There are two ways to notify the Enforcement Bureau of violations by carriers of E-911 Phase 1 or Phase 2 Implementation Requirements. The first involves seeking FCC enforcement action and the second approach allows parties an opportunity to seek private redress for the alleged violation.

Informal Information

Persons who wish to inform the Bureau of evidence that a violation of the E-911 Implementation Requirements has occurred so that the Bureau may decide to initiate an investigation, if appropriate, may contact the Consumer Center at 1-888-CALLFCC (1-888-225-5322), or call Spectrum Enforcement Division Division Chief at 202-418-1160 to discuss such matters.

While you don't need to spend a lot of time or money putting information together in advance, when you contact the staff, it does help to provide as much factual information concerning the alleged violation as possible, and to be able to substantiate your claims. Documentary materials (copies of letters, e-mails, etc.), or testimonial evidence in the form of sworn affidavits, is particularly helpful. It is also useful if you can identify particular provisions of the statute or the rules that you believe have been violated. The more specific you can be, the faster the Enforcement Bureau can determine if enforcement action is warranted. Keep in mind, though, that this process does not require any ultimate decision by the FCC.

Private Dispute Resolution

Persons interested in pursuing private dispute resolution for complaints relating to violations of an E911 rule should contact the Market Disputes Resolutions Division ("MDRD") at (202) 418-7330. MDRD provides a number of options for resolving disputes against carriers and pole owners, including staff-supervised mediation, informal complaints, formal complaints, or accelerated docket complaints pursuant to Section 208, and pole attachment complaints pursuant to Section 224. Details about the advantages and procedures of these options are located at the Market Disputes Resolution Division's website. Recent Section 208 and Section 224 pole attachment complaint orders may be found here. MDRD strongly encourages you to review this information on the Division's website and contact staff before initiating any proceeding. .
