In-band On-channel ("IBOC") digital audio broadcasting ("DAB") provides for enhanced sound fidelity, improved reception, and new data services.  IBOC is a method of transmitting near-CD quality audio signals to radio receivers along with new data services such as station, song and artist identification, stock and news information, as well as local traffic and weather bulletins.  This technology allows broadcasters to use their current radio spectrum to transmit AM and FM analog signals simultaneously with new higher quality digital signals.  These digital signals eliminate the static, hiss, pops, and fades associated with the current analog radio system.  IBOC was designed to bring the benefits of digital audio broadcasting to analog radio while preventing interference to the host analog station and stations on the same channel and adjacent channels.  IBOC technology makes use of the existing AM and FM bands (In-Band) by adding digital carriers to a radio station's analog signal, allowing broadcasters to transmit digitally on their existing channel assignments (On-Channel).  IBOC technology will also allow for radios to be "backward and forward" compatible, allowing them to receive traditional analog broadcasts from stations that have yet to convert and digital broadcasts from stations that have converted.  Current analog radios will continue to receive the analog portions of the broadcast.

For additional information on AM and FM digital broadcasting, please continue to the Digital Radio page.

Related Documents:

Media Bureau Modifies FM Digital Audio Broadcasting Technical Rules to Expand Digital Coverage.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat

Media Bureau Prohibited Presentations of Digital Audio Broadcasting Systems and Their Impact on the Terrerstrial Radio Broadcast Service.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Digital Audio Broadcasting Systems and Their Impact on the Terrestrial Radio Broadcast Service.
FNPRM: Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

FCC Explores Rules for Digital Audio Broadcasting.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
Powell Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat

Digital Audio Broadcasting Systems and Their Impact on the Terrestrial Radio Broadcast Service.
R&O: Word | Acrobat
IBOC FM Transmission Specification: Word | Acrobat
IBOC AM Transmission Specification: Word | Acrobat

Digital Audio Broadcasting Systems and Their Impact on the Terrestrial Radio Broadcast Service.
News Release: Word | Acrobat
NPRM: Word | Acrobat

For more information on the Policy Division, please visit the Policy Division website or call (202) 418-2120.

FCC Media Bureau > Policy Division


Saturday, December 26, 2015