Set out below is the list of pending Section 208 Formal Complaints, Roaming Formal Complaints and Section 224 Pole Attachment Complaints filed with the Commission and assigned to the Enforcement Bureau's Market Disputes Resolution Division. You may also wish to review items released concerning Section 208 Formal Complaints, Roaming Formal Complaints and Section 224 Pole Attachment Complaints.

Docket No. Bureau ID No.ComplainantDefendantFile Date Statute/and or Rule Section
16-242 EB-16-MD-003Alex NguyenVerizon Wireless9/6/2019 47 U.S.C. sections 201, 202.  Section 1.115
23-64 EB-23-MD-001UPM Technology, Inc. Digicel-Haiti2/21/2023 47 U.S.C. sections 201(b), 202(a)
    Last Updated on 6/24/2024    
Monday, June 17, 2024