Welcome to the homepage for the Pricing Policy Division of the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau. The Pricing Policy Division is responsible for administering the provisions of the Communications Act requiring that the rates and practices of telecommunications common carriers are just and reasonable, and nondiscriminatory. The Division develops competitive pricing policies and rules for telecommunications offerings, including the intercarrier compensation rates carriers charge each other and the interstate rates they charge their end users. Part of this work includes regulating the rates for communications services offered to incarcerated individuals, which are often referred to as “incarcerated people’s communications services” or “IPCS” (formerly Inmate Calling Services or ICS). The Division also ensures compliance with the Commission’s pricing rules and conducts investigations of carriers’ tariffs when there are questions about the lawfulness of tariff provisions. Additionally, the Division is responsible for administering the Commission’s jurisdictional separations procedures, including supporting the Commission’s role in the Federal-State Joint Board on Separations.

Division Headlines


09/11/24 2024 Incarcerated People's Communications Services Annual Reports PN PDF

09/09/24 July 1, 2024 Annual Access Tariff Filing PDF

08/05/24 Public Notice Announcing Availability of Final 2024 IPCS Database PDF

07/22/24 FCC Caps Exorbitant Phone and Video Call Rates for Incarcerated People and Their Families PDF

07/11/24 Bureau Announces 120 Rate-of-Return Study Areas Electing Incentive Regulation for Business Data Services PDF

06/12/24 Commissioner Gomez to host IPCS Listening Session in Phoenix, AZ PDF

06/05/24 Bureau Order Reconsiders 2024 NECA Average Schedule Modifications PDF

05/31/24 Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Procedures for Obtaining Confidential Information for 2024 Annual Access Charge Tariff Filings PDF

05/14/24 Bureau Reminds Competitive Local Exchange Carriers to File Revised Tariffs by July 17, 2024 PDF

05/10/24 July 1, 2024 Annual Access Charge Tariff Filings PDF

05/10/24 NECA, Inc. 2024 Modification of Average Schedules PDF

03/29/24 Order Granting Waiver Request Filed by Filer Mutual Telephone Co. PDF

03/27/24 Carriers Reminded to File Annual Section 64.1900 Certifications by May 1, 2024 PDF

03/27/24 July 1, 2024 Annual Access Charge Tariff Filings PDF

03/18/24 WCB and OEA Announce Availability of Preliminary IPCS Database PDF

03/14/24 Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition for Declaratory Ruling or Waiver of Section 61.50 of the Commission's Rules PDF

02/28/24 WCB Reminds ICS Providers of April Deadline for Annual Reports PDF

01/25/24 Chairwoman Rosenworcel to Host a Listening Session Concerning Incarcerated People's Communications Services in Charleston, South Carolina PDF

01/18/24 WCB Announces TRS Rule Adopted in 2022 ICS Order Is Now Effective PDF

01/09/24 Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on the NECA, Inc. Modification of Average Schedule Formulas PDF


12/04/23 Effective and Compliance Dates for Certain Access Arbitrage Rules PDF

11/14/23 The Commission Issues Declaratory Ruling and Adopts Memorandum Opinion and Order Reducing Regulatory Requirements for a Rural Long Distance Access Service Provider PDF

11/08/23 Quiet Period Announced for MIEAC Petition PDF

10/27/23 Comment Sought on Petition for Extension of Deadline to Offer Telecommunications Relay Services at Correctional Facilities PDF

10/26/23 Chairwoman Hosts Chicago Listening Session for IPCS PDF

09/13/23 Bureau Announces Due Date for Responses to IPCS 2023 Mandatory Data Collection PDF

09/01/23 Bureau Announces Posting of 2023 Exogenous Cost TRP PDF

08/09/23 Comment Dates for Proposed Revisions to Providers' Annual Reporting and Certification Requirements PDF

08/08/23 FCC Approves Aureon Refund Plan and Ends Tariff Investigation PDF

08/03/23 WCB and CGB Seek Comment on Revisions to Providers' Annual Reporting and Certification Requirements PDF

07/26/23 2023 IPCS Mandatory Data Collection Order PDF

06/01/23 Order Extending Reply Comment Filing Deadlines in IPCS Proceeding PDF

06/01/23 Wireline Competition Bureau Outlines Procedures for Obtaining Confidential Information for Annual Access Charge Tariff Filings PDF

