"This page is a digitally archived AccessInfo Announcement"

The Chairman's Award in Advancements in Accessibility (Chairman's AAA) recognizes those outstanding efforts in the public and private sector, as well as public-private partnerships, which advance accessibility. This is one of the tools used in the Chairman's Accessibility and Innovation Initiative, which was recommended in the National Broadband Plan. Each year individuals, organizations, industries and government put forth new ideas to make communication tools easier to use and more accessible to more people. This year will be the first year the FCC Chairman will publically recognize the development of individual mainstream or assistive technologies introduced to the marketplace, the development of standards or best practices that foster accessibility, or other innovative initiatives which develop more products that are accessible to persons with disabilities.

The Chairman's AAA will be awarded annually. This year, the Accessibility and Innovation Initiative will be accepting nominations for products released between July 19, 2010 and May 1, 2011. Nominations may be self-nominations or may originate from another organization or individual. International nominations will be accepted. In order to make this process easier, we have created an accessible electronic form for all nominations.

If you have additional questions regarding the Chairman's AAA, please send your question to: ChairmansAAA@fcc.gov

Link to Chairman's AAA: http:/lwww.broadband.gov/accessibilityandinnovation/chairmanaward.html

Thursday, October 4, 2018