NTCA | Supplement | Project Data
The NTCA project studied customer choices in adopting fixed broadband, in some cases when providing a decreasing subsidy amount. The NTCA project included Alpine Communications (IA) and Leaco Rural Telephone (NM), in partnership with Connected Nation. The pilot offered a range of wireline broadband plans in one state with a flat subsidy amount of $25 per month for all 12 months. In the other state the pilot offered a range of wireline broadband plans with a sliding scale subsidy that was initially $40 per month for the first quarter and was reduced each quarter thereafter in increments of $10, with the last quarter providing a subsidy of $10 per month, thereby increasing the monthly end-user charge by $30 over the pilot. In each case, customers were able to choose from several speed plans, subject to what technologies the provider had available at the customer’s location.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015