
November 14, 2001 - November 27, 2001
Bidding Days:
Qualified Bidders:
Winning Bidders:
13 bidders won 878 licenses (all 176 100 kHz licenses and 702 25 kHz licenses)
Gross Bids:
Net Bids:
Spreadsheets Files
Charts Files
Maps & Band Plans
Maps Files
Band Plans Files
General Information

Fact Sheet


Auction 42 began on 11/14/2001 and closed on 11/27/2001.
Round 36 (See PN DA 01-2763)


5,104 MAS licenses were offered in 176 Economic Areas (EAs).


Block AA: (928.85625 / 959.85625 MHz)
Block AB: (928.86875 / 959.86875 MHz)
Block AC: (928.88125 / 959. 88125 MHz)
Block AD: (928.89375 / 959. 89375 MHz)
Block AE: (928.90625 / 959. 90625 MHz)
Block AF: (928.91875 / 959. 91875 MHz)
Block AG: (928.93125 / 959. 93125 MHz)
Block AH: (928.94375 / 959. 94375 MHz)
Block AI: (928.95625 / 959. 95625 MHz)
Block AJ: (928.96875 / 959. 96875 MHz)
Block AK: (928.98125 / 959. 98125 MHz)
Block AL: (928.99375 / 959. 99375 MHz)
Block AM: (932.00625 / 941.00625 MHz)
Block AN: (932.01875 / 941. 01875 MHz)
Block AO: (932.03125 / 941.03125 MHz)
Block AP: (932.04375 / 941. 04375 MHz)
Block AQ: (932.05625 / 941. 05625 MHz)
Block AR: (932.06875 / 941. 06875 MHz)
Block AS: (932.08125 / 941. 08125 MHz)
Block AT: (932.09375 / 941. 09375 MHz)
Block AU: (932.15625 / 941.15625 MHz)
Block AV: (932.16875 / 941.16875 MHz)
Block AW: (932.18125 / 941.18125 MHz)
Block AX: (932.19375 / 941.19375 MHz)
Block AY: (932.20625 / 941.20625 MHz)
Block AZ: (932.21875 / 941.21875 MHz)
Block BA: (932.23125 / 941.23125 MHz)
Block BB: (932.24375 / 941.24375 MHz)
Block BC: (932.12500 / 941.12500 MHz)

Blocks AA - BB: each 25 kHz (Total 725 kHz)
Block BC: each 100 kHz (Total 100 kHz)

Total bandwidth: 0.825 MHz
Refer to MAS Bandplan
Winning Bidders:
13 bidders won 878 licenses (all 176 100 kHz licenses and 702 25 kHz licenses)
Qualified Bidders:
Licenses Won:
Total Licenses:
Net Bids:
Gross Bids:


* The individual frequencies listed in this chart are the center frequencies of each frequency pair in the block. See 47 C.F.R. § 101.147(b)(3), (4). Each block consists of two channels of equal bandwidth. For example, in Block AA, 928.85625 and 959.85625 are the center frequencies and each frequency pair is comprised of two 12.5 kHz wide channels. Therefore, the two channels in Block AA are 928.8500 – 928.8625 MHz and 959.8500 – 959.8625 MHz.

** This represents the total bandwidth for the block, which is the combination of each channel in the pair.

General information and associated licensing parameters are provided below. Specific information regarding this auction will be announced by public notice.

Pre-Auction Seminar
Form 175 (Short Form) Application Filing Deadline
9/28/2001; 6:00 pm ET
Upfront Payments Deadline
10/22/2001; 6:00 pm ET
Mock Auction
Auction Start
Auction Closed

Auction No. 42 offered 5,104 Multiple Address Systems (MAS) licenses in the Fixed Microwave Services from the 928/959 and 932/941 MHz bands. Twenty-nine (29) licenses were offered in each of the 176 EAs. These geographic areas encompass the United States, Guam and the Northern Marianas Islands, Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Gulf of Mexico.

Multiple Address Systems (MAS) licensed by Economic Area (EA) are available for the terrestrial point-to-multipoint and point-to-point fixed and mobile transmissions of a licensee’s products or services, excluding video entertainment material, to a licensee’s customer or for its own internal communications.

