If you are an existing user of Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS), you may have been contacted by your IP CTS provider requesting additional registration information. This may include the last four digits of your Social Security number. Here's why the additional information is needed and how it may affect you:

Why Is Additional Information Being Requested?

The new registration process is designed to ensure that the IP CTS program serves only eligible users. All IP CTS providers are required to collect certain information from their users and will be required to submit it to the Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) User Registration Database administered by the TRS Fund administrator (User Database). If you use services from more than one IP CTS provider, you may be asked to separately provide updated information to each one.

What Is the User Database?

The User Database is a secure system established by the FCC to verify the eligibility of users for IP CTS and Video Relay Services (VRS) solely for purposes of confirming the validity of payments made by the TRS Fund to service providers.

What Actions Are Required for IP CTS Users?

  • Permission for Data Submission: You will be asked to give explicit permission to your provider to forward your details to the User Database for verification.
  • Update Registration Information: Your IP CTS provider will request information from you, including your full name, address, date of birth, and the last four digits of your Social Security number, to the extent any of the information is missing or needs updating.
  • Self-Certification: If your self-certification is no longer on file with your provider, you will be asked to confirm that you have a hearing or speech disability that necessitates the use of IP CTS and that you understand that the cost of IP CTS calls is paid for by the TRS Fund.

Will the Privacy of My Personal Information Be Protected?

Your privacy is a top priority. All involved parties, including IP CTS providers and the TRS Fund administrator, are mandated to keep your data confidential. Once your data is verified, the User Database administrator will safely discard the Social Security details. They will not store this sensitive information.

What if I Do Not Have a Social Security Number?

If a current user of IP CTS or an applicant seeking to use the service does not have a social security number or official Tribal identification card number, then IP CTS providers can accept several alternative documents, such as a current, unexpired driver's license or state-issued ID, birth certificate, passport, or other official forms of identification. Users must also provide a document with a U.S. address to verify that the user is located in the United States.

What Is the Deadline for the Verification Process?

The FCC will announce a deadline for IP CTS providers to submit all user registration information to the User Database. Your IP CTS provider may elect to continue to provide service to you after the deadline while the User Database administrator is evaluating your information.

First-Time Registrations or Additional Providers

This same process is required whether a user is registering for IP CTS for the first time or registering with additional providers. Users must supply the required details to each new provider for verification.

Where to Get More Information

For further guidance, please contact the Disability Rights Office via:

  • Email: dro@fcc.gov
  • Phone: 202-418-2517 (voice) or 844-432-2275 (videophone for ASL users)
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