
FCC Tribal Broadband, Telecom, and Broadcast Training and Consultation Workshop

12:00 am - 12:00 am EDT
Vee Quiva Hotel and Casino, 1509 Komatke Ln, Laveen Village, AZ 85339

The FCC’s Office of Native Affairs and Policy (ONAP), Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, announces that you should “save the date” for an FCC Tribal Broadband, Telecom, and Broadcast Training and Consultation Workshop in Laveen Village, Arizona, September 20-22, 2016. It will be held at the Vee Quiva Hotel and Casino (1509 Komatke Ln, Laveen Village, AZ 85339, (800) 946-4452). This event is aimed at training and assisting Tribal Nations in developing more robust broadband, telecommunications, and broadcast infrastructure to serve Tribal communities.

Tribal government leaders, Tribal IT managers, government and community planners and managers, Tribal enterprise specialists, and representatives of Tribal social service agencies, schools, and health clinics are all persons who should consider attending this event.

This two-and-a-half day workshop will be hosted by the FCC’s Office of Native Affairs and Policy and include sessions on a broad range of important FCC programs and policies that support the deployment of communications infrastructures in Tribal communities. These infrastructures support Tribal economic development, Tribal schools and libraries, low-income families, and health care clinics, as well as Tribal radio stations, public safety departments, and Tribal government administration. The September 20th half-day session will be an introduction to communications technologies and terminology designed for Tribal officials, Tribal government project managers and other Tribal representatives new to telecommunications, broadband, and broadcast media.

The FCC announces that the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) E-rate Tribal Liaison will present a concurrent full-day training on the Schools and Libraries Program (E-rate). This hands-on training is intended to help Tribal schools and libraries participate effectively in the E-rate program.

The FCC announces that representatives from the U.S. Department of Agriculture will also present sessions on a broad range of grant programs available to Tribal Nations.

In addition, the FCC’s Native Learning Lab (Lab) will be open on site throughout the event. The Lab is a computer-based mobile resource designed to support the event’s learning and consultation needs. The Lab provides small group or individual hands-on training on FCC web-based systems.

Registration is free of charge. To register, please send an email to For registration information, please contact Carolyn Conyers, Policy Advisor, FCC’s Office of Native Affairs and Policy at or 202-418-2002.

For questions about the program, please contact Lyle Ishida, Acting Chief, FCC Office of Native Affairs and Policy at or 202-418-8240 or Janet Sievert, Legal Advisor, FCC Office of Native Affairs and Policy at or 202-418-1362.


Registration: Carolyn Conyers,; 202-418-2002

Program: Lyle Ishida,; 202-418-8240