"This page is a digitally archived AccessInfo Announcement"

The FCC has announced a tentative agenda for the Open Commission Meeting scheduled for 10:30 am on Thursday, April 21, 2022.  At the meeting, the Commission will consider a draft Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) proposing methods by which wireless service providers can enhance the use of Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) by measuring and reporting on the reliability, speed, and accuracy of WEAs.  The Commission also seeks comment on ways that wireless service providers can improve the consistency and speed at which WEAs are delivered to wireless devices.

The FCC meeting is streamed live with open captioning at www.fcc.gov/live.   

April 21 Open Meeting News Release:
URL:   https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-announces-tentative-agenda-april-open-meeting-9    
Word:  https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-381928A1.docx     
PDF:    https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-381928A1.pdf     
Text:    https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-381928A1.txt    

Public Draft of the WEA FNPRM:
URL:  https://www.fcc.gov/document/improving-public-reporting-wireless-emergency-alert-reliability     
PDF:   https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-381930A1.pdf      
Text:   https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-381930A1.txt     

For general information regarding the accessibility of Wireless Emergency Alerts, visit: https://www.fcc.gov/public-safety-and-homeland-security/policy-and-licensing-division/alerting/general/wireless#block-menu-block-4.  For further information, please contact James Wiley, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, at (202) 418-1678.  Individuals who use videophones and are ASL-fluent may call the FCC’s ASL Consumer Support Line at (844) 432-2275 (videophone).

Wednesday, September 18, 2024