Audio description is audio-narrated descriptions of a television program's key visual elements. These descriptions are inserted into natural pauses in the program's dialogue. Audio description makes television programming more accessible to individuals who are blind or visually impaired.

Consumer Guide: PDF || HTML

Small Entity Compliance Guide (SECG)

  • 2024 SECG: Audio Description Phase In Schedule for All 210 Designated Market Areas: Word || PDF
  • 2021 SECG: Audio Description Phase In for Additional Designated Market Areas: Word || PDF

Audio Description Rules: CFR Rule: 47 CFR § 79.3

Links to Related Information:

Consumer Organizations

Broadcast Networks

Non-Broadcast Networks

Subscription TV Providers

Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) Recommendations

  • Audio Description File Transmittal for Internet Protocol Delivered Video Programming: Word || PDF
  • Audio Description Quality Best Practices:  Word || PDF
  • Audio Description File Transmittal for IP Video Programming Recommendation: Word || PDF


FCC Documents

8-8-24 FCC Grants Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. a Limited Waiver from Audio Description Rules (DA 24-781)
Memorandum Opinion and Order: Word || PDF

6-21-24 FCC Seeks Comment on TNT & TBS Petition for Limited Waiver of Audio Description Requirements (DA 24-598)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

11-30-23 Media Bureau Reminds Television Broadcasters that Audio Description Rules apply to DMAs 91 Through 100 as of January 1, 2024 (DA 23-1120)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

11-30-23 Media Bureau Announces National NonBroadcast Network Ratings for Purposes of July 1, 2024 Update to Audio Description Requirements (DA 23-1119)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

10-27-23 Media Bureau Announces Effective Date of Rules Expanding Availability of Audio Description (DA 23-1020)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

10-18-23 Audio Description Expansion Second Report and Order (FCC 23-82)
Second Report and Order: Word || PDF

4-12-23 FCC Seeks Comment on Petition to Extend Waiver of Accessible Emergency Information Requirement (DA 23-308)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

3-30-23 FCC Announces Comment Due Dates for Audio Description Expansion FNPRM (DA 23-266)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

3-17-23 FCC Seeks Comment on Expanding Audio Description (FCC 23-20)
FNPRM:  Word || PDF

12-1-22 FCC Reminds Broadcasters of Expansion of Audio Description to Additional TV Markets (DA 22-1244)
Public Notice:  Word || PDF

3-17-22 FCC Announces March 28 Forum on Online Audio Description (DA 22-287)
Public Notice:  Word || PDF

12-1-21 FCC Reminds Broadcasters of Phase in of Audio Description Rules (DA 21-1493)
Public Notice:  Word || PDF
Report and Order:  Word || PDF

8-18-21 FCC Grants Warner Media a Limited Waiver From Audio Description Rules (DA 21-1013)
Memorandum Opinion and Order:  Word || PDF

5-18-21 FCC Extends Comment Periods for CVAA Accessibility Updates (DA 21-589)
Public Notice:  Word || PDF

4-29-21 FCC Seeks Comments on TBS Petition for Waiver of Audio Description Requirements (DA 21-497)
Public Notice:  Word || PDF

4-7-21 FCC Seeks Comment on Fulfillment of the CVAA (DA 21-405)
Public Notice:  Word || PDF

3-8-21 Media Bureau Grants Requests for Audio Description Exemption and Announces New Listing of Top 5 National Nonbroadcast Networks (DA 21-281)
Order and Public Notice:  Word || PDF

10-27-20 FCC Adopts Audio Description Expansion and Modernizes Terminology (FCC 20-155)
News Release:  Word || PDF
Report and Order:  Word || PDF

5-21-20 Media Bureau Announces Comment and Reply Comment Deadlines for Video Description NPRM (DA 20-542)
Public Notice  Word || PDF

4-23-20 FCC Seeks to Expand Video Description for Visually Impaired Americans (FCC 20-55)
NPRM:  Word || PDF

10-9-19 FCC Report to Congress on Video Description (DA 19-1023)
Report to Congress: Word || PDF

10-8-19 FCC Grants USA Network a Limited Waiver of the Video Description Rules (DA 19-1019)
Order: Word || PDF

6-14-19 FCC Seeks Comment on USA Network’s Petition for a Waiver of Its Video Description Requirements (DA 19-563)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

2-5-19 FCC Seeks Comment on Recent Developments in the Video Description Marketplace (DA 19-40).
Public Notice: Word || PDF

