1990 - 2001
During this period, CenturyTel, Inc. did not file ARMIS data because its operating companies were below the revenue threshold requirement. CenturyTel was granted a waiver from filing in calendar year 2000 and 2001, see Phase II Report and Order, FCC 01-305. In July 2000, CenturyTel purchased study area jurisdiction Arkansas (GTAR) from Verizon-GTE, which was below the revenue threshold requirement and became a rate-of-return operating company. 2002
During calendar year 2000, CenturyTel’s Washington study area jurisdiction, CenturyTel Washington, Inc. (CNWA) was above the revenue threshold requirement and was required to start filing ARMIS data for calendar year 2002. CenturyTel Washington, Inc. is an operating company/study area under rate-of-return regulation. Also, during this period CenturyTel purchased a number of study area jurisdictions from Verizon Communications. It purchased two Alabama study areas and four Missouri study areas from Verizon Communications. However, these new study areas will not be required to file the ARMIS 43-05 Report (Service Quality Report) until next year. Refer to Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 02-888 (Released 4/18/2002).
Effect | CNTC | Created holding company COSA for CenturyTel, Inc. | CNWA | New COSA created for operating company and study area, Washington. |
The 2002 purchases created two new operating companies: CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC and CenturyTel of Missouri, LLC. CenturyTel of Alabama consists of two study areas: Northern Alabama (CNAN) and Southern Alabama (CNAS). CenturyTel of Missouri consist of four study areas: Belle-Hermann (CNME), Southern Missouri (CNMS), Southwest Missouri (CNMW), and Central Missouri (CNMC). In addition, CenturyTel and its Alabama and Missouri study areas filed the ARMIS 43-05 Report for the first time; refer to Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 02-888 (Released 4/18/2002).
Effect | CNAL | New operating Company COSA - CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC | CNAN | New study area COSA created when transferred from Verizon (COAL) | CNAS | New study area COSA created when transferred from Verizon (GTAL) | CNMO | New operating Company COSA - CenturyTel of Missouri, LLC | CNME | New study area COSA created when transferred from Verizon (COEM) | CNMS | New study area COSA created when transferred from Verizon (COCM) | CNMW | New study area COSA created when transferred from Verizon (COMO) | CNMC | New study area COSA created when transferred from Verizon (GTMO) |
CenturyTel of Alabama filed the ARMIS 43-01 (Annual Summary) and the ARMIS 43-08 (Operating Data) Reports for the two study areas and the operating company for the first time. 2005
CenturyTel of Missouri filed the ARMIS 43-01 (Annual Summary) and the ARMIS 43-08 (Operating Data) Reports for the four study areas and the operating company for the first time. 2006
CenturyTel, Inc. had no changes during this period. 2007
CenturyTel – Washington, COSA CNWA, fell below the revenue threshold.
Effect | CNWA | ARMIS Reports not filed for this COSA for 2007 or 2008 data. |
2008 - 2009 CenturyTel, Inc. had no changes during this period. |