
April 2021 Open Commission Meeting

10:30 am - 12:30 pm EDT
Online Only

The FCC held this Open Meeting on the subjects listed below:

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and related agency telework and headquarters access policies, this meeting was held in a wholly electronic format and was open to the public on the Internet via live feed from the FCC’s web page at www.fcc.gov/live and on the FCC’s YouTube channel.

Public Drafts of Meeting Items – The FCC is publicly releasing the draft text of each item expected to be considered at this Open Commission Meeting with the exception of items under consideration that involve specific national security, enforcement, or other sensitive predecisional matters. One-page cover sheets are included in the public drafts to help summarize each item. Links to these materials are provided below.

  • Text-to-988
    The Commission considered a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to increase the effectiveness of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by proposing to require covered text providers to support text messaging to 988. (WC Docket No. 18-336)
  • Commercial Space Launch Operations
    The Commission considered a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would adopt a new spectrum allocation for commercial space launch operations and seek comment on additional allocations and service rules. (ET Docket No. 13-115)
  • Wireless Microphones
    The Commission considered a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that proposes to revise the technical rules for Part 74 low-power auxiliary station (LPAS) devices to permit a recently developed, and more efficient, type of wireless microphone system. (RM-11821; ET Docket No. 21-115)
  • Improving 911 Reliability
    The Commission considered a Third Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to promote public safety by ensuring that 911 call centers and consumers receive timely and useful notifications of disruptions to 911 service. (PS Docket Nos. 13-75, 15-80; ET Docket No. 04-35
  • Concluding the 800 MHz Band Reconfiguration
    The Commission considered an Order to conclude its 800 MHz rebanding program due to the successful fulfillment of this public safety mandate. (WT Docket No. 02-55)
  • Enhancing Transparency of Foreign Government-Sponsored Programming
    The Commission considered a Report and Order to require clear disclosures for broadcast programming that is sponsored, paid for, or furnished by a foreign government or its representative. (MB Docket No. 20-299)
  • Imposing Application Cap in Upcoming NCE FM Filing Window*
    The Commission considered a Public Notice to impose a limit of ten applications filed by any party in the upcoming 2021 filing window for new noncommercial educational FM stations. (MB Docket No. 20-343)
  • Slamming and Cramming Fine
    The Commission considered a Forfeiture Order to fine Tele Circuit Network Corporation $4,145,000 for switching consumers from their preferred carrier to Tele Circuit without permission and adding unauthorized charges to consumers’ bills.

*NOTE: This item was adopted prior to the Open Meeting teleconference and thus deleted from the agenda of the meeting itself.

Meeting Documents

FCC Lays the Groundwork for Text-to-988

FCC Seeks to Make Spectrum Available for Commercial Space Launches

FCC Looks to Open the Door to New Wireless Microphone Technologies

FCC Proposes Action to Improve 911 Reliability

FCC Successfully Concludes 800 MHz Rebanding Process

FCC Enhances Transparency of Foreign Government-Sponsored Programming

FCC Fines Tele Circuit $4,145,000 for Cramming & Slamming Violations

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