05/18/23 NECA, Inc. 2023 Proposed Modifications to Average Schedules PDF

05/16/23 CLEC Carriers Reminded of Filing Deadline for Revised Tariffs PDF

05/11/23 Tariff Review Plan Order Released PDF

05/03/23 Comment Dates for Proposed 2023 Mandatory Data Collection for Incarcerated People's Calling Services PDF

04/28/23 Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on 2023 Mandatory Data Collection for Incarcerated Peoples Calling Services PDF

04/21/23 FCC Adopts Rules to Prevent Gaming of Access Stimulation Rules PDF

04/10/23 Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Comment Dates for IPCS NPRM PDF

04/05/23 Wireline Competition Bureau Adopts Protective Order in Incarcerated People's Communications Services Dockets PDF

04/3/23 July 1,2023 Annual Access Charge Tariff Filing Procedures PDF

03/30/23 Bureau Reminds Non-Dominant Interexchange Carriers of May 1, 2023 Section 64.1900 Filing Requirements PDF

03/28/23 Non-Dominant Carriers Reminded of Section 64.1900 Filing Deadline PDF

03/22/23 Order Granting Joint Petition for Waiver Filed by Northwest Communications and Mid-state Telephone PDF

03/17/23 FCC Seeks Comment On Its Expanded Authority To Ensure Just And Reasonable Rates And Charges For Incarcerated People's Communications Services PDF

03/09/23 New Tariff Filing Fees Effective March 2, 2023. Word

03/01/23 WCB Reminds ICS Providers of April Deadline for Annual Reports. PDF

01/31/23 Bureau Seeks Comment on National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.'s Proposed Modification of Average Schedule Formulas PDF

01/27/23 Bureau Releases Results of Tests Required by Sections 61.50(j) and 69.803(c) of the Commission's Rules PDF

01/05/23 Bureau Extends Deadline for Inmate Calling Services Rulemaking PDF

01/04/23 WCB Order Adopts Core Communications, Inc. Refund Plan PDF


12/13/22 Bureau Seeks Comment on Northwest Communications Cooperative, Inc. and Midstate Telephone Company Petition for Waiver of Commission Rules. PDF

12/2/22 Comment Dates Set on Sixth Further Notice on Calling for Incarcerated People PDF

12/1/22 Bureau Sets Comment Dates for MIEAC Petition for Forbearance from Dominant Carrier Rules PDF

11/22/22 Bureau releases order denying Yukon-Waltz petition for wavier of section 69.605(c) of the Commission's rules. PDF

10/27/22 Bureau Announces OMB Approval of Revision to Inmate Calling Services Report Collection PDF

09/29/22 FCC Proposes Improved Communications Access for Incarcerated People PDF

08/28/22 WCB Releases Tariff Review Plans for BDS Incentive Regulations Rate of Return Carriers PDF

08/18/22 WCB Order Addressing Northern Valley Refund and Payment Plan PDF

07/14/22 FCC Proposes Updated Rules to Eliminate Access Arbitrage PDF

07/08/22 Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Refund Plan of Core Communications, Inc. PDF

06/24/22 WCB Announces ICS Annual Reporting and Certification Revisions PDF

06/01/22 Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Procedures for Obtaining Confidential Information for 2022 Annual Access Charge Tariff Filings PDF

05/17/22 Wireline Competition Bureau Reminds Competitive Local Exchange Carriers to File Revised Tariffs by July 18, 2022 and to Submit New Filing Fees Through CORES PDF

05/11/22 National Exchange Carrier Association 2022 Modification of Average Schedules PDF

05/09/22 2022 Annual Access Charge Tariff Filing Fees and Payment PDF

05/09/22 July 1, 2022 Annual Access Charge Tariff Filings PDF

04/28/22 Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Refund Plan of Iowa Network Services Division PDF

04/15/22 July 1, 2022 Annual Access Charge Tariff Filings PDF

4/1/22 WCB grants Consolidated's 2019 Petition for Waiver of All-or-Nothing Rule PDF

3/14/22 Wireline Competition Bureau Reminds Carriers Of Their Ongoing Obligation To Ensure Their Federal Tariffs Remain Lawful PDF

