“This page is a digitally archived AccessInfo Announcement”

On October 7, 2015, the FCC released a Public Notice requesting comment on a petition filed by the Coalition of E-Reader Manufacturers for an extension of the waiver for basic e-readers from the FCC’s rules requiring equipment used for advanced communications services (ACS) to be accessible to people with disabilities.  The current waiver, granted by the FCC on January 28, 2015, was for one year, and expires on January 28, 2016.

The Coalition seeks an ongoing extension of this waiver for basic e-readers.  The Coalition states that e-readers are single-purpose reading devices, and that access to ACS is available only through the e-reader browser that Coalition members include to facilitate reading-related uses.

Public Notice

Coalition Petition to Extend The Waiver

January 28, 2015 FCC Order Granting A Waiver Until January 28, 2016

For further information, please contact Eliot Greenwald at (202) 418-2235 or Eliot.Greenwald@fcc.gov; or Rosaline Crawford at (202) 418-2075 or Rosaline.Crawford@fcc.gov

Monday, October 17, 2016