Senate Confirmation of New FCC Commissioners, 10/29/97

World Affairs Council, 10/22/97

Press Statement on Notice of Proposed Rulemaking RE Two-Way Capability for Wireless Cable, 10/10/97

To State Commissioners On The Bell Atlantic/NYNEX Merger, Philadelphia, PA, 10/3/97

1997 Dean's Lecture Series, Yale Law School, 9/23/97

Stmt. of Chairman Hundt on Sale of WDCU(FM), 9/24/97

Before the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, on The State of Competiton in the Cable Television Industry, WDC, 9/24/97

Remarks at Universal Service Admin. Co. Inaugural Meeting, 9/22/97

Summary of above)Challeges Universal Service Adm. Directors, 9/22/97

Center for Media Education's Press Conference,WDC, 9/18/97

Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Antitrust, Business Rights and Competition ,WDC, 9/17/97

Statement Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation,WDC, 9/17/97

Statement on Need for Law to Guarantee that FCC Can Reclaim and Reauction Spectrum Licenses, 9/17/97

International Engineering Consortium Network Reliability and Interoperability Conforum,Reston, Va, 9/16/97

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Issues Conference, WDC, 9/15/97

Statement on the Nomination of Gloria Tristani to the Commission, 9/15/97

Annenberg Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA., 9/12/97

George Washington University Law School, WDC, 9/10/97

Statement on DTV Build-out, WDC, 9/3/97

The IEEE Symposium on Hot Chips, Palo Alto, CA, 8/26/97

Statement on FCC Approval of MCI/British Telecom Merger, 8/21/97

American Enterprise Institute, WDC, 8/14/97

Statement on Modification of the Personal Attack and Political Editorial Rules, 8/11/97

Separate Statement on International Settlement Rates Report and Order, 8/7/97

Statement of FCC Chairman Reed Hundt on Proposed BT/MCI Merger, 7/28/97

U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, 7/17/97

Joint FCC/HOST Forum on Telehealth, WDC, 7/17/97

FCC Meeting on Final Report of the Network Reliability & Interoperability Council, WDC, 7/15/97

Statement on Broadcast Advertisements of Hard Liquor, WDC, 7/9/97

Chairman Hundt Praises New Electronic Commerce Report, WDC, 7/1/97

Brookings Institution, WDC, 6/19/97

Citizens for a Sound Economy, WDC, 6/18/97

Project Tell Celebration, The City University of New York, New York, NY, 6/17/97

American Women in Radio and Television ("AWRT") Power Breakfast, WDC, 6/10/97

Annenberg Public Policy Center's 2nd Annual Conference on Children and Television, WDC, 6/9/97

National Catholic Conference Communications Committee, WDC, 6/5/97

Museum of Television and Radio, New York, NY, 6/3/97

Speech to Chamber of Commerce, WDC, 5/29/97

Speech to Commission Staff, WDC, 5/27/97

Remarks before the USTA Inside Washington Telecommunication Roundtable Luncheon, WDC, 5/21/97

Transatlantic Telemedicine Summit, by video, 5/20/97

Statement Regarding Education Funding proposal from Chairman Tauzin, 5/14/97

Statement on NCADD Petition on Alcohol Advertising, 5/14/97

Freedom Forum "Newseum Newsmaker" Address, Arlington VA, 5/14/97

Evans Middle School, WDC, 5/13/97

MADD - National Youth Summit on Underage Drinking,Chevy Chase MD. 5/12/97

Federal Communications Bar Association, Washington, DC, 4/30/97

Association of National Advertisers, Washington, DC, 4/17/97

Friends of the National Library of Medicine/Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information, Washington, DC, 4/15/97

National Association of Broadcasters Convention, Las Vegas NV, 4/1/97

Variety/Schroder Wertheim Media Conference, New York, NY, 4/1/97

National Cable Television Association, New Orleans, Louisiana,, 3/18/97

Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives, 3/13/97

Before the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, United States Senate, 3/12/97

Statement on Clinton's call for FCC action to require free air time for candidates, 3/11/97

Convergence or Collision: Telecommunications Regulation and the Internet , Berkeley CA, 3/7/97

ACM97 Conference, San Jose CA, 3/4/97

CTIA Wireless '97 Convention And Exposition, 3/4/97

NARUC Communications Committee, 2/25/97

NAB State Leadership Conference, 2/24/97

Statement Concerning WTO Agreement on Telecom Services, 02/15/97

The Freedom Forum and Georgetown University, 2/7/97

National School Boards Association, 1/27/97

Opening remarks at the FCC Bandwidth Forum, 1/23/97

United States Conference of Mayors, 1997 Winter Meeting, 1/18/97

Competition Policy Institute , 1/14/97


Chairman Hundt Releases 1997 FCC Agenda; Lists Major Issues, FCC Streamlining Efforts. WDC,12/26/96