MAS EA licenses are issued for a ten-year term from the initial license grant date. Licensees have a renewal expectancy based on the provision of substantial service and substantial compliance with applicable Commission rules, policies, and the Communications Act. (See 47 C.F.R. § 101.1327).

Each MAS EA licensee must provide service to at least one-fifth of the population in its service area or "substantial service" within five years of the license grant. In addition, MAS EA licensees must make a showing of continued "substantial service" within ten years of the license grant. Licensees must file maps and other supporting documents showing compliance with the respective construction requirements within the appropriate five- and ten-year benchmarks of the date of their initial licenses as defined in 47 C.F.R. § 101.1325(b).

A winning bidder that intends to use its license(s) to deploy facilities and provide services to federally-recognized tribal lands that are unserved by any telecommunications carrier or that have a telephone service penetration rate equal to or below 70 percent is eligible to receive a tribal land bidding credit as set forth in 47 C.F.R. § 1.2107 and 1.2110(f). A tribal land bidding credit is in addition to, and separate from, any other bidding credit for which a winning bidder may qualify.

Unlike other bidding credits that are requested prior to the auction, a winning bidder applies for the tribal land bidding credit after winning the auction when it files its long-form application (FCC Form 601). In order for a winning bidder to be awarded a tribal land bidding credit, it must provide specific certifications regarding the servicing of tribal lands and is subject to specific performance criteria as set forth in 47 C.F.R. § 1.2110(f).

Additional information on the tribal land bidding credit, including how the amount of the credit is calculated, is also available.

There are incumbent licensees already licensed and operating on these frequencies. Potential bidders may research the Bureau’s Universal Licensing System (ULS) in order to determine which frequencies are already licensed to incumbent licensees. Individuals winning licenses must protect the incumbents from harmful interference as defined in 47 C.F.R. § 101.1333..

Releases P

Multiple Address Systems Spectrum Auction Closes
This Public Notice provides detailed information concerning Auction No. 42.

Supplemental Due Diligence Information for the Multiple Address Systems Spectrum Auction Scheduled for November 14, 2001
This Public Notice provides additional information to the potential bidders in the upcoming MAS auction. Specifically, the Attachment to this Public Notice lists matters pending before the Commission that relate to licenses or applications in the MAS spectrum scheduled for auction.

Auction of Licenses for Multiple Address Systems Spectrum
The Public Notice identifies 13 applicants found qualified to bid in Auction No. 42.

Auction of Licenses for Multiple address Systems Spectrum
This Public Notice announces the status of applicants to participate in Auction No. 42. Four applications were accepted for filing and 12 applications were incomplete.
Supplemental File: pdf - text

Multiple Address System Spectrum Auction Scheduled for November 14, 2001
Reminder Pre-Auction Seminar September 18, 2001.

Multiple Address Systems Spectrum Auction Scheduled for November 14, 2001 - Notice and Filing Requirements, Minimum Opening Bids, Upfront Payments and Other Procedural Issues
This Public Notice announces the filing requirements, minimum opening bids, upfront payments and other procedural issues for the Multiple Address Systems Spectrum Auction.
Attachment A: xls
Attachment B: xls

Multiple Address Systems Spectrum Auction Scheduled for November 14, 2001 - Comment Sought on Reserve Prices or Minimum Opening Bids and Other Auction Procedural Issues
This Public Notice announces the auction of 6,160 Multiple Address Systems (MAS) licenses in the Fixed Microwave Services from 928/959 and 932/941 MHz bands to begin November 14, 2001.

ERRATUM (DA 00-307)
In the Matter of Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding Multiple Address Systems
This erratum amends portions of the text of the Multiple Address Systems (MAS) Report and Order released on January 19, 2000.
pdf - text - Word

Releases O

In the Matter of Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding Multiple Address Systems
This erratum amends the Multiple Address Systems (MAS) Memorandum Opinion and Order released on May 29, 2001.
pdf - text - Word

In the Matter of Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding Multiple Address Systems
This Memorandum Opinion and Order addresses four petitions for reconsideration and/or clarification of the Multiple Address Systems (MAS) Report and Order.
pdf - text - Word

No results here for this auction.

No results here for this auction.

Auction Seminar
