnership, Iowa 8 - Monona Limited Partnership, and Iowa RSA 10 General Partnership and Midwest Wireless Iowa, L.L.C. pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules. Comment Date: January 27, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: February 13, 2006.
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