May 15, 2024

Earlier today, I visited the White House for an event to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.  I spoke about the Commission’s work to prevent bad actors from abusing digital technologies to threaten anyone’s safety and security.  The FCC’s June open meeting will feature additional measures to combat emerging security challenges of the digital age.  Here’s everything we have lined up for our June agenda.  

  • We’re advancing internet routing security. Whether you’re banking online, using telemedicine to see the doctor, or attending school remotely, you rely on a set of technical rules called the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to route your data efficiently. This protocol was designed for expediency, not security. Accordingly, it lacks explicit security features, which has allowed criminals to “hijack” online traffic. Relying on industry standards and best practices, the Commission will consider a proposal that would require broadband providers to report to the FCC and our national security partners on their progress toward securing Border Gateway Protocol. 
  • We’re bolstering online security for schools and libraries. Schools and libraries are facing a growing number of sophisticated cyberattacks, including ransomware attacks that harm students. The Commission will vote on rules to create a three-year, $200 million pilot program to study the effectiveness of using universal service funding to support cybersecurity services and equipment to protect school and library broadband networks. 
  • We’re promoting fast and accountable broadband deployment. To make sure public dollars are invested responsibly, the Commission requires that broadband providers who receive FCC support to deploy broadband to high-cost areas maintain letters of credit from a qualifying bank and with a sufficient value. Amid concerns that those requirements can impact deployment, the Commission will vote to seek comment on changing our existing bank rating standards and reducing the letter of credit value. 
  • We’re facilitating engagement between the public and local broadcasters. Over the past 40 years, low-power television service has grown into a unique and important service for viewers that may be unserved or underserved by full-power stations. In light of the increased reliance on LPTV stations by the public, the Commission will consider a proposal for certain LPTV stations to maintain an online public file, including a political file, which will inform the public of a station’s operations and facilitate community engagement. Further, the Commission will propose updates to its rules to ensure that the LPTV service continues to flourish and serve the public interest.  

— Jessica

Wednesday, May 15, 2024