“This page is a digitally archived AccessInfo Announcement”

On Tuesday, March 11, the FCC's Accessibility and Innovation Initiative will host Dr. Juan Gilbert and his research team from Clemson University for a presentation and demonstrations related to the topic of "Innovation in Voting Accessibility."  Dr. Gilbert received 4.5 million dollars from the U.S. Election Commission for research and development on a universally-designed voting machine that serves all people, regardless of disability, and for a balloting technique that reduces waiting times at polling stations.  Balancing accessibility, privacy, and security concerns effectively, these technologies offer lessons that apply to other design challenges as well, e.g., to commercial user transactions over the web.


More information about the event and innovative work of Dr. Gilbert -- an inventor and mentor with national honors -- is contained in the following media release: http://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-ai-event-spotlight-innovation-voting -accessibility

Friday, November 25, 2016