Leadership: Emily Talaga, Division Chief
Phone: (202) 418-2030

The Economic Analysis Division (EAD) has economic expertise that covers the communications landscape including broadband, wireline and wireless telecommunications, media, satellites, and public safety issues. EAD provides analytical and quantitative support to Bureaus and Offices engaged in rulemakings, assessing mergers and transactions, auctions, adjudications, and other matters. EAD aims to ground Commission policy in sound economic reasoning and provides formal economic analysis, including cost-benefit analysis, where needed.

EAD leads the preparation of various reports and orders, including the biennial Communications Marketplace Report, the International Broadband Data Report, and orders addressing mergers and transactions.

Economic Seminars. EAD manages OEA's Economic Seminars program, which brings together OEA economists and academics engaged in state-of-the art research in industrial organization, regulation, and microeconomics. Invited speakers primarily are economists, but also are other professionals with expertise on communications issues.

Working Papers. EAD’s economists also write FCC Working Papers to stimulate discussion and critical comment on communications issues where the FCC has jurisdiction.


Sunday, December 9, 2018