Gila River Telecommunications, Inc. (Tribal)

Gila River, in partnership with NeoNova Network Services, Inc., Tinhorn Consulting and Letha Lamb, will test the effect of subsidy amounts, access to discounted equipment and broadband speeds on adoption by randomly assigning subscribers into five groups based on different price points, speed and access to equipment, which includes the use of a control group.  The subsidy amounts for the broadband plans range from $23.24 to $38.24 with varying speeds.  Gila River will track which consumers choose to participate based on the variations in broadband service. 

Gila River Telecommunications, Inc. | Supplement

For more information contact:  Orvan Byler, 520-796-3333

Hopi Telecommunications, Inc. (Tribal)

Hopi, in partnership with Connected Nation, will test the effect of subsidy amounts, access to discounted equipment and broadband speeds on adoption by offering a flat subsidy of $39.95 for three different plans with variations on end-user charge depending on speed, and access to discounted equipment.  Hopi Telecommunications will be able to report on which prices were more effective in increasing adoption and the impacts on having access to discounted equipment. 

Hopi Telecommunications, Inc. | Supplement | Second Supplement

For more information contact:  Darlene Burden, 928-522-8428,

Monday, July 15, 2013