The low-income program provides discounts on telephone installation and monthly telephone service to qualifying consumers. The low-income program is one of the components of the FCC's Universal Service Fund. There are two programs available to qualified low-income consumers:

  • Link-Up America helps consumers with telephone installation costs.
  • Lifeline provides discounts on monthly telephone service.

Additional discounts are available to qualified subscribers living on tribal lands. See our Universal Service Program for Low-Income Consumers guide for more about eligibility criteria.

Carrier Information on Providing lifeline and link-Up to Your Subscribers.

  • Over 1500 telephone companies in the United States and its territories participate in the Federal Low-Income program.
  • Many competitive and wireless telephone companies are eligible to provide lifeline and link-Up support.
  • In order to provide lifeline and link-Up, carriers must be designated as Eligible Telecommunications Carriers (ETCs) by their state commission or the FCC.
  • After receiving ETC designation, carriers must file a Form 497 each quarter with the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to receive support for the discounts they provide customers.

For more information on providing low-income support go to:

HEADLlNES - 2010

  • ReCellular, Inc Public Notice: 10/20/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by ReCellular, Inc. for forbearance from the requirement that eligible telecommunications carriers provide service, at least in part, over their own facilities.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Conextion Wireless Order: 10/1/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on nine petitions filed on September 22, 2010, by GreatCall, Inc. (GreatCall).In this order, we grant in part and deny in part a petition for forbearance filed by Conexions, LLC d/b/a Conexion Wireless (Conexions).Conexions, a wireless reseller, requested that the Commission forbear from the requirement that carriers designated as eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) for purposes of federal universal service support provide services, at least in part, over their own facilities.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Greatcall, Inc. Public Notice: 10/1/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on nine petitions filed on September 22, 2010, by GreatCall, Inc. (GreatCall).
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • I-Wireless, LLC Public Notice: 9/2/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by i-wireless, LLC (i-wireless) on August 25, 2010. In the petition, i-wireless seeks designation as a limited eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) to participate in the Commissions lifeline program in the States of Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, New Hampshire, North Carolina, New York, Tennessee, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Plans of Head Start Telecom, Inc., Consumer Cellular, Inc., and line Up, LLC Public Notice: 8/31/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the compliance plans recently filed by Head Start Telecom, Inc., Consumer Cellular, Inc., and line Up, LLC. These compliance plans are intended to satisfy the conditions imposed by the Commission when it granted limited forbearance from the requirement that carriers provide services, at least in part, over their own facilities in order to be designated an eligible telecommunications carrier.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Allied Wireless Communications Corporation Order: 8/30/10, In this order, the Bureau grants the petition of Allied Wireless Communications Corporation (AWCC) to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) in the state of North Carolina. We find that AWCC meets the eligibility requirements of section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act and the Commissions rules to be designated as an ETC in North Carolina.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Standing Rock Telecommunications, Inc. Public Notice: 8/24/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on whether Standing Rock Telecommunications, Inc. should be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in partial rural wire centers so that it can serve the entire Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Standing Rock Telecommunications, Inc. Memorandum Opinion and Order: 8/24/10, In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau designates Standing Rock Telecommunications, Inc. (Standing Rock), a wireless carrier owned and operated by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) in certain wire centers within the boundaries of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation (Standing Rock Reservation). The Bureau defers action on Standing Rocks request to redefine and serve partial rural wire centers on the Reservation.
    Memorandum Opinion and Order: Word | PDF
