The Federal Communications Commission’s Internet Freedom transparency rule, 47 CFR § 8.1, requires an Internet service provider, or ISP, to publicly disclose information about its network management practices, performance characteristics, and commercial terms of its broadband Internet access services.

An ISP can make its disclosure in one of two ways.  It can post the disclosure on a publicly available, easily accessible website of its choosing or it can submit the disclosure to the FCC for posting.

For Consumers

Consumers can search the FCC’s Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) to view disclosures ISPs have submitted to the FCC in CG Docket No. 18-142. 


For ISPs

ISPs choosing to submit their required disclosures to the FCC must submit them electronically in CG Docket No. 18-142 by using the FCC’s Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS).

Tuesday, May 29, 2018