3/2/22 Bureau Announces Due Date for Responses to the Commission's Third Mandatory Data Collection on Inmate Calling Services PDF

2/14/22 Wireline Competition Bureau Announces That the Consumer Disclosure and Waiver Rules Adopted in the 2021 ICS Order Are Now Effective PDF

2/22/22 FCC Requires Aureon to Submit Data for Refunds of Illegal Rate Charges PDF

2/10/22 WCB Seeks Comment on NECA's Proposed 2022 Average Schedule Modifications PDF

2/9/22 WCB Reminds ICS Providers of April 1, 2022 Deadline for Annual Reports and Certifications PDF

1/20/22 WCB Grants Southwest Arkansas Telephone Cooperative Inc.'s Request PDF


12/09/21 Order Rejecting Core Communications, Inc., et al. Tariff F.C.C. No. 3 Transmittal No. 22 PDF

10/07/21 Bureau Concludes Core Communications Tariff Investigation PDF

10/4/21 Bureau Grants Marne Elk Horn Telephone Company Petition for Waiver PDF

9/30/21 Bureau responds to Onvoy, LLC d/b/a Inteliquent Petition for Waiver PDF

9/2/21 WCB releases tariff review plans for incentive regulation carriers PDF

8/10/21 Order Extending Comment and Reply Dates on ICS Fifth Further Notice PDF

6/30/21 Bureau Seeks Comment on METC Petition for Waiver PDF

6/24/21 Bureau releases Designation Order in Core Tariff Investigation PDF

6/9/21 WCB and OEA Announce Availability of Revised ICS Database PDF

6/8/21 WCB releases PN Seeking Comment on Yukon-Waltz Petition for Waiver PDF

5/31/21 WCB releases Protective Order for Annual Access Charge Tariff Filings PDF

5/6/21 WCB Approves NECA 2021 Average Schedule Formula Modifications PDF

5/21/21 Bureau releases Protective Order in Core Tariff Investigation PDF

5/6/21 Bureau Suspends and Sets for Investigation Proposed Tariff Revisions PDF

4/16/21 July 1, 2021 Annual Access Charge Tariff Filings PDF

3/17/21 Bureau Responds to Ace Tel Compay of Michigan Petition for Waiver PDF

3/3/21 WCB Reminds ICS Providers of the April 1, 2021 Annual Reports Deadline PDF

2/12/21 PN seeking comment on NECA’s average schedule filing PDF

1/15/21 PN announcing closure of the Commission’s price cap BDS dockets PDF

1/15/21 Order modifying protective orders in the Commission’s BDS tariff investigation docket PDF

1/12/21 PN seeking comment on USTelecom’s petition for reconsideration of the 8YY Reform Order PDF

1/08/21 PN clarifying reply deadline on 2020 ICS Order on Remand PDF


12/17/20 Order Extending Reply Comment Deadline on 2020 ICS Fourth FNPRM PDF

12/16/20 Lingo Telecommunications of Kentucky, LLC Tariff Investigation Terminated PDF

12/16/20 Bureau responds to Onvoy d/b/a Inteliquent, Inc.'s Petition for Waiver PDF

12/03/20 Petition for Reconsideration of the 2020 Inmate Calling Services R&O on Remand PDF

11/25/20 8YY Access Reform/2nd Erratum PDF

11/16/20 WCB Approves 3 Rivers and SiyCom Request for Waiver PDF

11/13/20 WCB Denies GTL's Document Request PDF

11/09/20 WCB Seeks Comment on Ace Telephone of Michigan Petition for Waiver PDF

10/30/20 Bureau Dismisses Seven USF/ICC Petitions PDF

10/23/20 WCB Announces Comment Dates for ICS Proceeding PDF

09/24/20 WCB and OEA Announce Availability of ICS Database PDF

09/17/20 Bureau Responds to Onvoy d/b/a Inteliquent, Inc.'s Petition PDF

09/10/20 Bureau Seeks Comment on Northern Valley's Refund and Payment Plan PDF

09/04/20 Bureau Posts 2020 Tariff Review Plan for Incentive Regulation Carriers PDF