  • AT&T Mobility Public Notice: 8/11/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed July 30, 2010, by AT&T, Inc., on behalf of its affiliate, AT&T Mobility. AT&T Mobility seeks to have the Bureau transfer to it the Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) designation held by WWC LLC d/b/a Alltel (Alltel) for services offered to Tribal members on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. AT&T Mobility further requests that the effective date of an ETC grant be retroactive to June 22, 2010, the closing date of the AT&T/Verizon Wireless transaction.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Head Start, Consumer Cellular, Midwestern Telecom Inc., line Up Order: 7/30/10, FCC Conditionally Grants Forbearance Requests for lifeline Universal Service Support.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Platinumtel Communications, LLC Public Notice: 7/13/10, Sought comment on PlatinumTel Communications, LLC petition for forbearance from eligible telecommunications carrier facilities requirement.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • i-wireless, LLC Order: 6/25/10, FCC Conditionally Grants i-wireless Forbearance Request for lifeline Universal Service Support.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Cricket Communication Inc. Public Notice: 6/25/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed on June 21, 2010, by Cricket Communications, Inc. (Cricket), a wireless telecommunications carrier.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Conexions, LLC Order: 6/22/10, In this order, WCB extends from July 8, 2010 to October 6, 2010 the statutory deadline for acting on a petition for forbearance filed by Conexions, which requests forbearance from the Acts facilities requirement for the limited purpose of participating in the universal service lifeline program.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Low-Income Pilot Program Public Notice: 6/21/10, Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Remote Participation Details for June 23, 2010 Low-Income Pilot Program Roundtable Discussion.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • lifeline and link-Up Eligibility, Verification and Outreach Public Notice: 6/15/10, Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service Seeks Comment on lifeline and link-Up Eligibility, Verification, and Outreach Issues Referred to Joint Board.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • I-Wireless Forbearance Proceeding Public Notice: 6/14/10, WCB Announces Quiet Period for I-Wireless Forbearance Proceeding.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Broadband Pilot Programs For Low Income Consumers Public Notice: 6/8/10, June 23, 2010, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (eastern daylight time), the Wireline Competition Bureau will host a roundtable discussion in the Commission Meeting Room to enable interested parties to discuss the design of pilot programs that would provide subsidies for broadband access to low-income consumers.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • line Up, LLC Petition for Forbearance Public Notice: 6/7/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed on May 27, 2010, by line Up, LLC (line Up) for forbearance from the requirement in section 214(e)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, that eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) provide service, at least in part, over their own facilities. line Up seeks forbearance to enable it to be designated an ETC for purposes of receiving universal service low-income support under the lifeline program.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • lifeline Verification Surveys And Ceritifications Public Notice: 6/7/10, This public notice serves as a reminder that an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) in a state with its own state-based low-income program must submit a certification, signed by an officer of the company, to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) by August 31, 2010, and ensure that USAC receives the certification by that date, attesting that the ETC has complied with the state verification procedures. In addition, this public notice reminds all ETCs in federal default states to submit their annual lifeline verification survey results to USAC and ensure that these results are received by USAC by August 31, 2010.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Consumer Cellular ETC Forbearance Deadline Extension Order: 6/4/10, In this order, WCB extends from June 30, 2010, to September 28, 2010, the statutory deadline for acting on a petition for forbearance filed by Consumer Cellular. The underlying petition for forbearance is one of the me-too petitions requesting forbearance from the Acts facilities requirement for the limited purpose of participating in the Commissions low income program.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Order: 5/28/10, In this order, WCB approves the request of Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless and its affiliates (Cellco) for pro forma amendment of the eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designations currently held by Cellco in the name of ALLTEL Communications, Inc. and its affiliated legal entities (Alltel) in Virginia and North Carolina, as well as ETC designations held by both Alltel and RCC Holdings, Inc. in Alabama. Under this order, the designated service areas of Alltel and RCC would reflect Cellco as the ETC designated entity. This order in does not affect the universal service reductions merger conditions.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Arkansas Preemption Dismissal Order: 5/18/10, In this order, we dismiss as moot a petition filed by Alltel Communications, Inc. (Alltel) seeking a declaratory ruling preempting section 5(d)(1) of the Arkansas Telecommunications Regulatory Act of 1997.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Puerto Rico Low Income Public Notice: 5/11/10, The Bureau announces that the comment and reply comment deadlines for the Puerto Rico Order and Second NPRM will be June 7, 2010 and June 21, 2010, respectively.