Center for Strategic and International Studies, WDC, 12/17/96

Chairman Hundt Outlines 1997 FCC Agenda; Procompetitive, Deregulatory Framework is Goal; WDC, 12/12/96

Statement Regarding Agreement on DTV Standard WDC, 11/25/96

National Association Regulatory Utility Commissioners, San Francisco, CA., 11/21/96

Children's Action Network, Los Angeles, CA., 11/19/96

Statement on Recommended Decision of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service

American Academy of Pediatrics, Boston, MA 10/28/96

National School Board Association, Technology and Learning Conference, Dallas, TX, 10/24/96

Institute for International Economics, WDC., 10/23/96

Federal Communications Commission BusinessDevelopment Associates, Antitrust Conference for Corporate General Counsels, WDC, 10/22/96

International Radio & Television Society, New York, NY, 10/18/96

Murch Elementary School, WDC, 10/16/96

Asia Society, Hong Kong, China, 10/11/96

Center for Information, Beijing, China, 10/7/96

National Conference of Editorial Writers, Baltimore, MD, 10/2/96

Warren Publishing Digital Convergence, New York, NY, 9/30/96

Children Now / Children for Media Education, Menlo Park, CA, 9/27/96

Broadcasting & Cable Interface Conference, New York, NY, 9/24/96

Statement on the NOI to begin Implementing Section 255 of the Telecom Act of 1996, 9/19/96

Wall Street Journal Business and Technology Conference, WDC, 9/18/96

Alex. Brown & Co., New York, 9/17/96

Remarks at National Coalition for Technology in Education and Training, 9/9/96

Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, England, 9/4/96

Statement on Adoption of Children's Educational Television Order, 8/8/96

Statement. regarding NARUC letter on 271 process, 8/2/96

Statement Regarding the Nomination of Regina Keeney to the FCC, 8/2/96

National Association Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Los Angeles, CA, 7/23/96

"Everyone Has a Public Interest Commitment In a Free Society" ISA, San Diego, CA, 7/23/96

Statement to House Telecommunications Subcommittee on Implementing Telecom Act of 1996, 7/18/96

Joint Meeting of the Great Lakes Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners and Mid-Atlantic Conference of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Cleveland, OH, 7/8/96

INET Conference Montreal, Canada, 6/28/96

Communication Workers of America, Detroit, MI, 6/10/96

Museum of Television and Radio, New York, NY, 6/6/96

American University/TCI News Symposium, WDC, 5/23/96

Center for National Policy, WDC, 5/6/96

Milken Family Foundation National Education Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 5/2/96,

Children Now, Annual Conference on Children & the Media, Menlo Park, CA, 5/01/96

LA Town Hall, Los Angeles, CA, 5/1/96

National Cable Television Association 45 Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA, 4/30/96

Statement Regarding US-Mexican Satellite Agreement, 4/30/96

American Association of Higher Education, WDC, 4/25/96

Network Reliability Council, Arlington, VA, 4/18/96

National Association of Broadcasters Annual Convention, Las Vegas, NV, 4/15/96

Opening Remarks, Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, WDC, 4/12/96

Variety/Schroder Werthiem Conference New York, N.Y., 4/2/96

American Bar Association, WDC, 3/28/96

Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, Dallas, TX, 3/26/96

Consortium for School Networking, Arlington,VA, 3/18/96

American Foundation for the Blind, WDC, 3/7/96

Iowa Distance Learning Association 3rd Annual Conference, 3/1/96

National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, WDC, 2/27/96

Newsweek Telecommunications Forum, WDC, 2/21/96

Artists Rights Foundation, LA, 2/15/96

National Association of Secondary School Principals and the National Association of Elementary Principals, 2/12/96

Duke University Law School, 2/9/96

Washington Research Group, WDC, 2/2/96

Statement regarding the Telecommunications Bill of 1996

Hearing Aid Compatibility Summit, 1/3/96

American Chamber of Commerce, Warsaw, Poland, 1/23/96


Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 12/8/95

Deloitte & Touche, WDC, 12/5/95

Brooklyn Law School, New York, NY, 12/4/95

CPB/WGBH National Center for Accessible Media, New York, NY, 12/4/95

International Radio and Television Society, New York, NY, 11/21/95

United StatesTelevision Association (via satellite), WDC, 11/1/95

Statement in response to AT&T's $150 million pledge, 10/31/95

Columbia University, New York, NY, 10/30/95

Universal Access Project, WDC, 10/27/95

National Consumer Week Symposium, 10/26/95

Telecon XV, United States Distance Learning Association, WDC, 10/25/95

Statement on Third Stay of C Block Auctions, WDC,10/19/96

The George Washington University, Telecommunications Seminar, WDC, 10/19/95

Center for Media Education, WDC, 10/18/95

Comptel, New Orleans, LA, 10/10/95

Industry Leadership Conference, Information Technology Association of American, Nashville, TN, 10/9/95

