“This page is a digitally archived AccessInfo Announcement”

On July 24, 2015, the FCC issued a Public Notice announcing deadlines for the public to submit comments and reply comments on two petitions filed by AT&T related to the provision of real-time text (RTT).

The first is a Petition for Rulemaking to allow consumers to use RTT as a substitute for text telephony (TTY) in the IP-based environment.  The Commission seeks comments on: (1) whether it should modify its rules to recognize RTT as a replacement for TTYs; and (2) the impact of a rule change on the deployment of RTT as an accessibility solution generally and for the advancement of text-to-911.

The second petition requests a temporary waiver of the Commission’s rules requiring support for TTY technology by VoIP networks until the later of the time that AT&T has fully deployed RTT (expected in 2017) or the Commission’s rules for RTT become effective.  The Commission requests comments on the public interest benefits of waiving the TTY requirements for either AT&T individually or for all entities now covered by these rules.

Comments Due:  August 24, 2015
Reply Comments Due:  September 8, 2015

Public Notice:

For further information, contact Suzy Rosen Singleton, Disability Rights Office (DRO), at (202) 510- 9446, email: Suzanne.Singleton@fcc.gov or Eliot Greenwald, Deputy Chief DRO, at (202) 418-2235, email:  Eliot.Greenwald@fcc.gov.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016