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Low Income Joint Board Referral Order: 5/4/10, In this Order, we ask the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service (Joint Board) to review the Commissions eligibility, verification, and outreach rules for the lifeline and link Up universal service programs, which currently provide discounts on telephone service for low-income customers.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • NEP Cellcorp ETC Designation Order: 4/29/10, In this order, WCB grants the request of NEP Cellcorp, Inc. to amend its ETC designation in Pennsylvania to include the rural study area of North-Eastern Pennsylvania Telephone Company.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Head Start Forbearance Extension Order: 4/29/10, In this order, WCB extends from May 15, 2010, to August 13, 2010, the statutory deadline for acting on a petition for forbearance filed by Head Start. The underlying petition for forbearance is one of the me-too petitions requesting forbearance from the Acts facilities requirement for the limited purpose of participating in the Commissions lifeline universal service program.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • US Cellular Tennessee ETC Amendment Order: 4/27/10, In this order, WCB grants the request of United States Cellular Corporation to amend its ETC designation in the state of Tennessee.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Qwest II Remand Order and MO&O: 4/16/10, In the Order on Remand, the Commission responds to the Tenth Circuit on high-cost universal service support for non-rural carriers. In the Memorandum Opinion and Order, the Commission determines that supplemental high-cost support is required under the current non-rural high-cost support mechanism to achieve reasonably comparable rates in Wyoming.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Hurricane Katrina lifeline Audits Public Notice: 3/31/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on three requests for review of certain of certain Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) low-income support audit findings against Cingular Wireless (Cingular), T-Mobile USA, Inc. (T-Mobile), and TracFone Wireless, Inc. (TracFone). In each case, USAC found that the carrier failed to comply with the documentation retention requirements of the Commission's Hurricane Katrina Order.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Midwestern Telecommunications Forbearance Public Notice: 3/30/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed on March 16, 2010, by Midwestern Telecommunications, Inc. (Midwestern) for forbearance from the requirement in section 214(e)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, that eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) provide service, at least in part, over their own facilities. Midwestern seeks forbearance to enable it to be designated an ETC for purposes of receiving universal service low-income support under the lifeline and link Up programs.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • NTCH ETC and Forbearance Petitions Public Notice: 3/15/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a two petitions filed on March 5, 2010, by NTCH, Inc. (NTCH), a provider of commercial mobile radio services. NTCH seeks designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) for certain areas in Alabama and Tennessee. NTCH seeks ETC designation for the limited purpose of participating in the universal service low-income lifeline program and does not request ETC designation to receive universal service high-cost support. In a separate petition, NTCH seeks forbearance from the definition of service area contained in section 214(e)(5) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and section 54.207(b) of the Commissions rules so that it can be designated an ETC for the limited purposes of participating in the lifeline program.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Virgin Mobile Petition to Modify Compliance Plan Public Notice: 3/15/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on the petition filed on March 4, 2010, by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. (Virgin Mobile). On October 29, 2009, the Bureau approved Virgin Mobiles plan for complying with the conditions imposed by the Commission in granting Virgin Mobiles request to forbear from the facilities ownership requirement of section 214(e)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Grant of this forbearance allowed Virgin Mobile to seek designation as a limited eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) for the purpose of providing universal service low-income support through the lifeline program. Virgin Mobile now seeks to supplement its compliance plan with two additional methods by which it will satisfy the requirement that its lifeline customers self-certify before receiving service that they are the head of their household and only receive lifeline-supported service from Virgin Mobile.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • USAC Form 497 line 9 Letter Public Notice: 3/10/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on USACs February 23, 2010 letter asking: (1) what recovery action, if any, USAC should take against an ETC that has failed to pro-rate support claims for partial-month lifeline customers; and (2) whether ETCs may use line 9 of FCC Form 497 for any purpose other than to report the amount of support attributed to partial-month lifeline customers.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Colorado 911 Public Notice: 3/1/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by the Adams County E-911 Emergency Telephone Service Authority, the Arapahoe County E-911 Emergency Communication Service Authority, and the Jefferson County Emergency Communications Authority (collectively, the Colorado 911 Authorities).
