“This page is a digitally archived AccessInfo Announcement”

Yesterday, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler posted a blog (http://www.fcc.gov/blog/ip-transition- starting-now ) about the fast-moving changes that are taking place in our Nation’s networks.  We want your input and participation as the FCC considers all of the issues that are implicated by this important transition.


In his blog, FCC Chairman Wheeler discusses the way forward, how you can help the FCC with the

IP transition, and how the other Commissioners are responding.  Chairman Wheeler also details the plan for the December 12 Commission meeting and the recommendations that will be forthcoming from the Commission’s Technology Transitions Policy Task Force.


Chairman Wheeler wants to move quickly on the transition, but he also appreciates the need to take time to understand all the implications and to gather all the facts in order to guide our decision making during this time. He is committed to working with all the Commissioners and with all stakeholders affected by the transition. Therefore, we want to stress the importance of making

your voice heard on this topic. To that end, we rely on our industry and association partners to help us as we move forward by making comments, sending letters and making presentations so that we have all the information needed to make wise decisions along the way.


Please let us hear from you on this important topic. You can find information here on how to file an ex parte: http://www.fcc.gov/document/ex -parte-meetings -technology-transitions-policy-task- force.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016