09/01/20 Bureau Denies Inmate Calling Service Provider Requests for Confidential Treatment PDF

7/15/20 Carriers Electing Incentive Regulation for Business Data Services PDF

7/15/20 Request for Information re: Global Tel*Link’s Inmate Calling Services PDF

3/31/20 FCC Extends Reply Comment Period for Inmate Calling Services PDF

2/20/20 WCB Announces Comment Dates on ICS Ancillary Service Charges PDF

2/19/20 OMB Approves Inmate Calling Services Information Collection Renewal PDF

2/4/20 WCB Seeks Comment on Charges for Ancillary Services for Inmate PDF

02/03/20 Bureau Seeks Comment on National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.'s Proposed Modification to its Average Schedules PDF

01/31/20 Bureau Releases Supplemental Lists for BDS Competitive Market Tests PDF

01/14/20 WCB Probes Interest in USF/ICC Transformation Order Petitions PDF

01/10/20 Northern Valley Communications Tariff No. 3 Order PDF


12/17/19 VOIP Symmetry Order on Remand and Declaratory Ruling PDF

11/30/19 Report and Order on Eliminating Unecessary Tariff Requirement PDF

11/05/19 Bureau Seeks Comment on Inter-Community Telephone's Petition for Wavier to Merge Study Areas PDF

10/30/19 Bureau Seeks Comment on Farmer's Mutual Telephone's Petition to Merge Rate-of-Return Study Areas PDF

10/28/19 Order Granting Sunflower and Lakeland Petitions for Waiver PDF

10/25/19 Order Denying Stay Petition of Access Arbitrage Order PDF

10/08/19 Southwest Arkansas Telephone Cooperative Request for Authority to Modify Rate Base PDF

10/03/19 Bureau Seeks Comment on Triotel Waiver Petition PDF

09/27/19 Report and Order on Access Arbitrage and Modification of Section 214 Authorizations PDF

09/19/19 Consolidated Communications PA and ME Petition for Waiver of the "All-or-Nothing" Rule. PDF

09/06/19 Tariff Review Plans for Incentive Regulations Based Business Data Services Providers Announced Word

07/19/19 Erratum Business Data Services in an Internet Protocol Environment Word

07/12/19 Report and Order on Remand (WC Docket Nos. 05-25, 16-143; GN Docket No. 13-5) and Memorandum Opinion and Order (WC Docket No. 18-141) PDF

06/20/19 Bureau Announces Closure and Archiving of Secure Data Enclave in Price Cap Business Data Services and USTelecom Forbearance Petition Proceedings PDF

06/13/19 Business Data Services List of Rate of Return Carriers Electing Incentive Regulation PDF

06/10/19 Titonka/Burt, Interstate and Northeast Nebraska Telephone Companies' Petition to Merge Study Areas Granted PDF

06/04/19 Procedures for Obtaining Confidential Information for 2019 Annual Access Tariff Filings PDF

05/31/19 Cass Telephone and Magna5 Petitions for Waiver to Elect Incentive Regulation for Business Data Services PDF

05/21/19 South Dakota Network Refund Plan Approved PDF

05/14/19 Business Data and USTelecom Proceeding Reply Comment Cycle Extension and Secure Enclave Data Extension PDF

05/03/19 Additional Parties Seek Access to Business Data Services Data Collection PDF

05/01/19 Material to be Filed in Support of 2019 Annual Access Tariff Filing PDF

05/01/19 Additional Parties Seek Access to Business Data Services Data Collection PDF

04/23/19 South Data Network Tariff Refund Comment Cycle Announced PDF

04/22/19 Bureau Seeks Comment on Lakeland Communications Petition for Waiver to Merge Study Areas and Modify Revenue Requirement PDF

04/19/19 Additional Parties Seek Access to Business Data Services Data Collection PDF

04/18/19 Additional Parties Seek Access to Business Data Services Data Collection PDF

04/18/19 Parties Seek Access to Business Data Services Data Collection PDF

04/15/19 Bureau Reopens NORC and Seeks Comment in Business Data Services and USTelecom Proceedings PDF

04/04/19 July 1, 2019 Annual Access Tariff Filings PDF

04/03/19 Bureau to Incorporate Business Data Services Data and Second Further Notice and Further Notice Record Into USTelecom Forbearance Proceeding PDF