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Alltel Audit Public Notice Extension : 2/17/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau grants a one-week extension of the deadline for filing reply comments in response to the Alltel Audit Public Notice, DA 09-2639 (rel. Dec. 30, 2009). Reply comments must be filed on or before February 23, 2010. Parties must comply with all other procedures and filing requirements announced in the Alltel Audit Public Notice.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • lifeline Declaratory Ruling Order : 2/2/10, In this order, we address four petitions for waiver of section 54.410 of the Commissions rules and six requests for a declaratory ruling concerning the Commissions lifeline certification and verification requirements. We grant the requests for waiver seeking an extension of the June 22, 2005, deadline to submit sample lifeline verification data in the US Cellular Washington Petition, the ADT Petition, and the VA Cellular Petition. We also grant the Petitioners requests for a declaratory ruling and conclude that when a state commission mandates lifeline support, but does not impose certification and verification requirements on certain carriers within the state, the affected carriers must follow federal default criteria for certification and verification purposes. Finally, we grant the requests filed by Wisconsin RSA #4 and US Cellular Wisconsin to withdraw their petitions.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Virgin Mobile ETC PN: 1/28/10, WCB seeks comment on a petition filed by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. (Virgin Mobile), a provider of commercial mobile radio services. Virgin Mobile seeks designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) in the state of Alabama. Virgin Mobile seeks ETC designation for the limited purpose of participating in the universal service low-income lifeline program and does not request ETC designation to receive universal service high-cost support.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • PEMA TracFone Opposition Withdrawal Order: 1/28/10, In this order, WCB grants the request filed by PEMA to withdraw its petition to reject TracFones self-certification that TracFone is in full compliance with applicable Pennsylvania 911 and E-911 obligations.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Standing Rock Telecom ETC PN: 1/19/10, WCB seeks comment on a petition filed by Standing Rock Telecommunications, Inc. (SRTI), a tribal-government owned wireless carrier. SRTI seeks designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier for a service area coterminous with the existing rural study areas within the external boundaries of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in South Dakota and North Dakota.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • CenturyTel of Eagle Order: 1/12/10, TAPD grants the request of CenturyTel of Eagle to withdraw its application for review. On August 1, 2002, the Colorado Public Utilities Commission petitioned the Commission for agreement with its proposed redefinition of the service area of CenturyTel of Eagle. On November 25, 2002, that redefinition petition was deemed approved under Commission rule 54.207(c)(2)(ii). CenturyTel filed an application for review arguing that the Commissions deemed-approved process violates the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and that the redefinition of its service area was not in the public interest. On October 20, 2009, CenturyTel filed a request for withdrawal of its application for review.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Cricket ETC Designation Petition: 1/12/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Cricket Communications, Inc. (Cricket), a provider of commercial mobile radio services. Cricket seeks designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) for certain counties in New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Virginia as well as in the District of Columbia. Cricket seeks ETC designation for the limited purpose of participating in the universal service low-income lifeline and link-Up programs and does not request ETC designation to receive universal service high-cost support. Please note: Cricket is a facilities-based ETC and thus does not require forbearance before being designated an ETC.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Consumer Cellular ETC Designation Petition: 1/12/10, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Consumer Cellular, Inc. (Consumer Cellular), a reseller of commercial mobile radio services. Consumer Cellular seeks designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) for certain counties in Connecticut, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Consumer Cellular seeks ETC designation for the limited purpose of participating in the universal service low-income lifeline program and does not request ETC designation to receive high-cost universal service support. Please note: Consumer Cellular has a petition pending before the Commission seeking forbearance from the facilities-based ETC requirement; this ETC designation petition assumes that the Commission will grant that petition.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF

