• Full Title:
    Media Bureau Provides Guidance On Entitlement To Lowest Unit Charge For Post-Election Political Advertising
  • Document Type:
    Public Notice
  • Bureau(s):
  • Description
    By this Public Notice, the Media Bureau clarifies the applicability of the lowest unit charge requirement after the date of an election
  • DA/FCC #:
  • FCC Record Citation:
    35 FCC Rcd 12725 (16)


Primary Attachment
Public Notice: docx pdf txt

Document Dates

  • Released On:
  • Issued On:
  • Contact:
    Robert Baker, Robert.Baker@fcc.gov, Gary Schonman, Gary.Schonman@fcc.gov or Sima Nilsson, Sima.Nilsson@fcc.gov
  • Media Contact:
    Janice Wise at (202) 418-8165, email: Janice.Wise@fcc.gov