“This page is a digitally archived AccessInfo Announcement”

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has launched a web library, called “AccessInfo E- mail List Announcements” of its archived AccessInfo notifications.  AccessInfo is an email service by which the FCC’s Disability Rights Office sends periodic updates on disability-related matters happening at the FCC.  With a free subscription to AccessInfo, consumers are kept informed about FCC proposed rulemakings, orders, public notices, news releases and events pertaining to

disabilities issues.  The new AccessInfo webpage contains links to past AccessInfo notifications, dating back to September 2010.  The list is in chronological order, which will allow consumers to search for specific AccessInfo notifications by date.   A separate list allowing consumers to search for specific AccessInfo notifications by subject matter will become available in the near future.

Visit the new webpage at:  www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/accessinfo -email-archive.

To join the thousands of people who are on the AccessInfo subscribers list, send an email to AccessInfo@fcc.gov, and write “subscribe” in either the subject line or the main body.  It’s your easy way to keep informed about what’s happening at the FCC on disability issues!

Friday, November 25, 2016