HEADliNES - 2009

  • Alltel lifeline Audit PN: 12/30/09, In this Public Notice, the Commission seeks comment on the Verizon/Alltel Management Trusts request for review of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) low-income support audit findings that the Verizon/Alltel Management Trust: (1) lacked effective procedures for excluding duplicate claims for universal service low-income support under the lifeline program from a single address; (2) claimed Tier 4 lifeline support for subscribers not residing on Tribal lands and failed to provide Tier 4 lifeline support to eligible households on Tribal lands; (3) sought lifeline reimbursement for subscribers claimed on other carriers FCC Forms 497; and (4) claimed lifeline support for subscribers on Tribal lands who received a rate plan that included toll-free calling.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Cellco/Verizon ETC PN: 12/30/09, WCB seeks comment on the Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless requests to amend the eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designations currently held by Alltel in Alabama, North Carolina, and Virginia (and also ETC designations held by RCC Holdings in Virginia). Under the proposed amendment, Alltels and RCCs ETC designations would reflect Cellco as the designated entity.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • TracFone Wireless, Inc.: 10/21/09, TracFone One-Per-Household Letter: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a letter from TracFone Wireless, Inc., which (1) asks the Commission to clarify whether its ruling that carriers can receive universal service lifeline support for a single telephone line in an eligible consumers principal residence is intended to limit the availability of lifeline-supported service to only one qualified low-income resident per homeless shelter; and (2) requests guidance on how eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) may enroll residents of shelters in their lifeline programs without risking violation of the one-per-household rule. WCB also seeks comment on the effects of the one-per-household rule for lifeline support in the context of other types of group living facilities, and on whether and how ETCs that provide lifeline-supported service to homeless individuals who do not use shelters may comply with the one-per-household rule. Comments are due November 20 , 2009 and reply comments are due December 7, 2009.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • lifeline Verification & Certification: 8/10/09, Wireline Competition Bureau reminds ETCs of the August 31, 2009 deadline for their submission of annual lifeline verification surveys and certifications and on August 31 of each subsequent year thereafter, attesting that the ETC has complied with the state verification procedures.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • TracFone lifeline Petition to Modify lifeline Head of Household: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a TracFone petition to modify a condition (imposed by the Commissions designation of TracFone) that TracFone must require each of its lifeline customers to annually self-certify that they are the head of their household and receive lifeline-supported service only from TracFone. Specifically, TracFone requests that it be allowed to verify annually that its lifeline customers are heads of households and receive lifeline-supported service only from TracFone through use of a statistically valid sample of those customers. Comments are due July 6, 2009 and reply comments are due July 20, 2009.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • TracFone lifeline Tier 1 Petition: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by TracFone in which TracFone requests that it be allowed to receive Tier One lifeline support in the amount of $6.50 per month per lifeline customer in all service areas where it operates as en eligible telecommunications carrier, provided that TracFone: (1) passes through the full amount of its federal lifeline support to its lifeline customers; and (2) provides each of its lifeline customers with an additional monthly lifeline benefit of $3.50. This petition for waiver seeks the same relief that TracFone is seeking in a petition for rulemaking that it recently filed. Comments are due July 6, 2009 and reply comments are due July 20, 2009.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Head Start ETC Forbearance Petition: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on Head Start's petition for forbearance from the eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) facilities requirement for designation as a limited ETC eligible for low-income support. Comments are due July 6, 2009 and reply comments are due July 20, 2009.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • i-wireless ETC Forbearance Petition: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on i-wireless's petition for forbearance from the eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) facilities requirement for designation as a limited ETC eligible for low-income support. Comments are due July 6, 2009 and reply comments are due July 20, 2009.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • AT&T lifeline Audit Petition: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on AT&Ts petition regarding USACs lifeline audit of AT&T. In its petition, AT&T seeks review of USACs findings that: (1) USAC should recover toll limitation service (TLS) support from AT&T because AT&T cannot supply documentation detailing its incremental cost of providing TLS to its lifeline customers; (2) AT&T was required to advertise to its lifeline customers toll blocking and all other services supported by federal universal service support mechanisms; and (3) AT&T was required to populate line 9 of FCC Form 497 (the lifeline and link-Up Worksheet) with pro-rata dollars attributable to lifeline subscribers that entered or exited the lifeline program mid-month. Comments are due July 6, 2009 and reply comments are due July 20, 2009.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Smith Bagley, Inc.: 5/4/09, The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Smith Bagley seeking an increase to Tier Four of the Universal Service Low-Income Program from $25 per month to $30 per month. Comments on the petition are due June 3, 2009 and reply comments are due June 18, 2009.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • TracFone Wireless, Inc. Request for Waiver of Section 54.418 of the Commissions Rules: 4/10/09, Granted a request from TracFone Wireless, Inc. for a conditional waiver of section 54.418 of the Commission's rules, which requires ETCs to notify their lifeline and link-Up customers about the DTV transition .
    Order: Word | PDF
  • Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency TracFone Certification Petition: 3/30/09, The The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency asking the Commission to reject TracFone Wireless, Inc.'s certification of compliance with all Pennsylvania 911 and E911 obligations. Comments on the petition are due April 29, 2009 and reply comments are due May 14, 2009.
    Public Notice: Word | PDF
  • Virgin Mobile Conditional Forbearance and lifeline ETC Order: 3/5/09, The Commission conditionally granted a petition filed by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. (Virgin Mobile) seeking forbearance from the requirement that a carrier designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) provide services, at least in part, over its own facilities. The Commission granted Virgin Mobile forbearance for ETC designation for lifeline universal service support only. The Commission also conditionally designated Virgin Mobile an ETC for lifeline support only in New York, Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee.
    Order: Word | PDF
  • TracFone PSAP Forbearance Condition Modification Order: 3/5/09, The Commission modified a forbearance condition imposed on TracFone Wireless, Inc. as a requirement that TracFone must meet prior to receiving support under the lifeline universal service program. Specifically, TracFone must request a certification from each public safety answering point (PSAP) where it provides lifeline service confirming that TracFone provides its customers with access to basic and E911 service; however, if, within 90 days of TracFone's request a PSAP has not provided the certification and the PSAP has not made an affirmative finding that TracFone does not provide its customers with access to 911 and E911 service within the PSAP's service area, TracFone may self-certify that it meets the basic and E911 requirements.
    Order: Word | PDF