CITEL IAPs are proposals with at least six administrations supporting and insufficient member states objecting (more than half the number supporting).  Competing IAPs for the same agenda item cancel each other other out, resulting in no IAP for that agenda item. 

CITEL submits these proposals to the WRC on behalf of CITEL administrations.  CITEL IAPs represent a formal regional position on the specific agenda items.

Agenda Item 1.1 – Mobile Broadband / International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT)

  • CITEL IAP              Doc. 4000-1_1-410MHz   .doc
  • CITEL IAP              Doc. 4000-1_1-1164MHz   .doc
  • CITEL IAP              Doc. 4000-1_1-1427MHz   .doc
  • CITEL IAP              Doc. 4000-1_1-1435MHz   .doc
  • CITEL IAP              Doc. 4000-1_1-2025MHz   .doc
  • CITEL IAP              Doc. 4000-1_1-2700MHz   .doc
  • CITEL IAP              Doc. 4000-1_1-3400MHz   .doc
  • CITEL IAP              Doc. 4000-1_1-3600MHz   .doc
  • CITEL IAP              Doc. 4000-1_1-4500MHz   .doc
  • CITEL IAP              Doc. 4000-1_1-5350MHz   .doc
  • CITEL IAP              Doc. 4000-1_1-5850MHz   .doc

Agenda item 1.3 – Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) (Res. 646)

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_3   .doc

Agenda Item 1.4 – Secondary Amateur High Frequency (HF) Allocations

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_4   .doc

Agenda Item 1.5 – Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_5  .doc

Agenda Item 1.6.1 – Region 1 Fixed-Satellite Service (FSS) uplink/downlink at 10-17 GHz

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc.  4000-1_6_1  .doc

Agenda Item 1.6.2 – Region 2&3 FSS uplink at 13-17 GHz

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc.  4000-1_6_2v2   .doc

Agenda Item 1.7 – Mobile-Satellite Service (MSS) Feeder Links

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc.  4000-1_7   .doc

Agenda Item 1.9.1 – FSS uplink/downlink in the 7/8 GHz range

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_9_1   .doc

Agenda Item 1.9.2 – Maritime Mobile-Satellite Service (MMSS) uplink/downlink in the 7/8 GHz range

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_9_2   .doc

Agenda Item 1.10 – MSS uplink/downlink in the 22-26 GHz range

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_10  .doc

Agenda Item 1.11 – Earth Exploration Satellite Service (EESS) uplink in the 7-8 GHz range

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_11   .doc

Agenda Item 1.12 – EESS (active) +600 MHz in the 8-10 GHz range

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_12   .doc

Agenda Item 1.13 – Space Research Service (SRS) (space-to-space) at 410-420 MHz

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_13   .doc

Agenda Item 1.14 – Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_14   .doc

Agenda Item 1.15 – Maritime Mobile onboard Communications at UHF

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_15   .doc

Agenda Item 1.16 – Automatic Identification System (AIS) enhancement

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_16   .doc

Agenda Item 1.17 – Wireless Avionics Intr-Communications (WAIC)

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_17   .doc

Agenda Item 1.18 – Automotive Radiolocation at 77.5-78.0 GHz

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-1_18   .doc

Agenda Item 2 – Incorporation By Reference (IBR) Review

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-2   .doc

Agenda Item 4 – Resolutions & Recommendations Review  

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-4  .doc

Agenda Item 7 – Resolution 86 – Satellite Regulatory Procedures 

Issue A - Informing BR of a suspension under RR No. 11.49 beyond six months  

  • CITEL DIAP              Doc. 4000-7A    .doc

Issue B - Publication of information on BIU of satellite networks at the ITU website   

  • CITEL DIAP              Doc. 4000-7B    .doc

Issue D - General use of modern electronic means of communications and notification procedures  

  • CITEL DIAP              Doc. 4000-7D   .doc

Issue E - Failure of a satellite during the 90-day bringing into use period  

  • CITEL DIAP              Doc. 4000-7E   .doc

Issue F - Modifications to RR Appendix 30B in relation to the suspension of use of a frequency assignment recorded in the MIFR  

  • CITEL DIAP              Doc. 4000-7F   .doc

Issue G -  Clarification of bringing into use information provided under RR Nos. 11.44/11.44B  

  • CITEL DIAP               Doc. 4000-7G    .doc

Agenda Item 9 – Director’s Report to consider and approve the Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau, in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention:


  • CITEL IAP            Doc. 4000-9-esomps   .doc

Global Flight Tracking (GFT)  

  • CITEL IAP              Doc. 4000-GFT     .doc

Agenda Item 9.1 – Director’s Report

Agenda Item 9.1.1 – Protection of the MSS in the band 406-406.1 MHz  

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-9_1_1    .doc

Agenda Item 9.1.2 – Coordination Arc Reduction  

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-9_1_2   .doc

Agenda Item 9.1.6 – Studies towards review of the definitions of fixed service, fixed station, and mobile station

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-9_1_6   .doc

Agenda Item 9.1.7 – Spectrum management guidelines for emergency and disaster relief radiocommunications

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-9_1_7  .doc

Agenda item 9.1.8 – Regulatory Aspects for nano- and picosatellites

  • CITEL IAP                 Doc. 4000-9_1_8  .doc

Agenda Item 9.2 –  Difficulties or inconsistences encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations

Agenda Item 9.2.2 – Clarification of the use of deep-space allocations in regard to certain provisions of the Radio Regulations

  • CITEL IAP            Doc. 4000-9_2_2   .doc

Agenda Item 10 – Future Conference Agenda Items

Topic A:  460-470 MHz Meteorological-Satellite Service

  • CITEL IAP          Doc. 4000-10A-460-470       .doc

Topic B:  5350-5470 MHz RLANs 

  • CITEL IAP          Doc. 4000-10B-5GHz           .doc

Topic C:  Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System (GADSS)

  • CITEL IAP          Doc. 4000-10C-GFT            .doc

Topic D:  Appendix 30 update

  • CITEL IAP          Doc. 4000-10D-Ap30           .doc

Topic E:  Global Maritime Distress and Safety Service (GMDSS) modernization

  • CITEL IAP          Doc. 4000-10E-GMDSS       .doc

Topic F:  Broadband applications delivered from High Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS)

  • CITEL IAP          Doc. 4000-10F-HAPS          .doc

Topic G:  EESS (active) for spaceborne radar sounders in the 40-50 MHz frequency range (for WRC-23)

  • CITEL IAP          Doc. 4000-10G-40-50MHz   .doc

Topic H:  Non-geostationary Satellites (NGSOs) in the V band

  • CITEL IAP          Doc. 4000-10H-VBand        .doc

Topic I:  Additional FSS spectrum

  • CITEL IAP          Doc. 4000-10I-FSS             .doc

Topic J:  Recognition  and Protection  of  Space  Weather  Sensors (for WRC-23)

  • CITEL IAP          Doc. 4000-10J-Space Weather        .doc

Topic K:  IMT in bands above 6 GHz

  • CITEL IAP          Doc. 4000-10K-6GHz          .doc
Friday, September 11, 2015