March 30, 2022

On the first day of March, I gave a speech at Mobile World Congress, where I announced my intentions to promote more efficient use of spectrum through an exploration of receiver performance and standards. As we turn the calendar to April, I’m working to get this review underway as soon as possible. When it comes to unleashing wireless innovation at the Commission, you could say that March came in like a lion and is going out like a lion. Here’s what you can expect from this proceeding and the rest of the Commission’s April agenda.

  • We’re taking an important step in innovative spectrum management. In the past, the FCC’s discussions of spectrum efficiency have been a one-way effort, focusing almost exclusively on transmitters. I’m proposing that the Commission take a fresh look at how receiver improvements could provide greater opportunities for efficient use of spectrum. If approved, this inquiry would explore how to promote these improvements through incentives, guidelines, or regulatory requirements. It would also seek comment on legal authority and market-based mechanisms that could help create a more transparent and predictable radiofrequency environment for all spectrum users—new and old. I salute my colleague Commissioner Simington for his leadership on this issue and collaboration on this item.
  • We’re improving emergency alerts. When it comes to public safety, Wireless Emergency Alerts have been a game-changer, harnessing the power of mobile phones to help us receive targeted, real-time information about imminent threats. This April will mark 10 years since the launch of WEA. To make sure this tool is even more effective in the future, the Commission will consider a proposal to require enhanced reporting on the reliability, speed, and accuracy of WEA service, and seek comment on further improvements to WEA.
  • We will consider two adjudicatory matters from our Media Bureau.
  • We will also consider an item from our Enforcement Bureau.
