
Open Commission Meeting - December 2010

3:30 pm - 9:30 pm EST
Commission Meeting Room (TW-C305), 445 12th Street S.W., Washington, DC

The Federal Communications Commission will hold an Open Meeting in Washington, DC. on December 21, 2010, which includes the following items:

  1. Open Internet Order: An Order adopting basic rules of the road to preserve the open Internet as a platform for innovation, investment, competition, and free expression. These rules would protect consumers' and innovators' right to know basic information about broadband service, right to send and receive lawful Internet traffic, and right to a level playing field, while providing broadband Internet access providers with the flexibility to reasonably manage their networks.
  2. Next-Generation 9-1-1 NOI: A Notice of Inquiry seeking public input on how to transition the current, voice-only 9-1-1 system to broadband-enabled, next-generation 9-1-1. This transition, recommended in the National Broadband Plan, would revolutionize 9-1-1 service by enabling the public and 9-1-1 call centers to harness the life-saving potential of text, photo, and video in emergencies.

Meeting Documents

Open Internet Order:

Next Generation 9-1-1 NOI:

Background Documents