"This page is a digitally archived AccessInfo Announcement"

The FCC will be holding a Town Hall Meeting March 17th from 9:20 am. - 11:40 am. This meeting is open to the public and there is no fee to attend. The topic of the Town Hall Meeting is the 21st Century Communications & Video Programming Accessibility Act of 2010. The Town Hall Meeting will be held at the CSUN International Conference on Technology and Disability. Manchester Room, Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, One Market Place, San Diego, California. The agenda of the Town Hall Meeting is as follows:


The 21st Century Communications & Video Programming Accessibility Act of 2010 Town Hall Meeting

FCC Staff

Karen Peltz Strauss, Deputy Bureau Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Pam Gregory, Director, Accessibility & Innovation Initiative Jamal Mazrui, Deputy Director, Accessibility & Innovation Initiative

9:20 - 9:50. a.m.

Overview of the 21st Century Communications & Video Accessibility Act

9:50 - 10:45 a.m.

Town Hall Discussion of Title I - Communications Access

Suggested Questions for Discussion

  • What is covered by advanced communications services and equipment?
  • How is the Act different than Section 255? What is the differenbe between "achievable" and "readily achievable?"
  • How will this result in more accessible and affordable products on the market?
  • Will I ever have to pay anything for accessible features?
  • Can the FCC require apps to be accessible?   Can apps that can provide accessibility achieve compliance with the Act?
  • Does the FCC regulate software used on phones?
  • My wireless phone has Internet access, but I can't use it. Will the Act help?
  • Who has the obligation to comply with Title I's requirement for advanced services and equipment?
  • What are VoIP services?  What is the difference between "interconnected VoIP services" and "non-interconnected VoIP services
  • Is real-time text covered under the Act?
  • To what extent will the law cover video conferencing? Will video mail be covered? Will webinars be covered under this Act?
  • What does it mean for a device to be "usable? How about compatible?
  • Why does a network need to be accessible?
  • Will universities be required to follow the Act's requirements? What about public libraries? What about private entities?
  • What kind of companies are exempt from the Act?
  • Will the Act require retail staff to know how to respond to my accessibility needs?
  • How can I make an informed choice when purchasing - i.e., how will I know which products and services are right for me?
  • How are the Access Board's functions different from the FCC's?
  • Does the new Act affect obligations under the ADA?   If so, how?
  • What are my rights under this Act to access 9-1-1 emergency services?
  • How will the FCC enforce the Act? For example, how will the FCC know if a company has made enough of an effort to make a product accessible?
  • How easy will it be to file complaints under the Act?
  • Will the Act promote or stifle innovation?
  • How will the communications accessibility landscape over the next 5-10 years affect implementation of the Act?

10:45 - 11:40 a.m.

Town Hall Discussion of Title II - Video Programming Access

Suggested iQuestions for Discussion

  • When will the video description rules be restored and how much description will be required and when?
  • What are the Act's requirements for Internet captioning?
  • Wil I be able to watch personal videos on YouTube?
  • Does the Act require Spanish captioning on the Internet?
  • How will the FCC implement the Act's requirement to make emergency information on TV accessible to people with disabilities?
  • Will the Act require captions or see video descriptions on small TV transmitters, such as my portable TV or my cell phone?
  • Will the Act require programs on the Internet to have video description?
  • How will the Act address problems with accessing captions on digital TV or through my DVR?
  • How will the Act make activating captioning and video description features easier?
  • Does the Act require programming guides and navigational menus provided by cable and satellite providers to be accessible?
  • Do I have the right to ask the TV manufacturer for instructions in Braille?
  • How can I tell the FCC what I want in the new rules on this Act?
Thursday, September 13, 2018