
Second Media Bureau Workshop on the State of the Video Marketplace

10:00 am - 2:00 pm EDT
Commission Meeting Room at FCC Headquarters, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington DC

FCC’s Media Bureau hosted this second of two workshops to examine competition, diversity, and innovation in the video marketplace. The workshop featured several panels that explored marketplace trends as well as challenges faced by distributors of video programming.

Related Materials

  • Second Media Bureau Workshop on the State of the Video Marketplace.

Commissioner Mignon L. Clyburn, Opening Remarks

Commissioner Mignon L. Clyburn, Opening Remarks

Introduction:  Tasneem Chipty

Tasneem Chipty, Managing Principal, Analysis Group

Panel 1:  Challenges Faced By Smaller Multichannel Video Programming Distributors that Affect Carriage of Independent Programming

Chris Kyle, Vice President, Industry Relations and Regulatory, Shentel

Heather McCallion, Vice President, Programming, Atlantic Broadband

Judy Meyka, Executive Vice President, Programming, National Cable Television Cooperative (NCTC)

Duke Milunovich, Sales and Marketing Director, Volcano Vision, Inc.

Jimmy Todd, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, Nex-Tech

Panel 2:  Challenges Faced by Independent Programmers Seeking Carriage on Video Distribution Platforms

Eric Easter, Chief Executive Officer, BLQBOX Digital

Clifford Franklin, Chief Executive Officer, GFN-TV

Patrick Gottsch, Founder and President, RFD-TV

Craig Morris, Co-Founder and President, Ride Television Network

Brian Newton, Creative Director and Head of New Media, The Africa Channel

Daphna Ziman, President and Creative Director, Cinemoi