Telecom Summit, Geneva, Switzerland, 10/5/95

National Council on Urban Economic Dveloplment., WDC, 10/2/95

Intelevent, Berlin, Germany, 9/27/95

Munich Circle Confernce, Munich, Germany, 9/25/95

National Association Black Owned Broadcasters, WDC, 9/22/95

Conference for the Second Century of the University of Pitttsburgh School of Law, PittsBurgh, PA, 9/21/95

Statement on Westinghouse's Children's Educational Television Announcement, WDC, 9/20/95

Networked Economy Conference, WDC, 9/12/95

National Association Broadcasters Radio Show, New Orleans, LA, 9/8/95

Women in Government Relations, WDC, 8/24/95

VIP Luncheon Phillips Business Information Inc., 8/25/95

Kidsnet Meeting, WDC., 8/22/95

Chicago Museum of Broadcasters Chicago, IL, 8/18/95

Association of Public Safety Communications Officers Annual Conference, Detroit MI., 8/17/95

Statement on Budget Personnel & CIB Actions, 8/17/95

Passage of H.R. 1555, Communications Act of 1995, 8/4/95

National Press Club, WDC, 7/27/95

Edited Transcript of Chairman Hundt on America On Line, 7/24/95

Eleventh International Telecommunications for the Deaf Corporated (TDI) Convention, Cambridge, MASS, 6/29/95

American Mobile Telecommunications Association Leadership Conference, WDC, 6/27/95

FCBA/Warren Publishing Wireless Conference, 6/5/95

Annenberg/Children's Partnership, WDC, 5/25/95

TV and Radio Museum, New York, NY, 05/23/95

Statement on H.R. 1555, House Subcommittee. on Telecommunications. and Finance, WDC, 5/11/96

National Cable Television Association, Dallas, TX, 5/9/95

National Association of Counties, WDC, 5/5/95

Nieman Foundation at Harvard University, Cambridge, MASS, 5/5/95

Wertheim-Schroder, New York, NY, 4/4/95

ComNet 95, WDC, 1/26/95

American Chamber of Commerce, Bonn, Germany, 1/16/95

Consumer Electronic Show, Las Vegas, NV, 1/6/95


Washington Cable Club, WDC, 12/20/94

National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Reno, NV, 11/15/94

Women of Wireless Conference, WDC, 11/4/94

Statement/ Broadband Auction, 11/1/94

Connecticut, Broadcasters Annual Convention, 10/27/94

International Radio and Television Society, 10/19/94

National Association of Broadcasters Radio Show, Los Angeles, CA, 10/13/94

United States Telephone Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, 10/10/94

Networked Economy Conference, WDC, 9/26/94

8th Annual Broadcasting & Cable Interface, 10/5/94

PCIA on Competition in PCS, 9/23/94

Everett C. Parker Ethics in Telecommunications Luncheon, Ethics and the Communications Revolution, New York, NY, 9/13/94

US Africa Telecommunications & Broadcasting Conference, 9/7/94

American Psychological Association, 8/13/94

Statement on Senate Commerce Commitee Telecommunications Reform, 8/11/94

Before the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications on the Global Information Infrastructure and the Role of Satellites, 7/28/94

National Urban League Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 7/26/94

FCC Nationwide Narroband PCS Auctions, 7/25/94

American Chamber Commerce, Moscow, Russia, 7/20/94

The Magazine Publishers of America, WDC, 7/12/94

Wireless Cable Convention, Las Vegas, NV, 6/22/94

American Women in Radio & TV, Minneapolis MINN, 6/3/94

National Cable Television Association, New Orleans, LA, 5/24/94

Statement to Congress, Small Bus. Committee, 5/20/94

Harvard International Business Club, 5/11/94

National Press Club, WDC, 5/2/94

Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 4/18/94

Wertheim Schroder/Variety Conference, 4/12/94

Statement Regarding SW Bell-Cox Announcement, 4/5/94

National Aassociation Broadcasters (via satellite), 3/23/94

World Telecommunication Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3/22/94

Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MASS, 2/28/94

Before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation,
United States Senate on S. 1822, the "Communications Act of 1994"
and "Telecommunications Equipment Research and Manufacturing Competition Act of 1994", 2/27/94

Response to Bell Atlantic/TCI merger, 2/23/94

Tuesday, March 8, 2005