03/20/19 Bureau to Close and Archive Secure Data Enclave In Price Cap Business Data Services Proceedings PDF

03/12/19 Separations Joint Board Roster PDF

03/12/19 Bureau Reminds Inmate Calling Services Providers of April 1, 2019 Deadline for Annual Reports and Certifications PDF

02/28/19 FCC Concludes Investigation of Aureon's Tariff PDF

02/21/19 Bureau Extends Access to Business Data Services Proceeding Secure Data Enclave PDF

02/15/19 Bureau Seeks Comment on Northeast Nebraska Telephone Company Petition PDF

02/14/19 Order Extending Deadline of USTelecom Forbearance Petition PDF

02/14/19 Bureau Reminds Inmate Calling Services Providers of March 1, 2019 Deadline for Data Collection Responses PDF

02/11/19 FCC Announces Two New Members to Joint Board Committee PDF

02/06/19 Bureau Seeks Comment on NECA's Proposed Modifications to its Average Schedule Formulas PDF

01/03/19 FCC Acts on Sandwhich Isles, Inc.'s Petition for Reconsideration PDF


12/31/18 Additional Party Seeks Access to Business Data Services Information PDF

12/21/18 Additional Party Seeks Access to Business Data Services Information PDF

12/17/18 FCC Extends Freeze of Jurisdictional Separations for Six Years PDF

12/11/18 ERRATUM - Regulation of Business Data Services for Rate of Return Carriers PDF

12/11/18 Order Granting Telapex and Venture Waiver Petitions PDF

12/07/18 ERRATUM - Comprehensive Review of Part 32 System of Accounts PDF

11/29/18 Comment Dates Announced for BDS 2nd Notice and Further Notice PDF

11/29/18 WCB Releases SDN Tariff Investigation Order PDF

11/28/18 FCC Denies Petition for Reconsideration of Aureon Tariff Investigation PDF

11/27/18 Bureau Updates Joint Board Contacts PDF

11/14/18 July 1, 2018 Annual Access Tariff Filings PDF

11/09/18 Bureau Releases Second Aureon Tariff Investigation Order PDF

11/07/19 Bureau Seeks Comment on ITS, Inc.'s Petition for Wavier PDF

11/05/18 Secure Data Enclave for Business Data Services Proceeding to Reopen PDF

10/25/18 Wireline Competition Bureau Publicly Releases List of Study Areas Deemed Competitive if Rate of Return Carriers Elect Incentive Regulation for those Areas PDF

10/25/18 FCC Releases List of Areas Deemed Competitive Where Carriers Adopt New Regulatory Framework

10/23/18 FCC Spurs Competition in Rural Business Data Services PDF

10/18/18 FCC Waives and Seeks Comment on Eliminating Obscure Tariff Rules PDF

10/17/18 FCC Harmonizes Separations Rules with Revised Accounting Rules PDF

10/03/18 Bureau Announces Annual Adjustment of Revenue Thresholds PDF

09/04/18 Pleading Cycle Established for AT&T Petition for Reconsideration PDF

07/31/18 Iowa Network Access Division's Tariff FCC No. 1 PDF

06/08/18 FCC Proposes Reforms to Toll Free Calling Access Charge Regime PDF

06/08/18 Bureau Grants Petitions for Waiver of Biennial Tariff Filing Rules. PDF

04/25/18 Bureau Sets Forth Guidance for Material to be Filed in Support of Annual Tariff Review Plans. Word

03/27/18 National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.'s Proposed 2017 Interim And 2018 Further Modification Of Average Schedule Formulas: Pleading Cycle Established Word

03/26/18 Bureau adopts a Protective Order in connection with the investigation of whether Iowa Network Access Division's Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, Transmittal 36 revisions are consistent with Commission orders and rule requirements Word

03/12/18 Bureau Seeks Comment On Titonka Telephone Company And The Burt Telephone Company Petition For Waiver Of Commission Rules Word

02/22/18 FCC Proposes to Adopt Separations Joint Board's Recommendations

02/16/18 FCC Proposes to Adopt Separations Joint Board's Recommendations pdf

02/13/18 Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition for Declaratory Ruling pdf