5-17-18 FCC Updates List of Included Nonbroadcast Networks Under Video Description Rules (as of 7/1/18:  Discovery, HGTV, History, TBS, and USA) (DA 18-508).
Order and Public Notice: Word || PDF

1-12-18 FCC Begins Process to Update List of Included Nonbroadcast Networks Under Video Description Rules (DA 18-42).
Public Notice: Word || PDF

11-22-17 FCC Authorizes Permissive Use of the Next Generation TV Broadcast Transmission Standard (MB Docket No. 16-142) (FCC-17-158).
News Release: Word||PDF
Order and FNPRM: Word||PDF

10-05-17 FCC Announces Comment Dates for NCTA's Petition Seeking Partial Reconsideration of Commission's Video Description Expansion Order. (DA-17-967).
Public Notice: Word || PDF

7-12-17 FCC Increases Amount of Required Video Described Programming on Top-Rated Broadcast & Non-Broadcast Networks. (FCC 17-88).
News Release: Word || PDF
Order: Word || PDF

5-27-16 Media Bureau Announces Comment and Reply Deadline for Video Description Expansion Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (MB Docket No. 11-43) (DA 16-596).
Public Notice: Word || PDF

4-1-16 Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 3/31/16 by Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. (MB Docket No. 11-43) (FCC 16-37).
News Release: Word || PDF
NPRM: Word || PDF
Chairman Wheeler Statement: Word || PDF
Commissioner Clyburn Statement: Word || PDF
Commissioner Rosenworcel Statement: Word || PDF
Commissioner Pai Statement: Word || PDF
Commissioner O'Rielly Statement: Word || PDF

3-6-15 Video Description: Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010. Action by: Media Bureau. Adopted: 3/6/15 by Order and Public Notice. (MB Docket No. 11-43) (DA 15-295).
Order and Public Notice: Word || PDF

6-30-14 Video Description: Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010. Action by: Media Bureau. Adopted: 6/30/2014 by Report. (MB Docket No. 11-43) (DA 14-945).
Report: Word || PDF

2-6-14 Pleading Cycle Established for Oppositions and Replies to the Petition for Reconsideration of the User Interfaces Order.
(MB Docket Nos. 12-107 and 12-108) (DA 14-159).
Public Notice announcing the deadline for oppositions and replies: Word || PDF
Public Notice announcing the filing of the Petition for Reconsideration: Word || PDF

12-20-13 Notice of Effective Date of New Accessible User Interfaces Rules and Announcement of Comment and Reply Comment Deadlines for Related Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. (MB Docket Nos. 12-108 and 12-107) (DA 13-2439).
Public Notice: Word || PDF

10-31-13 Accessibility of User Interfaces, and Video Programming Guides and Menus. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 10/29/13 by R&O/FNPRM. (MB Docket Nos. 12-108 and 12-107) (FCC 13-138).
Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulmaking: Word || PDF
Acting Chairwoman Clyburn Statement: Word || PDF
Commissioner Rosenworcel Statement: Word || PDF
Commissioner Pai Statement: Word || PDF

6-25-13 Media Bureau Seeks Comment on Video Description in Video Programming Distributed on Television and on the Internet. (MB Docket No. 11-43) (DA 13-1438).
Public Notice: Word || PDF

6-18-13 Media Bureau Announces Comment and Reply Comment Deadlines for the NPRM Regarding Accessibility of User Interfaces and Video Programming Guides/Menus and Establishes Schedule for Ex Parte Meetings. (MB Docket No. 12-108) (DA 13-1398).
Public Notice: Word || PDF

5-30-13 Accessibility of User Interfaces, and Video Programming Guides and Menus. FCC Seeks comment on implementation of Sections 204 and 205 of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA). (MB Docket No. 12-108) (FCC 13-77).
NPRM: Word || PDF
Commissioner Ajit Pai Statement: Word || PDF

4-9-13 Accessible Emergency Information, and Apparatus Requirements for Emergency Information and Video Description: Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010. Adopted rules requiring that emergency information provided in video programming be made accessible to individuals who are blind or visually impaired and that certain apparatus be capable of delivering video description and emergency information. (Dkt No. 11-43 12-107 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 04/08/2013 by R&O/FNPRM. (FCC No. 13-45). MB
Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Word || PDF
Commissioner Clyburn Statement: Word || PDF
Commissioner Rosenworcel Statement: Word || PDF
Commissioner Pai Statement: Word || PDF

