Full Title:Broadband Data Task Force Releases Pre-Production Draft of the National Broadband Map and Announces the Start of the Broadband Availability Challenge Processes
Document Type:Public Notice
Bureau(s):Wireless Telecommunications
DescriptionThe Broadband Data Task Force, WTB, WCB, OEA, and CGB release the pre-production draft of the National Broadband Map and announce the start of the broadband availability challenge processes
DA/FCC #:DA-22-1210
Docket No:19-19511-10
FCC Record Citation:37 FCC Rcd 13348 (15)
FCC Record:
Related Document(s):
News Release - FCC Releases New National Broadband Maps
Document Dates
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Issued On:
Contact:Will Holloway, William.Holloway@fcc.gov or Kimia Nikseresht, Kimia.Nikseresht@fcc.gov
Media Contact:Anne Veigle, Anne.Veigle@fcc.gov