Voice over IP Forum: December 1, 2003

The Federal Communications Commission held this Public Forum at it's headquarters in Washington, DC to discuss Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). All FCC Commissioners participated. The purpose of the Forum was to gather information concerning advancements, innovations, and regulatory issues related to VoIP services.



FCC Commissioners' Opening Remarks.
Chairman Powell:
Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Copps: Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Martin: Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Adelstein: Word | Acrobat

Chairman Powell Announces the Formation of an Internet Policy Working Group.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Letters from U.S. Senators on the VOIP forum.
Senator George Allen, Senator John Ensign, Senator John McCain, Senator John E. Sununu, Senator Ron Wyden

Remarks of Chairman Powell on Voice Over IP at the Technology Advisory Council Meeting.
Word | Acrobat


10:30 Welcome
10:40-11:00 Opening statements by Chairman and Commissioners
  Chairman Michael K. Powell Word | Acrobat
  Commissioner Kathleen Q. Abernathy
  Commissioner Michael J. Copps Word | Acrobat
  Commissioner Kevin J. Martin Word | Acrobat
  Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein Word | Acrobat
11:00-11:15 Background Presentation by FCC Staff
FCC Precedents regarding VoIP
11:15-12:15 Panel I - What is VoIP? (technical and service features and issues)

The first panel will address technical and market issues surrounding VoIP service. Panelists will be asked to describe the technology and capabilities of VoIP, and how VoIP can be used to offer end users lower-cost, innovative services with capabilities previously unavailable in voice communications. Panelists will address how the FCC might distinguish among the numerous services employing VoIP, and whether it could feasibly distinguish between VoIP and other IP-enabled applications facilitating communication (ranging from e-mail to instant messaging to videoconferencing to interactive online gaming).
Kevin Werbach, Founder
Supernova Group

Charles H. Giancarlo, SVP & General Manager
Cisco Systems, Inc.

Jeff Pulver, President & CEO

John Hodulik, Managing Director, Communications Group

John Billock, COO
Time Warner Cable

12:15 - 1:00 Break
1:00 - 2:30 Panel II - VoIP and Public Policy

The second panel will address public policy questions raised by VoIP. Panelists will be asked to address what, if any, regulatory obligations currently imposed upon traditional circuit-switched voice service providers should be placed upon VoIP providers and whether from either legal or technical perspectives such obligations are feasible. Panelists may focus on traditional utility regulatory issues such as non-discrimination and price regulation as well as social policies such as access by persons with disabilities, universal service, CALEA, and E911.
Michael Gallagher, Acting Assistant Secretary
Department of Commerce

Commissioner Carl Wood
California PUC

Commissioner Charles Davidson
Florida PSC

James Crowe, CEO

Tom Evslin, CEO

Jeffrey Citron, CEO

Dr. Gregg Vanderheiden, Rehabilitation Engineering Research Project on Telecommunications Access
University of Wisconsin

2:30-2:50 Closing statements by Chairman and Commissioners

Submissions to the VoIP Forum

Submissions to the VoIP Forum were accepted through Monday, December 15, 2003 are now part of the VoIP Forum’s record and are available to the public. They are not a part of the record of any current proceeding unless separately submitted to that proceeding.

Click here to view submissions to the VoIP Forum

Thursday, May 14, 2015