Below is a list of the Oppositions/Responses filed in reverse chronological order.

Reply of the National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative]

Reply to Joint Opposition and Reply Comments filed by National Council of La Raza

Response of SES AMERICOM, Inc. To Joint Opposition And Reply Comments filed by SES AMERICOM, Inc.

Opposition filed by The Latino Coalition et al.

Ex Parte Reply To Opposition filed by the National Association of Broadcasters [Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat]

Ex Parte Reply To Opposition filed by the National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative

Response/Letter filed by National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative

Response/Letter filed by Echostar Communications Corporation, General Motors Corporation, and Hughes Electronics Corporation

Objection/Letter filed by National Association of Broadcasters

Objection/Letter filed by National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative

Comment/Opposition filed by Jim Gervais

Reply Comment filed by Bryan K. French

Reply Comments filed by Satellite Receivers, Ltd.

Reply Comments in Opposition filed by the Law and Communications Policy Seminar at Duke Law

Opposition to Petitions to Deny and Reply Comments filed by Echostar Communications Corporation, General Motors Corporation, and Hughes Electronics Corporation [Acrobat | Acrobat | Acrobat ]   [ Attachment A - Declaration of Robert D. Willig | Attachment B - Declaration of Dr. Richard J. Barnett | Atttachment C - Declaration of Mr. Arnold Friedman | Attachment D - Cable Rate Hike Clips | Attachment E - Comcast Channel and Rate Information ]

Response of the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation

Reply Comments of North Pacific International Television, Inc.

Response to Petitions and Comments filed by Paxson Communications Corporation

Reply Comments filed by R/L DBS Company, LLC

Reply Comments and Petition to Deny filed by National Consumers League, The National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, and the Organizations Concerned with Rural Education

Reply Comments and Petition to Deny filed by National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry

Reply filed by American Cable Association

Response filed by National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative

Reply Comments filed by US Action


For further information, contact Marcia Glauberman (202) 418-7046 or Linda Senecal (202) 418-7044 of the Cable Services Bureau.


Tuesday, July 9, 2002