12-7-12 In the Matter of Accessible Emergency Information, and Apparatus Requirements for Emergency Information and Video Description: Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010. (DA 12-1985). (Docket Number 12-107).
Order: Word || PDF

11-28-12 Media Bureau Announces Comment and Reply Comment Deadlines for the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Regarding Accessible Emergency Information and Apparatus Requirements for Emergency Information and Video Description. (DA 12-1908). (Docket No. 12-107).
Public Notice: Word || PDF

11-19-12 In the Matter of Accessible Emergency Information, and Apparatus Requirements for Emergency Information and Video Description: Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010. Seeks comment on implementing provisions of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 pertaining to accessible emergency information, and apparatus requirements for emergency information and video description. (Docket No. 12-107). (FCC 12-142).
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Word || PDF

7-2-12 FCC's Video Description Rules for Certain Broadcast Stations and Multichannel Video Programming Distributors (MVPDs) Are Now in Effect.
News Release: Word || PDF

4-30-12 Media Bureau and Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau seek comment on second VPAAC report: Video Description and Access to Emergency Information; User Interfaces, and Video Programming Guides and Menus. Extended the deadlines for filing comments and reply comments in these proceedings. (Docket Numbers 12-108 and 12-107). (DA 12-682).
Order: Word || PDF

4-24-12 Media Bureau and Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau seek comment on second VPAAC report: Video Description and Access to Emergency Information. (DA 12-636). (Docket No. 12-107).
Public Notice: Word || PDF

8-25-11 Video Description: Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010.  Action by: The Commission.  Adopted: 8/24/11 by Report and Order.
(MB Docket No. 11-43). (FCC 11-126).
Report and Order: Word || PDF
Commissioner Copps Statement: Word || PDF
Commissioner Clyburn Statement: Word || PDF

3-23-11 Video Description: Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010. Granted the Motion for Extension of Time. (MB Docket No. 11-43). (DA 11-538).
Order: Word || PDF

3-3-11 Video Description: Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010. (FCC 11-36). (MB Docket No. 11-43).
NPRM: Word || PDF
Erratum issued 3-11-11: Word || PDF

2-25-02 The Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Reminds the Public that the Implementation of Video Description for Video Programming will Become Effective April 1, 2002. (MM Docket No. 99-339) (DA 02-417).
Public Notice: Word || PDF

2-21-01FCC Issues Erratum to Clarify How Parties May Count Reruns to Satisfy Their Fifty-Hour Quarterly Compliance Requirements in the memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration in the Matter of Implementation of Video Description of Video Programming. (MM Docket No. 99-339) (FCC 01-7).
Erratum: Word || PDF

1-18-01Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration in the Matter of Video Description of Video Programming. (MM Docket No. 99-339) (FCC 01-7). .
Order on Reconsideration: Word || PDF

10-20-00Public Notice Announcing Petition for Reconsideration and Clarification in the Matter of Video Description of Video Programming. (MM Docket No. 99-339) (Report No. 2447).
NPRM: Word || PDF

10-05-00Public Interest Obligations of Television Broadcast Licensees NPRM. Paragraphs #20 and #32 specifically seek comment on disability-related issues. (MM Docket No. 00-168) (Report No. 2447).
NPRM: Word || PDF

8-7-00 Report & Order on Implementation of Video Description of Video Programming to Make Television More Accessible to Persons with Visual Disabilities. (MM Docket No. 99-339) (FCC 00-258).
Order: Word || PDF

1-10-00Order granting a one-month extension of the filing deadlines in the Video Description of Video Programming proceeding. (MM Docket No. 99-339) (DA 00-30).
Order: Word || PDF

11-18-99 FCC adopts and releases Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Implementation of Video Description of Video Programming. (MM Docket No. 99-339) (FCC 99-353).

6-6-97Notice of Inquiry on Video Description included in the Annual Assessment of the Status of Competition in Markets for the Delivery of Video Programming. (CS Docket No. 97-141),
Notice of Inquiry:PDF||TXT

7-29-96Closed Captioning & Video Description, Video Programming Accessibility Report. (MM Docket No. 95-176) (FCC 96-318).
Report: TEXT||PDF

12-4-95Closed Captioning and Video Description Notice of Inquiry. (MM Docket No. 95-176) (FCC 95-484).
Notice of Inquiry:TEXT||PDF


Friday, June 21, 2024