Genachowski Remarks on New Efforts to Curb Smartphone Thefts
FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski was Joined by Senator Charles E. Schumer, D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray, Major City Police Chiefs & Wireless Industry to Unveil New Initiatives to Protect Consumers and Curb Smartphone Device and Data Theft
Chairman Genachowski was joined by Sen. Charles E. Schumer, police chiefs of major cities and representatives from the wireless industry to announce new efforts to stem the growing problem of smartphone thefts. Chairman Genachowski and Sen. Schumer delivered remarks. Mayor Gray, Commissioner Kelly, Chief Lanier, Chief Ramsey, Chief Taborn and Chief Mitchell also spoke briefly.
- Charles E. Schumer, Senator (D-NY)
- Julius Genachowski, Chairman, FCC
- Vincent Gray, Mayor, Washington, D.C.
- Ray Kelly, Commissioner, New York Police Department
- Cathy Lanier, Chief, Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia
- David Mitchell, Chief, University of Maryland Department of Public Safety
- Charles Ramsey, Commissioner, Philadelphia Police Department
- Michael Taborn, Chief, Metro Transit Police Department
- Christopher Guttman-McCabe, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, CTIA
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